lol i've been watching anime all day @3@
send me...the PM...and no one...gets hurt...*breathes heavily in speaker* XD jk
LOL i should get YOU into watching it nao! so i can share my fandom crack with someone! :D *HUZZAH!* XD
LOL i haven't gotten gotten a PM in a looong time XD
LOL i'd love to see that and tape it XD TO ZHE YOUTUBEZ!!! >D
WAAAHH!!! i missed a lot! D: ...darn database errors -__-
LOL yes XD poor Gokun ^_^;; wow, sorry for the late reply D: kh-vids was acting up and kept saying it had a data-base error D: :sweatdrop: but yeah *laughs* i'm all the way up to...either episode 59 or 60! O_O LOL and! i realized something... i noticed a long time ago that Tuna-kun looks like Sora... and then there's GokuxTuna...psh, and it looks quite similar to RikuxSora ._.
yush~ no! it has english subs! D< hmm...that's weird... ZHE TEN YEAR BAZOOKA!!! HOMG I LOVED TEN YEARS YOUNGER GOKUDERA!!! *squee!*
none so far with what i've watched O_O and i'm all the way up to episode 52! :O XDD Veoh's awesome XD BABIEZ IN TEH MAFIAZ~!
wait whut? i didn't get that at all @_@
found it ^_^d
XD you read the manga? cuz i don't remember him smoking AT ALL in the anime O_o but my friends read the manga...and told me about the whole 'shove-20-sigs-in-his-mouth-at-once' thing XD i laughed... incredibly hard LOL but still, i want his clothes... HUZZAH~! >D
HUZZAH! :D YUS! same here :D Gokudera-kun is teh awesome~ |D and he's always wearing the coolest outfits LOL (srsly, i want his clothes... >D nyahaha i'd love to go through his closet XDDD) LOL once i scan it at my friends' house, i'll get the link up and you can see it! :D yeah *sob* XD PUH-sha~
WOOOOO I HIT THE JACKPOT!!! lotsa peoplez r on!! |D shi shi shi shi
XD babies in the mafia ROFL *new quote of the day* XD ehh, i'm quite proud of them, actually XD OH! and i drew a pic of Gokudera-kun LOL at the top it says "Real guys wear pink, like Gokudera!" lol then there's just a little doodle at the bottom x3 ah, it couldn've been that bad x3 it couldn't've been as horrible as my drawing of Roxas when i hadn't drawn him in, liek, a moth XD it was a FLIPPIN EPIC PHAIL! D: Len (Vocaloid Len) was probly as close as i could've gotten to drawing anything like Roxas XD *sob*
LOL yay! :D NOOO!!! NOT TEH KITTIES!!! :O uh, whut? O_o XD i've seen that before XDDD anyway~ i was at the pool (cuz my sister's been going there almost every day now D: ...although i haven't been swimming), and doodled EPIC PHAIL KHReborn doodles XD
ah... well, lately i haven't had as much to do...but before that, i was pretty busy doing other stuff XD
THAT IS SO COOl! XD i've never been to a con D: this'll be mai first! :D LOL i is going as L! :D HARK! next year i'm going as Miku (teh Vocaloid), and Belphegor from Katekyo Hitman Reborn! :D PUH-SHA~!