OOC: I already did, I was gonna ask someone to give me a recap, but then I remembered that you we're updating the summary as the story moved along, so I checked it before I posted.
OOC: Wow... I've been gone a while, yeah, anyways, sorry for not being able to go on as often, I've been restricted to weekends only, luckily my parents aren't here right now, so I can go on. BIC: Cratos woke up in a pitch black place, the ground he was on felt damp, he rose up and looked around wearily. Cratos: "Where the hell am I?" ???: "We're in the darkest part of your heart" Cratos looked around looking for the source of the strange voice. Cratos: "Who or what are you? Why are you here?" ???: "It seems I've forgotten my manners, you may call me Master Xehanort" Cratos: "Alright then, you've answered one of my questions" Xehanort: "Of course, of course, I'm here because you're heart is filled with strong light and strong darkness, however, it seems that the light as been overtaking you, so I'm strengthen the darkness that lies within your heart." Cratos: "For what reason?" Xehanort: "All will be revealed in due time, but for now, I have something I want you to do, I want you to follow Phisoxa around and take notes on what she's doing." Cratos: "What for?" There was no reply, Master Xehanort had already left. Afterwards, Cratos awoke in a cave where there was little to no light at all. Cratos: "Hmph, crazy old man... well, I guess I should do what he says..." Cratos stood up and quickly dusted himself off before going out to find out where he is.
Cratos's horns started to gather an immense amount of energy while he grabbed Norman's arm with an iron grip that he kept tightening and tightening.
All of a sudden, the berserk Cratos appeared near the Gummi ship, he let out howl and charged straight at it.
Cratos cried out in rage, and as he did the ground began to shake. He began to wildly run about and strike anything in his path with non-elemental orbs of magic.
Cratos: "Dammit, Dammit, DAMMIT!" His head was enveloped by a white liquid. It became solid as a skull mask with forward horns, then his entire body followed as he transformed into his berserk state.
Cratos: "Man, you're being such a-" ???: "Surrender to the darkness." Cratos: "What the? Who said that?" ???: "Surrender to the darkness." Cratos: "Who are you? What the he-" ???: "It seems you won't give in, perhaps I'll give you a little taste" A massive spark of darkness hit him and all of a sudden, he cried out in agony as his armored arms disappeared. He fell to both his knees and clutched his head. ???: "Well, I guess I'll have to force you." All of a sudden, he saw brief flashes of his past, he could see a woman who was holding hands with him. He saw that he was having fun with this woman, and then he saw the woman getting stabbed through the chest. He began to struggle breathing, he stood up and wildly struck everything around him. Cratos: "No... not again, NOT AGAIN!" His eyes became a golden-yellow and the white part of his eyes became black, as this happened he screamed in agony.
Cratos suddenly disappeared and then re-appeared behind Torxber Cratos: "Don't count on it. Ikkotsu" Cratos delivered a powerful punch into Torxber's back.
Cratos staggered a bit, but he shrugged it off and charged at him again. This time he fired off bolts as he charged at Torxber.
Large amounts of energy started to gather around Cratos's left arm, and then he threw a punch.
Cratos: "Hah, whatever gramps, I don't care what the hell you need her for anyways, not like it's gonna matter at all once I finish up with my plans. You know what, as a token gesture, I won't kill her." Cratos's arms became covered with a strange liquidous substance, then they solidified into his armored arms. Cratos: "I'll get you instead." He cracked his knuckles and his neck and then charged at Torxber.
Cratos: "Old enough to know that you've lived one hell of a long time... Hecatoncheir, you can go" Hecatoncheir: "Yes sir." Hecatoncheir dissolved into his left shoulder, while Cratos lazily turns his head towards Torxber. Cratos: "So what is it that you want?"
Cratos pulled off his cloak and looked directly at Phisoxa. Cratos: "It seems as though there's an unwanted guest around here, Hecatoncheir, you know what to do" Hecatoncheir: "Of course" Hecatoncheir knelt down on one knee and then fired off his multitude of hands into the ground, with his hands connected to his body by cables. Then, one of the hands appeared behind Torxber and tried to grab him.
Cratos: "So, you're going to try and stop me? Too late, RISE! HECATONCHEIR!" The ground started to shake violently as arms started to rise from the glyphs. First one, then three, then twenty rose from the ground. Then they all retracted as Hecatoncheir fully emerged from the ground, his four main arms crossed, and four discs with multiple arms on his body. He was easily twice the height of Cratos and more agile than him as well. His eyes began to glow an eerie yellow as the ground stopped shaking. Cratos: "Behold, this is one of my personal summons, Hecatoncheir. While I am able to summon other creatures without the use of glyphs, this one requires a little more power. In order to summon him, I have to use a part of my own energy to summon him. In other words, he is a fragmentation of my own energy. And he's not the only one, I can summon six others, but they will have to wait their turn for now." Hecatoncheir: "Now then, let's begin, shall we?" Hecatoncheir mockingly used one arm to motion Phisoxa to come at him.
OOC: FYI, I edited my info. I was going to originally introduce the new stuff along the way, but I just wanted to add it now so I wouldn't have to deal with it later, because I know that when things go down, I'll forget to put down that he had those forms, so I just added it on.
So, I just want to clear up something, in your description of Raxtion's weapon in The Keyblade Wars: Rewind and Press Play, do you mean my...
OOC: Ego, I used to do that a lot, so if anything, it should be okay, and all the other times I posted where no one had any clue what my guy looks like or his abilities, they just played along. BIC: Cratos: "You sure about that?" Cratos disappeared and re-appeared directly behind Phisoxa Cratos: "Because this is only the beginning" He put his hand over his left shoulder and pulled out a gem, then he forced it into the ground and a giant glyph appeared on the floor.
Cratos: "I should be saying that to you!" Cratos created more of those orbs and added in Fire and Water.
Cratos: "I've been watching you for a while now, and quite frankly, I'm disgusted by people like you..." Cratos lifted his arm and his hand began to glow an eerie purple color Cratos: "Let's see how you stand up against magic." Several orbs of magic appeared around his hand and went flying towards Phisoxa.
Cratos: "I found you..." Cratos appeared behind Phisoxa in a cloak with his hood up covering his face.