I think Pokémon in the anime are all locked to level 50, so it's more a case of EV training and strategy than anything else.
Jesus Christ this new layout it bright as all hell. I don't like it, help.
~~Dai-Gurren~~ <Fuck banners> "WHAT THE HELL, LADY?!" came Kamina's tremendous voice, echoing through the Dai-Gurren. "Who the hell said you could call your machine Guren?!" Slamming her fist on the table, Kallen glared back at him, her own voice matching his in volume as she yelled her reply into his face. "I didn't name it anything you stuck-up asshole! I was given it by Zero because I'm the best pilot we have!" "Oh yeah?! Well I hope your piloting's better than your originality sweetheart, because otherwise you're going to get us all killed!" "I'm going to get us killed?! What about you, Mister 'I-Don't-Know-How-To-Retreat-And-Need-To-Be-Bailed-Out-Of-Everything'! If you weren't so damn stupid we wouldn't even need a pilot like me!" "A real man doesn't retreat! Something I wouldn't expect a chick like you to understand! Team Dai-Gurren stands for a what really burns in a man's soul!" "The only thing burning here is your throat, with all that hot air you're blowing around! And what the hell makes you think being a woman makes piloting any different?!" "Well with those huge things in your way it's a wonder you can even walk down a hallway!" "W-WHAT THE HELL?! Yoko's are even bigger and you're not giving her this crap!" "That's because Yoko's proven herself to have a man's soul over and over! What the hell have you done?!" This argument had been going on for hours, and showed no signs of letting up. Neither Kamina nor Kallen was happy at having to work together, and the second they had found out their machines shared a name, that was it. Hell broke loose. "That's it! Come on lady, we're taking this outside!" "B-bro, what are you doing?!" Simon protested, only for Kamina to place his hand firmly on his shoulder and look right at him. "Simon, listen to me. When two guys get into a scrap like this, the only way to deal with it is to fight it out." "B-but, Kamina, she's not even a guy!" Kamina's only response was a cheeky grin, a wink, and a thumbs-up, before he walked out and to the hangar. "Kallen, what are you doing? We don't mobilise until we're at the Tower." Zero asked the girl, as she stomped towards the Guren MkII, having followed her there with C.C.. "Teaching an idiot some respect!" she spat back, opening the cockpit lid and entering the frame. "What are you talking about? We need to stay--" "Let her do what she wants, Zero. She needs to do this." Zero grimaced beneath his mask. Kallen was always the most loyal. He knew she wouldn't desert, but he couldn't understand why she was letting herself get riled up like this. "Is it that guy's influence? He's going to ruin everything like this!" ~Outside the Dai-Gurren - Several minutes later~ One one side, there was Kamina in his Gurren. On the other, Kallen in the Guren MkII. Though they couldn't directly see each other, the stare-down between them was practically audible. You could hear it, feel it, see it in the air. "Are we really just going to let them do this?!" Simon complaining, looking at the crowd that was forming at the side of the Dai-Gurren's foot to watch. "What if one of them gets hurt?!" "Simon." Guy said, stepping forward and placing his hand on the boy's head, ruffling his hair slightly. "Fighting isn't always the answer, but sometimes it is. When friends fight, it can strengthen their bond like no other way could. I think this is just their way of judging each other right now." "I... I know that but..." "Relax. If anything goes too far, I'll personally stop it, alright?" Guy promised, flashing a warm smile at the boy. "Trust me. I'm the world's strongest Evoluder!" "O-okay..." he finally submitted, knowing that Guy would keep his promise at least. He felt a little better knowing he wouldn't let them get too bad. "Come on, what are you waiting for?" Kamina said, tapping his foot, an action which Gurren mimicked. "I'm waiting on you to make the first move already!" "Don't get cocky just because yours is a few inches bigger!" Kallen growled, starting the engine of her machine. "I'll show you just what Guren can do!" "...eh? I already know what Gurren can do. I pilot it." "Shut up! You know which one I'm talking about!" In a flash, the smaller Guren launched towards Gurren, brandishing its knife and going straight towards the Gunman's legs. Almost as soon as it got near, Gurren's fist slammed into the ground near it, only narrowly being dodged due to the knightmare frame's speed. "Ha! Come on, is that all your brick can do?" Kallen taunted, as she began to roll her machine in circles around Kamina's while it watched. "Heh. Looks like you've got a few fancy manouvres, but do you really think that's a match for a real man's spirit?!" "I'll let you know when I find somebody with one!" "...I don't think they're going to stop." Banagher said quietly, as the battle regressed once again into a shouting match. "...I-I think they're just enjoying this." Simon added.
It won't help! That's just a rumour! Plus I think some of them are getting ready to evolve.
Remind me to teach of its wonders one day.
Here's where you all realize it means I accidentally let lose a ton of Bunellby in the ship.
In which case it's the character's job to be him.
