"How terrible? I don't know, I almost killed someone to get something I wanted, and he's still a useless half-wit, at least he's training again, man, if he hadn't found that guy, I would've killed him just because he was slacking...So, what's it gonna be, you gonna fight, or do I have to kill more people till you do?"
OOC: What I meant was you guys post so much stuff that by the time I get on, you've added like 15 more pages, which is way more than I want to read in a day.
OOC: Meh, Screw it, I'm editing the post and making it a servant, I really have to start reading, I'm so sorry for doing this....I'll start reading, although you guys kind of need to calm down with this, I'm only on during weekends, maybe thursday if I'm lucky.
OOC: Damn, see, I knew something like this might come up, maybe I just..............Yeah, I really need to read, not skim. Maybe I'll just make it a servant or something, or Nuthura....who knows....I'm thinking right now
"So, you only fight to protect others, huh? In that case..." Kain disappeared and re-appeared with a servant's head locked under his arm, "Maybe this'll convince you"
"Look, I'm just here to find an opponent, I never said in the castle, got it woman?" Kain stood up and dusted himself off as if nothing happened, he picked up his cigarette and took a puff, "If you want to battle else where, that's your choice, not mine, I'm just bored and I thought someone in here would be a worthwhile competitor. Nothing more, and nothing less." Kain blew smoke directly at Phisoxa.
Kain stopped in his tracks, "I know you're there woman, just come out already, no need to hide, I just want to play, you up to it?"
"Man, I thought by now someone would've shown up, dammit, if someone doesn't show in the next five minutes I'm blowin' this place to smithereens." Kain walked around the Castle angrily, blowing smoke everywhere.
OOC: No, Phisoxa's
Kain stood before the giant castle, he took out a cigarette, lit it, and knocked down the giant gate in front of him. "This should be fun..." At the mansion, Roan was giving Snow a tour around, showing him where he would sleep, and where the food is. He also showed him the training grounds on the roof of the mansion, which was sealed so that nothing would be seen from the outside. "So that's pretty much the gist of it, anyhow, I'll be in my chambers if you need me," "All right then, thank you sir"
"Geez, such bothersome pests," Roan pulled out a cigarette and lit it, "Master, I thought you quit smoking," Stella looked pissed "Well, I said I was going to try, I never promised anything, as for you Snow" Snow was sitting on the floor and he looked at Master Roan, "Yeah? What is it?" "Looks like I need to train you," "What?!" Snow and Stella both said it at the same time "Well, you're worthy of being a Master already, but, there are a few techniques that I would like to teach you that will definitely help you along the way" Roan blew out a couple of rings of smoke "Well... Alright then, I would be honored to" "All right then, Stella, bring him to the mansion" "What about you master?" "Me? I'll sit here a little, using that move tired me out, don't worry, I'll catch up with you two" "All right then, come on Snow" Stella led Snow back to the mansion. She knew her way back because Roan had dragged her there tons of times. "Well, what did I tell ya?" A voice said from behind Roan "I'll give you credit, that kid is really talented, though why do want me to teach him? You said you wanted to be the superior one," A black figure was standing behind him, smoking a cigarette along with Roan, "Well, I need him to create the X-Blade," "The X-Blade? Aren't you the eager one, Kain" Kain walked up and sat down next to Roan, "Yeah well, this is becoming a nuisance, I'm tired of waiting for him to train himself from other worthless Masters, I figured my old master would be up to it." "Hah, so, you want me to teach him that technique, is that it?" "Yup, I knew you'd understand," "Fine, I'll do it, but you promise me that I will be able to live peacefully once this is over with, I won't do it unless you agree" "Fine, fine, so picky" "Good, now make sure you stay away from my mansion, otherwise, I'll have to beat you myself, understand?" "All right, all right already, Damn, why don't you go home now, I'm pretty sure what's-her-face is already worrying about you," "Yeah, Stella's like that. Well, I better get going, I better not see you around" Kain crossed his fingers right where Roan could see, "I promise" "Whatever" Master Roan began walking home as he stomped out his cigarette.
"Dammit, guess I got no choice," Roan pulled out his second keyblade, Infernal, and with it, he summoned his true power, "Snow, you might wanna close your eyes," As Snow was struggling with the three fighters that lunged at him, he closed his eyes, "You too, Stella!" "Right!" Stella closed her eyes and planted her Keyblade into the floor Master Roan held his keyblades into the air and crossed them and gathered energy into them, then he released the energy all at once as a giant explosion and then quickly attacked all of the fighters as the light shined. When the light faded, Roan was sitting on a nearby bench, leaning back as all the fighters exploded.
"What the hell are these things?" Snow asked as he knocked a bunch of them back "Beats me, my guess is they are some kind of experiments," Roan calmly answered as he knocked several of them back "But who would send these things?" Stella wondered "Again, beats me, but my guess is that they are either after me, or after that kid-" "My name is Snow you know, you don't have to call me a kid" "Whatever, the point is someone maybe looking for you, if that's the case, we can't leave you alone quite yet." Roan sent out several shock waves to get the fighters "Well, whatever the reason, we've gotta get them before they get us!" Stella knocked a few down to the ground
Stella was sitting as Snow watched in awe as Master Roan pretty much the whole menu. "Do you, do you normally eat that much?" Snow asked somewhat ticked off "Yeah, that's why Stella sits at another table, because her food wouldn't fit." Master Roan wiped off his mouth and put his napkin down. Stella asked with a bored expression, "Master, are you done eating yet?" "Just about, waitress, check please" The waitress brought the check and Snow's jaw dropped as he saw the price of the dinner, "Are you kidding me? 600,000 munny? You're lucky I have barely enough to pay for this" "We should get going... Someone's waiting for us" Master Roan stood up and tapped Stella on the shoulder. "Wait, what do you mean by that?" Snow asked "You'll see," "I guess." They walked outside. The moment they did, Roan drew one of his Keyblades, Celestial, "All right, I know you guys are there, let's stop this stupid game and get this over with." "What!?" Snow drew his keyblade in surprise, "How long have they been waiting?" "Since we got here," "Why didn't you say anything?" "Because, I wanted to eat first," "Whatever" Stella sleepily walked out of the restaurant and saw Roan and Snow with their Keyblade drawn, "Umm... did I miss something?" She said rubbing her eye. "Somebody is out there," Snow told her Stella immediately drew her Keyblade and became more alert.
