Steel was personally quite ticked that Beast had been attacked out of nowhere; Base he didn't mind as much, it was their job after all. The point was Base was working and was more than capable of handling himself. Beast on the other hand was the Master of the Castle and should in no way be provoked on his own land. Steel summoned his keyblade - Stroke of Midnight - and readied a spell. He was looking forward to using the blades unique abilities in this battle, as it's advantageous mystic capabilities were sure to come in handy for fights such as this; especially for Kross. He focused on the creature before him. "Such insolence." He whispered. "Your punishment shall come through time itself! Stopra!" A giant clock appeared, over the Dark thorn, indicating that the creature would be out of commission for a while. "We should move in now!" He pointedly informed his allies.
A cafe might be a nice addition. Maybe like "Fortune" from that Fate and Fortune rp you were planning on making; except make it a cafe instead of a family restaurant. Something to that nature anyway. I suppose it would work somewhat similar to House of Mouse, but with more freedom of movement, as it's not a fancy restaurant. That would also free up the time of day that you would be rp'ing at. For example, the House of Mouse was always shown to be open at night, whereas with a cafe you could have the time set at somewhere around early morning. Just an idea though.
Steel nodded to Luna, and with a turned back and a simple wave of his metallic gauntlet, he and the others made their way up the stairs. Before he began he noticed Eon pick up a magic mirror that seemed to have been deposited quite randomly. It was showing a scene it shouldn't have necessarily been showing. He decided that if the source was what he thought it was, he'd have to ask about that later. Steel had only sensed him a few moments ago. His thoughts were interrupted as Belle passed him and he realized he was going quite slowly. Though he wasn't quite the slowest.
Well hi there! Don't worry about introductions mine was much worse, because quite honestly I had no idea what I was doing. I pretty much just said Hi... and that was it... so yeah. One of the first things you'll want to know is not to hang around or make eye contact with that weirdo @O.KnightofTwilight , He's got issues. ... wait that's me... ...Well you learn something new everyday. The general parameters state that this site is rather enjoyable, and we hope you find it that way as well. :)
First, I would Like to buy 1 defense for 15 crowns. Then, I'm gonna equip Hunter's Strike for 3 AP.
Steel nodded from his position next to Luna. "Very well then. Luna and I shall aid the Beast with Kross and D'daear." He hoped Luna didn't mind him speaking for her. He had only done because the group was to be arranged evenly, and saw where the last two slots lie. It should be stated though that Steel was glad of his position, as he had made it his mission to personally see beast through.
Banned for shouting Renji
Banned for being at the Seiretei
Banned for being Ichigo.
I understand where you're coming from, but I wasn't saying that the following ranks don't support the idea, merely that they were irrelevant. I merely didn't have anything to say about Angel, Fallen Angel, etc. The noise pin being special is certainly a possibility, but it could also be that Neku's own mentality towards Rhyme is what made it special.
So, I had an idea awhile back, and I thought i'd post it for all of you to see. I am not a master wordsmith and may say something in a really stupid way that implies a different meaning. Be forewarned that this is but conjecture based on facts within the game itself. You probably figured it would be but i'm just making sure. Anyway, It's notated within the game that the Reapers really do get points for erasing players and whatnot. So this means "Points" do exist in the Universe of the World Ends with You. But, how exactly? You could make lot's of assumptions, but the best way to narrow it down to a few, would be to look at the ranking system itself. In the game, ESP'er points are gained from successful reductions, buying items over 10,000 yen, playing Tin Pin slammer with real people, and running into different entities in mingle mode. Battles, purchases, and mingle mode encounters each get 1 point per 1 success, and winning a Tin Pin match will get you three. As the games Secret reports focus on Souls and the science of them, it doesn't really take too much knowledge from these to figure that points are likely relatively small pieces of soul which, due to the nature of the interaction involved, were absorbed into another persons (Don't ask me about the spending money one, I have no clue). Presumably, the more points you gain, the more you expand your soul (Personal energy output). This can be shown through the ranks: Only Human: E (0 - 99 ESP'er Points) Spoon-bender: E (100 - 199 ESP'er Points) Supernatural: D (200 - 299 ESP'er Points) Master