yeah ^_^;; i've got nuthin' but time O_o LOL
SASUMIIII!!!!!!11 LOL XD whut???
ehh...i started an AkuRoku doujinshi sometime during the school year... got to at least page 3 and sorta...meh, stopped |: i might redo it if i ever get the time edit- WHOA!! :O i'm already on SEASON 3 of KHR?!? O_O lol wasn't expecting that today XD
uhh... DAAAHHH!!! *runs away* lol
lol i haven't made a video in FOREVERRRR!!! D| *facepalm* i was planning on making on to "Let Go" by Frou Frou...but i'm too busy catching up on anime...i guess i just don't have as much time as i need x3
lol okay then
LULUUU!!! D: LOL i was too busy watching anime that i didn't kno u were on D: LOL
hmm... then would it be an odd time to mention that i like shounen ai? O_o the episode i was just watching, they were about to reveal the Gaurdian of Mist...AND IT HAD TO END!!! DDDX *cries...then keeps watching* lol
lol exactly
yup yeah, i guess it's a popular yaoi couple? O_o i'unno edit- but i don't have it as my icon because of the pairing, just cuz i thought it was cute XD
ehh...i'm thinking Squalo, cuz i'm pretty sure that means 'shark' in Japanese *has kept note to how many times Marmon said all Squalo's attacks...and heard that they all had 'shark' in them*
lol x3 yeah
both! tis Belphegor~ :D lol
KHReborn! durr XD i've been making quite a few references to it lately ._. cuz i've been watching it for quite a while now >_> maybe over a week now? episode 50! :O
@Fate- lol XD thankies, and, it's a character from the anime i'm watching (who, in fact, is a guy LOL)...and i think the shark stands for the other, err..person in the pairing ...which, in fact, i'm not a supporter of lol yeah, please D:
@Burnitup- yeah oh! |< gaaash...
*brings burnitup and puts in front of polka* here's tha doughnut -__- no, not sad face. flippin' angry face |<
NOT HELPING, YA DOHNUT!!! D< okay then *OM NOM NOM!!!*
are you mocking my epic icon?! >:O lol jk
GASH!why does this always have to go into some deep argument that doesn't end till a few days after!? -__-