I saved u from a vampire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*at me? i just saved Evanna from a vampire!* Chakana:UR arrows can't hurt me! im on ur side!
Chakana:...Hehehe*gets up like he never got hurt and shoots fire right by u, destroying a vampire ready 2 attack you from behind.*
yes!!!! good job!
u cant leave!
*enemy forces( he told u 2 get outta the way!) attack frm behind.
me! *start singing* do u like waffles?
*creates clones, all looking the same.* *whispering*chakana:Out of the way.
firenanaki's here Burnitup.
*breaks out weapons:2 dragon swords and a chakram.* Chakana:Hehehe...
*Loud crash noise in the distance*
wahh! i did not scare u!!:(
hey1 join Arcantress's rp!
hi*runs into scene, in grim reaper costume!!!!!*
no! Arcantress!
*can u edit 1st post so i can put co-creator in my sig?* Chakana:I have too many "A"s in my name! oh and hi!
hey!!! Name: Chakana Creature:Werepyre Age: 20 Appearance:Normal, goodlooking guy, looks like roxas. Untill angered... Story:N/A(you will learn as the story progresses