Hey! thats very mean...! Spoiler ...To the chicken!
Why do i want to mary this post?
so many memories...[DOUBLEPOST=1378626436][/DOUBLEPOST] BP but who cares?! that games was just... yes! guys stop making me nostalgiagasm...!
Or is it ?
same thing happend with my ds a year ago, i know the feel bro, i know...
one minute 5 seconds? its cool if you say no, but i just found the most amazing part of the song. and its 1:05 unfortunently
That remeinds of the app that makes it waterproof.
thats normal, if they are too short or arent on a place that counts i.e the spam zone, your post count wont go up, btw next time you wanna ask a...
the lost ones weeping
nice job, i saw your riku fanart for the contest very nice bro.
fix'd .
No! I am me! and nobody else! srryijustcouldnotresist
Welcome to the place kid, have fun and stuff, always nice to have one more in the gang :3
Thanks, its conforting to hear that from someone.
Hugs! Im having such a bad bay. My parents got divorced and ****, I need your hugs.
Cant wait to see it.
The song you chose is on my top ten list, exelent choice.
Tell her to go suck a stick. and move on to being a free man!
Yesturday i stayed up till 2:30 am studying for a chemistry test, woke up multiple times, and woke up at 5 am with insomnia, and when i managed to get to sleep it was time to go to school, and i got a 34% on that test. 34... %... Im just gonna pretend i did not study, it makes the pain easier to cope with...