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  1. Excasr
    Good news. I'll be free as a bird 10:00 PM of this day. Which means, I will be posting here a link for my lines's download after 9 hours now or 16 hours. I'll be working in a Festival this night so if I'm not that tired, I'll record the lines tonight. But I'm totally in, Under The Sea is my Favorite Little Mermaid Song! 8D

    Sorry for it to be that late, but you can count me in. ;3
    Post by: Excasr, Jun 30, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  2. Excasr
    Profile Post

    [IMG] <3

    [IMG] <3
    Profile Post by Excasr for Amaury, Jun 29, 2012
  3. Excasr
    I'm going to sign up. But I'm sorry I'm still within test season, so I might not get the lines until my vacations, July the 1st. I got tests tomorrow, the 29th and the 30th. THEN VACATIONS!!!! So I'm more likely sending you my lines on July the 1st.

    「1」The seaweed is always greener
    In somebody else's lake [Ventus, Midnight]
    「5」Under the sea
    「24」We got the spirit
    「29」[And they soundin' sharp]
    「35」{ ♥ } The trout rockin' out []
    「44」Each little slug here
    Cuttin' a rug here
    Under the sea [Janson, Feenie, Fearless]

    If something is not right over here, I'm going to check it soon.
    Post by: Excasr, Jun 27, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  4. Excasr
    While studying, a sudden message from skype got my attention, Wingly has just turned 18!

    Happy Birthday, Aqua! ^^
    Thread by: Excasr, Jun 17, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Excasr
    Profile Post

    Happy Birthday, Aqua!

    Happy Birthday, Aqua!
    Profile Post by Excasr for Iskandar, Jun 17, 2012
  6. Excasr
  7. Excasr
    I knew you can't leave us for nothing more than a week, Cap'n Maru-onee-chan. :3
    Unfortunately, I don't have time to read the chapters, but as soon I get vacations on July, I'll make sure to read 'em all! ^^
    Post by: Excasr, Jun 11, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  8. Excasr
  9. Excasr
  10. Excasr
  11. Excasr
  12. Excasr
  13. Excasr
    Haha, what a funny dream. ^^
    It was great that you were here again Onee-chan!

    Unfortunately, I won't be online very often until the beginning of July as said here. So I hope to see you all around. :3
    Post by: Excasr, Jun 8, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Excasr
  15. Excasr
    Thank you very much, Noroz! :D

    Please, this can be locked now.
    Post by: Excasr, Jun 7, 2012 in forum: Technology
  16. Excasr
  17. Excasr
    Hey guys!
    I got a School Break until Sunday, so I invited my best friend over here and get a break from everything from school.

    We decided to play Minecraft, but how do we create a sever for us on Hamachi to play on Minecraft and etc?
    [We're using Windows 7]

    Please and thank you! ^^
    Thread by: Excasr, Jun 7, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Technology
  18. Excasr
  19. Excasr
    Hey guys. How are all of you doing?

    Yup. I have gone missing those last few days (turning out some weeks by now), haven't I? Well, I'm sorry for that. So I'm going to officially say to you guys I'm will not be around posting very often from now on until my school's month vacation, July.
    Well, probably I will get online every 2 days; but I'm afraid it will only be to see if I have any other notifications and keep an eye about how is the KHV Chorus's First CD going. I won't be posting, if I do, it will be RARE and short posts.

    The reason is school and some personal problems.
    Too much tests, I will be having tests everyday. And sometimes, I will get two test at the same day and so on. This will last until July. As for the personal problems, don't worry. If I ever need help, I will post in Help With Life section.

    Well, don't hesitate to send me a VM/PM. Just don't expect to get an answer really soon, but I'll try if you do.

    I'm already missing to post-whore the Spam Zone and the other sections, I just hope July to come fast. ;-;

    I will be online on MSN, Skype and Facebook. But like I said, don't expect any good conversations or fast replies. =/

    Until then, farewell.
    Thread by: Excasr, Jun 4, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  20. Excasr
    Post by: Excasr, Jun 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home