When they are doing the act of kissing, they are portraying people different to who they themselves are. They are that character, instead of themselves. You may feel differently, but that's because you aren't an actor. Actors have no responsibility for the actions their character undertakes. A good example of this would be John Barrowman, whom is entirely homosexual, while his character Jack Harkness from Doctor Who is pansexual, flirting with and very happy to kiss anyone of any sapient species if they're interested in him. It's more a matter of perspective though. I'm sure there's some very talented actors that aren't willing to have same- or opposite-sex contact in that way, but as a generalisation I would say it's just something you get over.
From what little experience I have in acting, I can still say pretty safely that same-sex kissing scenes are just something you get over if you find them weird. At the end of the day, the characters are kissing, or doing whatever, not the actors themselves. Same would go for homosexual actors asked to do straight roles. At the end of the day, an actor's job is to be somebody else. What that character does doesn't affect them.
In retrospect, I should have made a joke about "seeing" your doctor when you told me this.
I think I reserved her a while ago, but if I did, I'm willing to let you have her since I have Sayaka, Madoka, and Homura.
I already have her. And everyone else that has ever existed in any canon or non-canon event ever. I reserved everyone. It's valid and I'm not going back on it.
Reserving; Looker (Pokémon) Emma (Pokémon)
While I can understand not wanting any favouritism or bias towards anybody in a class, that happens anyway, and I personally see no issue with a teacher and a student having a relationship, whether sexual or romantic. At the end of the day consent is consent; once you start layering more and more rules and morals on it you end up having too many limitations, which is unfair because of one simple fact: you cannot choose who you are attracted to, and you should have the freedom, if the attraction is mutual, to act on it regardless of situation. At most, were I the head of that school, I would have had a teaching assistant keep an eye on the teacher in question for a while and ensure there was no favouritism while the class was in session. What happens out of school hours is personal business that is nothing to do with anyone else.
~Female Pokemon Trainers' Dorm~ Spoiler: Leaf's Team Leaf calmly placed her hand onto Luna's shoulder, a small smile decorating her face. "I think you need to stop looking towards others for a while and focus on yourself." she said, trying to put her friend at ease. "The fact is that you're the one going to be fighting this battle against Selene. What happens in it is going to be down to you and your partners, not what anyone else can tell you. Win or lose, what will really matter is that you gave it everything you have, and didn't back down." ~Unknown Location~ A cry echoed through the dark, dank chamber, as a psychic force was thrown out towards the barrier that kept one of Darkrai's captives held firm. Once again the barrier pulsed slightly, before a shockwave erupted from it, sending the user of that psychic force against the hard stone of the opposite wall, before it too knocked the captive away with an electrified barrier. Each of the four walls that surrounded the captive was the same; lined with electronics that responded to attacks with a surging force that sapped the attacker's power. While it was far from complete, the system already had enough power from the captive Wobbuffet in the neighbouring chamber that even the strongest attacks were being launched back as an untyped attack at not twice, but three times its original power, before the attack was even finished being executed. There was no way way out for the Psychic-type captive, and she was beginning to realise it. "I see you still try to resist despite your injuries." a dark voice spoke, as a shadow began to move around the room before the captive's straining eyes. "I admit that I admire that determination of yours, but it's pointless. This cell was designed specifically for one of your incredible power. I'm not in the habit of allowing my prizes escape so easily." "I am no trophy." the captive growled weakly, having used most of her strength already in her attempts to escape. "I am my own." "Those are firm words for one created by the hands of humans." the shadow said, taking the shape of its caster, Darkrai, without leaving the safety of the wall. "I know your story well. You were created by human scientists, experimented on, and finally achieved your freedom, only to be hunted everywhere you went. Yes, nowhere is safe from humans when you set foot there, is it?" "Leave me alone." the Psychic-type growled, finally lifting herself off of the ground. "You are no human. What interest do you have in me? Let me go and forget you ever saw me." "I have no intention of releasing you, and I have even less of forgetting." Darkrai retorted, a red glare coming from the shadow now. "But I also don't have any use for you here in a cell. I did not bring you here to simply confine you, but to speak with you. Knowing your distrust and hatred for humans, I thought that we may have a way to come to common ground." "I have no interest in humans. They have their world, and I should have mine." "Yes, you should." Darkrai replied, causing the Psychic to open her eyes in mild surprise, though her distrust remained. "But you know that they'll never see it that way as long as they still believe they can control your power for themselves." "They will never have me." "Then they'll create another. And most likely, they will subject them to the same torture you've been through. Possibly more, since humans have a terrible habit of learning from their mistakes." At this, the psychic went silent for a moment. "There should never have to be another like me." she said finally, after a long pause. "On that, we agree. Which is why I brought you here to talk." "...talk then." "I am, in some ways, similar to you. Like you, I am hated, scorned, pursued by humans wherever I may travel, all because of the power I was borne with. Perhaps knowing that, you will understand why I plan to erase the humans." "Erase?" Had the Dark-type legendary been in possession of any kind of mouth, a smile would have doubtlessly come over it. He knew that now he was almost there. "Tell me... what do you know about the events in Tokyo some seven years ago?"