HELLO FAMILY!!! :D There's no school today!!! I can't say snow day... 'cause there's no snow.. XD .. but it's icyyy And my computer was beng mean and not letting me on earlier... I guess 'cause all the ice on the dish thing... Good thing about it is i got inspired for a new AMV!!!! Which i'm working on right now!!! It's a KH and FFX/X-2 crossover AMV to the song "Inseparable" by the Jonas Brothers!!!(love themmmm!!!X3) Also. Meh thinks i've been improving with AMV's latelyyyy!!! ^-^
Congrats to all the winners!!! ^_^ Maybe someday I'll make it into the Top 5!!! >_> Again. Congrats. ^^
(FIXED!!! :D) Oooh!!! Does that mean you a piggy now?! :D Just kiddingggg!!! ^^
uh.. I just kinda got here mehself... O_O
Okay. Bye then. ;_;
Hi Demi and DS!!! ^-^ Yeah. Demi! GOSH!!! GO TO BED!!!! XDDD Its 5:30 here.. O_O;;
:O Hmmm... Ever had someone offer you an exploding muffin? :)
I don't watch Death Note.. O.O
Owies. X.X I think it was something about Demi's new L avi..... O.o
I was asking myself the SAMEEEE question!!! 'ello dc!!! ^^
It took me a while to figure that out.. XD I was playing the other day... And i was like.. "OMG!!! Sora's outfit has all the colors of his forms in it!" And then it hit me.. ^^" It is pretty cool though.
O.O? What conversation did I walk in on...?
'Ello family!!! ^^ *huggles* What's everyoneeee up too? ^^
-.- T_______T Yaoi is bad. *sigh* Oh wellll
How can someone be emo in a good way? O__O I still hate you for making yaoi videos.... >_< I would show you what i've got so far for Riku... But he's the 3rd song in the muscial.. And i don't wanna spoil anything.. Plus.. I dunno if you can put video attatchments... It's coming along great!!! But for every clip for Riku.. I have to use "Slow Down/Half" 'cause the song is so slowwwwwwwww
I still on. ^^ LOL. I'm working on my KH Musical.. I'm finally starting Riku's part.... Y'know... "Teardrops on my Guitar" ...? I can't get killed. IT WAS REQUESTED!!! *gaspies* BAD DEMI!!! Bye DS!!! *hugs*
What they said!! >.> Sorry i took so long to reply... My grandpa came out... and then my friend called and asked if i wanted to come over... so like.. I won't be on much longer.. 'cause i gotta get ready to go.. ^^" And what's this about Demi being mean to Sasuke?!!??!
Hello family!!! Sorreh meh wasn't on yesterday.. I'm lazy.. xD
LOL!!! Tha'ts so cutee! Anyway.. I g2g too i think. Bye!!!