Mark could stand now so he stood outside of the hospital near the entrance. He knew it was wrong of him but he lighted up a cigarette anyway and started to smoke.
Jason sighed and got up.I know the powers are pretty cool but these guys must want the whole world to know. He thought.
Mark looked around the entrance. It was pretty kiddy for a hospital. All the magazines were either girly teen gossip magazines or medical magazines. "This is pretty dumb." He sighed to himself before a little girl walked up to him. "Hi mister. Why are you all alone?" Mark took a deep breath and replied. "Ummm my family's pretty busy." He lied. The girl nodded and handed him a small stuffed bear. "Here he'll keep you company." She said smiling before her mother came and led her out.
Ichigo sighed again and lifted his head. He grabbed the container and handed it to one of the troops who ran it over for anylization. "I'm sure your very strong." He said returning the look. The nurse walked over and showed him into a room. "Okay now drop your pants and turn around." She said still smiling the whole time.
Mark was rolled out to the entrance where he waited for Alaric. And with how close Alaric and his girlfriend get he wouldn't be surprised if Alaric was pissed for him ruining something. For now he had 3 missions. One keep up the brother act until he was in the car. Two pass the store without Alaric noticing. And three keep his family out of this.
OOC: Holy crap I did. EDIT!! BIC: Mark was silent for a moment as the doctor was still there.. "Umm it's Mark bro. Had a bit of and accident. Heh you know how I drive." He lied before the doctor left. "Okay here the real version I crashed in my car and they just finished with taking out the glass so long story short I need you to pick me up from the hospital."
A doctor walked in a while after Jason woke up. "So Mr. Harrow do you have anyone you want to call to pick you up." Jason looked around for a second. "Umm yeah what's his name what's his name? Alaric." The doctor nodded and wrote it down. "So what kind of family is he?" Jason looked around again. "Ummm my brother." The docter nodded again and found the number in the phonebook and gave him the phone. Mark sighed and dialed the number.
Jason received a call from his father before he walked away. "Why are you so irresponsible?! I Have half a mind to-" Jason closed the phone before he could finish it. "You know what? I'm not ready to come home to that." He said sitting back down.
Ichigo sighed and got out a clipboard. "Okay if you aren't joining and staying in the residency sector tell me. However if you are joining give me your name and you will have to....." He sighed again and picked up a tray of small empty containers. "Pee in this. And take a booster adrenaline shot." He said motioning to Head Medical Directer Casey Windell. She always found it professional to wear the tightest and most revealing clothes.
Mark looked back again putting his head out of his window unknowingly swerving into the other lane. "Look's like I'm saf-" He was cut off as his car crashed into a passing eighteen wheeler. It was a flash of talking and moving as he was in the hospital. He only saw people moving him on a stretcher and him being put to sleep. Everything just faded from there.
Koroshi sat in the tree and snatched a lighter from his sash and lighted a cigarette. "Pretty nice fighting there." He said before blowing smoke at the wolves.
OOC: Gotta go. See ya after for sure.....possibly >>
Mark sighed and paced back and forth around the table. "I need to get away from this." He said before walking out of his house and getting into his car. He started it up letting loud heavy metal play on the radio and sped away. He passed the store again seeing police outside making him tense up. "Don't look back, don't look back."
Koroshi kept up with the two and skidded to a stop. "Seems like a challenge." Koroshi said seeing the wolves. He grabbed two daggers from the sash and threw them at the biggest to get his attention. "Better ready up." He said chuckling as he jumped back in the tree.
Jason quickly stood up and pulled his jacket down. "Well I'm gonna go now." He said before pulling up his hood and turning around. "My dad's probably having a heart attack right now."
Mark sat at the table and counted the money he grabbed. Three hundred bucks it would tide him over until more money came the next week. He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. "It was wrong but I needed it. It doesn't make me wrong." He said as his hands started shaking again.
Jason's eyes widened but there was nothing he could do. "Umm yeah I'm fine." He said looking around. "Please don't" He said to Emma.
Jason heard that and made the quick move of taking the electricity back. He hadn't expected that reaction. That was one big problem gone. This other was was like growing like fire with gasoline being poured in it.
OOC: I can see it now :laughing-smiley-004:laughing-smiley-004:laughing-smiley-004 Mark finally reached home. It was a normal sized house not to big not to small. He only ad to support himself anyway. He walked in shutting and locking the door behind him and sat on the couch. He groaned to himself as he pulled the glass out of his leg. His hands were still shaking he had stolen things before when he was younger. Candy, toys, trading cards, kid stuff never anything like this. He sat there looking at his shaking hands that had blood on them.
Jason looked around with a worried face. His "problem" was returning. And this time she was closer so she would feel it if it got any bigger. He tried to make himself think of other things. Ummm sports umm food dancing girls no umm crap this isnt working.