Kairi those lyrics are so good!!!:)
I'm srry guys I got to go I have to finish homework... *sigh*
So do you know what all is going on with Nymph and Gate now, I didn't catch it all.
*jumps in through window* Hey, wow nice room.
*Taps on window again.* Come on...
*Hearing Sadden slam and lock door* I wonder... *Goes outside and climes to Sadden's window and taps on it.*(You said walks up so I am assuming it was upstairs.)
Oh, um, interesting...
OOC: Wow more people really need to join its like dead here. *weird echoing silence, interrupted spontaneously by the chirp of a cricket*
Walking up to the school Raya started to wonder what the people were like hear, after all it was a Demon Slaying Academy.
I am so lost....
HOT CHOCOLAT!!!!!! were....
Whats with the fight...?
OOC: What did i miss
Whats going on.
OOC: hey i miss anything
Well I got2go, time for dinner, talk to you later.
*sad smile* congrats to gate and nymph (I don’t know if this is a good or bad thing so just to be safe I say Grats)
I blame the school you can get expelled for Ds and Fs.
She is having grade issues at school, can’t be on for a while. She said like months if need be, and it will probably be at least a month.
Might be on in a couple months.