Player: C (300 - 499 ESP'er Points) Reaper: C (500 - 999 ESP'er Points) Conductor: B (1000 - 1999 ESP'er Points) Composer: B (2000 - 2999 ESP'er Points) There are more ranks, but I'm just going to stop there as anything beyond B is irrelevant to the idea. As everyone is no doubt now wondering what the heck this has to do with the story, I will finally get on with it. On the Seventh day of the Third week, Neku uses a noise Pin, which should be impossible as only Reapers should be able to do that. Of course, we knew he was OP, just not why. In the earlier reports, It's stated that while unstable, the Soul Neku gives off is immense. Considering that the game's ranking system is really for the game and not the characters themselves, this could put Neku's points while still Alive somewhere in the late E's to early D's, nevermind the power boost that comes from advancing to another plane. For all we Know, Neku could've started the game as a Master Player. Even if he was only a rank D, it stands to reason that with a starting point such as that, it wouldn't be unrealistic to rack up enough points to hit the Reaper rank after 3 weeks of point gathering. The basic idea is that while most other players go back to life or become reapers after 1 or 2 weeks, Neku spent a whole 3 weeks gaining power (and through the harmonizer pin, focus) that most spiritual beings, including reapers, haven't reached. You also have to consider that most of the reapers were made into reapers, so most of them were forcibly tuned to that level. It's pretty much what the wings are for, and it really the only thing that defines reapers from player under normal circumstances(that and their organizational position). Neku is a kind of... natural born reaper, as his power would have grown to that level through his own abilities. So of course he doesn't have wings, but he is quite powerful all the same. It's also likely that considering who all he beat, he probably has already reached the conductor rank. Anyway, these are just thoughts, and I had more but I'm too lazy to remember them. I'll probably post about 'em later. EDIT: I don't believe that I'm as brilliant as people around me say. To that end, I'd like some feedback on this idea.
... I like Spirit's Within... EDIT: Oh! And FF IX, of course.
Well seeing as how you've been in the conversation and seen me weep over the remaining 4 weeks of school, not really. That might be the most interesting thing that happened while you were gone... or at least on my end. I am sure other people have found plenty of more interesting ways to waste their valuable time. :)
Banned for Bleach fandom.
Steel simply nodded as he and Luna stood up and walked up to the castle doors. He silently wondered if she would be okay, but pushed the thought aside; she was stronger than she knew, he wouldn't have to worry. As they approached the group he listened to them considering strategy. D'daear had an excellent idea, but if the mob was too big, they could only divide it between themselves so much without being overwhelmed. Then there was the matter of whether or not they would fall for it. He noticed Vincent was being particularly silent, but from the memories he held of his friend, the man didn't seem to need to think too much to come up with a plan and was simply leaving them to theirs'. He had resumed thinking over tactics when he suddenly felt something. He turned to Luna to see her eyes closed and her bracelet and necklace glowing. Then energy he felt... there was no mistaking it. She was speaking to the moon. Steel kept a relatively blank expression on his face for a moment before turning away to face the rest of the group. Then he did something odd. He smiled the most warm and genuine small smile that he had since joining up with the keyblade wielders. However, no one could see beneath his black and blue scarf, and the group continued to talk strategy.
...Dang. Wish I had Minecraft now. I plan on getting it eventually, but it's not like to happen anytime soon. Just... Why... Anyway, loving the pics. Nice design.
Me, my mom, and my brother were all laughing hysterically as I progressed through the storyline. (For this specific reason) Never finished it; but I definitely made the connections.
Ignoring Mira's attitude, Steel watched as Luna returned to normal and then promptly collapsed on the ground. This time I actually remember what happened..." She whispered. "Well... I suppose that's a form of progress." He responded silently. Nothing was said for a few minutes as Luna regained her composure. As she clearly didn't want to say anything he wondered about how exactly to proceed. He bent down to put a hand on her shoulder. He hesitated. "We...Should catch up with the others." He nearly whispered. He wasn't sure what words of encouragement he could offer without her explaining a bit more. For now, he'd have to wait and see. "You ready?" He asked.
4 more weeks... 2 EOC's... and a 3 page report on William Faulkner... Just a little longer....