You could even say its a... Spoiler Burn!
It was suppose to be a show about people killing giants. I did not sign up for this ammount of emotional damage. This was the first anime that actually made me shed tears.
we all have, progressively.
its like putting dyhydrogen monoxide in your water <3
is it so hard to sing along to this without a semi-orgasmic smile, its a song that states everything i believe in. i wanna sing this while i walk down the streets in the city. in a loud manner.
Fine. Im actually more atracted to this than actual porn....
Ok thanks
hey dood, how are ya? i wanted to ask you something. do you video edit? do you know how to use sony vegas?
ps: I cant chose btween that last song and dis
love your story! i expect to read more chapters! i like this type of story. remember, being descriptive and technical helps, try adding in a few...
All the ones who are not Xehanort, are actually Sora.
sheit! in 3 days I downloade 10 Gb of videos. I never wanna see media-fire again. Ever. so many videos... i forgot what this site was...
I actually enjoyed that very much. Thank you.
Its Japan. Japan. They are always wearing variously colored striped jumpsuits. Dont try to understand Japan. You will damage your brain.
I actually started editing my own, before your response. srry
kinda... but no. I was torn apart emotionally in the last episode of TT (spoiler) Spoiler when we saw terra, but she dint even have her memories, and beast boy left her that Fuçked me up! i have soooooo many feels for that show and titans go! kinda makes a mockery of it. Edit: assuming your saying TT:GO! replaces and/or is better than original TT. EDIT2: i should be shot for not reading posts before i post, i read all the stuff you said saying its good for what it is, disconsider this. lol. The same goes for ben 10, the story was good and all in the first 3, then they started up a new one with bad animating, lego aliens, and 98% filler episodes, yhea... no thanks...
We´re actually just sexy, I know It can be hard to tell the difference, so I'll forgive you, this time.
lets analise that. Pewdiepie: funny, and smart, but not enough to have such a fuss made over him. Tobuscus: meh. he use to be better... Totalbiscuit: I dont even... Annoying Orange: got boring old and not funny, really fast Minecraft: I my self am adicted, not that much that it would be all i talk about in a fair tough... I think we can conclude that: Spoiler Kids today are missing out. They wont know the real gold we knew. I dunno, they probably dont care, considering they're all satisfied with crap entertainment. EDIT: you wanna see culture shock? try prossesing that disney made my favorite cartoons and i watched them kill all of that, and for what?! to become a factory of teen $luts tv shows, that are all basically the same?! I mean, i use to watch donnald duck, goffy and max, american dragon, chip and dale (and etc.) cartoons, and they just took all that culture away from me in the blink of an eye. ugh! just thinking about it makes me angry...
I really hope im not taking a bigger bite than i can chew, but, I was gonna use Flat Foot Face by Stan SB, what do you think? Also how has your...