i started watching hansaku iroha, it's from the same studio that made tari tari and it's got a similar vibe. if you havent seen it, you should...
man aint nothin wrong with a little herbal incense know what im sayin?
Here's a new one And it appears it will be properly revealed at Gamescom because of this description: "Do you know they are watching? Your power is rising Cologne, Germany You've Been Chosen" And Gamescom is in Cologne, so it seems reasonable.
google glass
hi i am kitty_mckechnie please give me the yuris
mother 1, 2, and 3 please. all translated and uncensored. thx nintendo you da bes
that's gay
i'd like to watch, especially because i dunno how to sign up or play and i've wanted to for some time.
Still, I didn't understand why badminton was there really. He was like, left out entirely. idk, it was well done as a story and they showed what they needed to for the story, but i just would've liked more time to understand and connect with all the characters.
I've never even heard of Primus before, but they're doing a whole album covering songs from the original Wonka movie. They have 'Pure Imagination' available to listen to: Spoiler The full album releases October 21st, 2014. And I'm excited for it, if this track is any indication to the quality of the whole LP. And I'm going to be checking out all their past work too. And here's a Stones article about it.
I liked Konatsu in the beginning, but she got kind of annoying after a while tbh. I liked her energy though, it was just a bit too much after a while. And yeah, it seemed like it was the main problem with the anime as a whole was how little 3 of the 5 characters were fleshed out. Which is why it's easy to like Sawa and Wakana compared to the others, just because we got to see more sides to them.
i liked sawa and wakana the most :v though i wish they had a bit more focus on wein, he had a pretty interesting story.
oh, i watched it. i liked it.
good thing it's terrible otherwise i might actually care
You're gonna die of aids