*gasp* That's terrible...at least you're okay...once, I had fallen from the stairs, but I managed to stop myself half-way before I hit the ground. I was like, totally laughing at myself for slipping.
Haha, me, a kiss up? You must be joking...why else would everyone always get so angry at me for stating my opinion?
Hey, how's everyone?! :)
*gasp* Your birthday passed?! O_O Ahh, next time I'll make you one~!! And oh, CtR's birthday came? I've gotta write her a poem~!!!
Well, as long as you return ANF...besides, since when have I ever ignored you? *glomps ANF* And you're returning, right, Kairi...? Oh, and hi, Axel!!
Well, people know me as the "goody-two-shoes" so I suppose that makes me stand out. XD
Well, I edited the story to mention that this is in another universe. XD Although saying that Roxas's parents died 5 years ago and he lived alone in the mansion implied that something was different about the place...although very difficult to tell, I'm sure. XD
Hey everyone! My Somebody~!!!! *glomps Kairi* And...ANF?! You're thinking of leaving?!
Haha, I like that, especially the ending. XD I've always wanted to write a haiku myself, but I kept forgetting how many syllabyes each one needed...anyhow, great job! :glomp:
Haha, that part was supposed to be humorous, with Roxas always being cut off and all...and well, don't forget this is set in another universe (did I forget to mention that? XD) so all of them are good friends for Roxy...but anyhow, I have a feeling Repliku is going to win now. lol
lol Then who would you rather win? And I suppose that means you rather not vote for me then? XD Oh, and what did you think of the story, overall?
Thanks everyone! And well, I actually can't decide the ending myself of who wins. XD So you have to vote on Dark Roxas.'s poll when it comes. These are the people you must vote for to see who wins: Repliku - Riku HigherBeing - Riku Nymph of Destiny - Namine I'll link to the poll once Dark Roxas. puts it up (for that matter, I better tell him I'm almost ready for it...). lol
Oh, I know Dinesty! We have fun RPing sometime! :) Anyhow, read and comply to the rules, or Kitty above shout at you. lol Just kidding, she's cool. XD Anyway, need anything, just pm me, or any of the staff! Have fun here! :glomp: Oh, by the way, I love your name! It's just so pretty! XD
Since you know the drill...welcome! Enjoy yourself here, need anything, just pm me or the staff! :D Have fun! :glomp:
Since you know the rules...welcome, and enjoy yourself here! Need anything, just pm me, or any of the staff, or Twilight_Falls! :D Anyhow, have fun! :glomp:
Hey, there! Since you know the drill...welcome and have fun! :D Oh, and youtube account? Awesome! I'll go check it out when I have the time! :glomp:
Not bad...although accidentally misspelled "different," "ground," and "last," you forgot to add an apostrophe to "don't". Otherwise, you did pretty good...is this your first poem you ever wrote?
Wow, this is good...great job. :) And don't worry, honey, you'll probably do great! :) :glomp:
Such a cute kitty who doesn't do well with grammar...XD *gasp* It's Spike!! XDD
lol Well, mind if I add you to my MSN, Kingdom? You can chat with Twilight_Falls and me, and hopefully it'll be less boring. XD