What even is this sentence[DOUBLEPOST=1345529965][/DOUBLEPOST]Hot girls. Scarlett Johansson. AND LILY CADE
Um, you mean the music about growing up and getting older and having to face your problems? Sorry if I prefer that to losing yourself in drugs and wrist cutting.
You're right. Sorry for insulting 1d, I don't even care that much. Honestly, like Haley says, we all like who we like. No biggie.
Because Honestly I'm not sure. I just got peeved off by someone who told me off. I actually have no beef with the group. My main beef is with Ke$ha and Nicki Minaj.[DOUBLEPOST=1345529529][/DOUBLEPOST] Oh jeez, didn't mean to offend you so hard. On a side note, you should have seen my friend when he had to wear makeup for pop show, he looked hilarious. EDIT: The only band that I think looks cool in girly make up is The Cure.
No ew stop +44 was too depressing, stop it. And yes, because he probs wouldn't care anyway.
I know, right? They could have added like, Motorcity or somethin'
You gotta deal with it!
Yes they do, the hair is too perfect and really full of product, most of which shouldn't be used by men, they probably have waxed armpit and chest hair, and the clothes are like an early 2000 lesbianfest. EDIT: Not to mention the amount of foundation they're probably wearing rivals Madonna.
I'm not even touching this.
Dude no, it's Mark Hoppus kissing a mannequin. He's my favorite bassist of all time. Getting rid of this is like getting rid of a part of me.
Old and played out bro. Plus, he's a cool kiddo. He helped a girl I know stop cutting. I'm grateful to him for that.
Totes, and make buffalo hide shoes and clothing.
Primped up, perfectly straight eyebrows, porcelain skin, long hair.
And funny. Go see ParaNorman
Chickasaw here! Mississippi/Oklahoma homeland brosquito!
It's alot different when you lose 600+ followers on tumblr for dropping out of the blink fandom. Trust me, you are not part of a fandom if you don't want to be.[DOUBLEPOST=1345528237][/DOUBLEPOST]
No man, I'm all American. Except that I'm Scottish, Italian and Welsh. Really the only American in me is Native American, but who's counting?[DOUBLEPOST=1345528039][/DOUBLEPOST] I wouldn't mind knowing how many total posts I've made.
I fullheartedly disgree. I like Doctor Who, I hate Doctor Who fans, so I am not int he fandom. I'd say you're not in a fandom if you can't get along with the fans. It's just like how I ****ing love blink-182, but the tumblr fandom makes me nauseous.
What? No, American...