For Days and Coded, it was really just repeating the bosses from the original KH, except for a couple new ones here and there in Days
For me, the only battles that really stood out to me were the Disney boss battles, especially Rinzler. In regard to the secret boss, I absolutely despised him, I mean, it didn't work nearly as well as Sephiroth or The Mysterious Figure from previous games, and to top it off, the secret bosses usually tease the next game, I don't really see how Julius teases the next game, unless he plays some big enormous role like Maleficent did.
I personally find the idea of borrowing someone else's powers far more appealing than just watching someone you summon do all the work for you.
I'm glad you liked it, and I will definitely attempt to take this advice and use it in the next ch.
mine will also be done within the next 24 hours, if I can find a good instrumental of the song
Thanks! I'll keep that in mind for the next ch.
Hey there, I just finished writing the first chapter of a story. I'd like some constructive criticism and opinions on the story. You can find the story here:
IKR, I'm having the exact same problem
I really don't think the replica will be part of the new organization, but I'm pretty sure Vanitas is, as well as Terranort (kinda inevitable when you think about it, seeing that he was the first of the 13 darknesses)
So, I've become a bit curious, has anyone here tried Slender: The Arrival yet? I'm trying to decide if it would be worth my time and money to get it.
I absolutely love rollercoaster, especially Kingda Ka, the tallest, and fastest rollercoaster in the world, at Six Flags Great Adventure.
I'm not sure that would work, I mean, other than Minecraft, how many games like that have been successful?
Spoiler A very good theory too.
Explain, please.
You're telling me. In any case, I find it hard to believe that Shinra didn't detect any maco there, considering they had detected it everywhere else.
Ok, I was recently playing CCFFVII, and towards the end of the game, you return to Banora. My question is, was there always a huge supply of mako in Banora, and if so, why was there no mako reactor there, or am I just missing something?
First I would need to get a PS3, then I would play through the first game as many times as necessary to beat Sephiroth in both easy and proud mode, once in COM (cause I hated the gameplay in COM), and then finally, once through 358/2 days, since I have a DS and have played it several times already.
especially with the type of gameplay, the story and the puzzles