NOOOOOO! lol my mom said i need to pick my friends beter cause they keep eating all my food
okay well ill tell you! =] you kno that one video i posted about how some guy on my bus got beat up? well....i was talkig to larxeon the commetn an she was lik "how come th bus driver didt do anything?" and i was lik "casu hes too lind to see whatshappeng!" nd the she said "how can he drve if hes blind" me "because hes magic *waves hads*"
lol well my bus driver is magic! he can drive blind!
haha VERY FUNNY!!!!!!!!
lol OMG! we're on the 3rd page!!!!!!!!!! haha im gonan keep doin' that =]
a what?????
lol okay im not the only one..... ohhh =]
umm...tuts? OMG EWW i just got a VERYY sick though....
i get on as many days as i can...wich is everyday XD unless im lik out of town or EDIT:i gotta shut my computer down...WMM froze..again... OMG! WE"RE ALREADY ON PAGE 2!!!!!!!!!!!!
grr lol oh well XD
omg a fresh start this means i could get more po st then all of you! MUAHAHAHAHHA =] some one just needs to get on!
lol okayy.
lol is easyonce u figure it out id explaini but idont hav the time right now ive gotta go soon. p.s yu shoudl get on yahoo..!
heyy lol i hav a new video yu should commet it
hey everyone sorta just left. lol my cmooputer wasbeing stupiddd. so is anyone here?
haha nicee.
=] haha thats cool
CAUSE IM MAGIC!! ttyl dinner!!