Snow was walking down an alley, where he saw a mansion in the distance. The house was elegantly designed, with spires surrounding the entire mansion. It looked like a castle, but it wasn't as big. As Snow drew closer to the mansion, he saw a girl fighting some odd Crystal-like monsters, wielding weapons and shields. In an instant, he drew his keyblade and cut them all down. "Are you all right?" "MORON!" Stella made a fist and slammed it into Snow's head. "Are you stupid!?" "OW! Way to thank someone for helping out" Snow was rubbing his head to soothe the pain "Those monsters weren't trying to hurt me, they were just training dummies, dimwit," Stella angrily crossed her arms "What? Training? What is this place anyways?" He looked at her confused Stella sighed, "This is the house of Master Roan, he's been training me to use the keyblade, I was just training up until you showed up cowboy, you are such a-" "What's goin' on out there?" A voice from the mansion inquired. "Master Roan" Stella immediately stood at attention, "Sir, I was training, when this idiot showed up and destroyed all of the training dummies" "Huh... So he destroyed them did he?" Master Roan came outside, he was slouching forward, lazily walking to both of them. Those dummies we're supposed to be indestructible, so either it was a malfunction, or he is a very powerful keyblade wielder. He thought to himself. "Let me take a look at you," Roan came up to Snow and looked at Snow up close. Snow backed up a little in surprise. "Umm..." "Huh, well, aren't you special, a heart with no darkness whatsoever... interesting" "Wh- What? How'd you know that?" "C'mon, I'm a Master for a reason, I can tell what lies within someone's he-" Stella interrupted, "Wait, I thought hearts of pure light only existed within the Princesses" "Evidently, that's not true, he's standing right here, not of royalty nor a female, and yet he has a heart of pure light." Snow quickly interjected, "Wait a minute, exactly what is it that you are teaching her?" "I'm just teaching her some basic stuff... posture, breathing, precision, that stuff..." Roan scratched his head, he reached into his pocket for a flask and took a swig from the liquid inside, "Obviously, you're lookin' for something, otherwise you wouldn't have come here." "Well... I was told that I would find a man who could teach me a special technique..." "I see... well, for starters, I'm your man, and by the way, those dummies cost me a fortune to make" "Uh... Sorry about that, I thought they were monsters attacking your student." "Well, whatever, you owe me for that." Roan inspected the pieces of the broken dummies. "I'll make it up to you however I can. Please, what do you want?" Snow reached into his back pocket for his wallet. "Whatever I want, huh? All right then, how about you take me and her out to dinner?" "What?" Snow looked extremely confused. Oh no, he's gonna drain this sap for everything he's worth Stella looked a little nervous and disgusted at the same time. "I guess so-" "Great! I know the perfect place!" Roan quickly grabbed Stella's and Snow's hands and dragged both of them along "Hey, Wait a minute! Do you have to drag me?" Snow tried to fight it, but it was useless Crap... Master's gonna really milk him for what he's worth, better eat at the other side of the restaurant.
OOC: So I'm gonna add more characters, just two more Name: Roan Age: 36 Race: Human Weapon: Celestial, Keyblade of Light, and Infernal, Keyblade of Darkness Gender: Male Relationships: Stella (student) Side/Occupation: Inbetween Appearance: Click to see Bio: He is a Keyblade Master with the ability to dual wield his keyblades Celestial and Infernal. He uses both light and darkness in tandem to effectively eliminate his enemies. He may seem cold-hearted to a lot of people, but he actually cares about people, especially his students. Although he sometimes is a little over protective and can be a little strict, which Stella hates a whole lot. All in all he is a nice guy. He has a habit of pretty much ordering the whole menu when he eats out, which is why he never turns down an offer to dinner. Name: Stella Age: 18 Race: Human Weapon: Dissonant Chord, Keyblade of light Gender: Female Relationships: Roan (Master) Side/Occupation: Inbetween Appearance: Click to see Bio: She is a pupil under the tutelage of Master Roan. She is very skilled but still has a lot to learn, and has a tendency to be a bit brash. Despite this, she is a very capable Keyblade wielder and uses her Keyblade with quickness and switches her grip from forehand to backhand during combat. She has been training under Master Roan for 5 years, and they have created a special bond, essentially becoming family. She is disgusted whenever she finds her Master eating at a restaurant, and usually sits at another table because it ends up so full.
OOC: Hmm.... Ok then Snow wandered about the town, looking around curiously, trying to figure out where he was and where he could find information. Kain was overhead, looking down on him. "You better find him fast, 'cuz the next time, I won't have any mercy for you." Then he layed back, and pulled out a cigarette and began smoking it, just because he felt like it.
OOC: I forgot where I left off, this is really embarrassing.
Name: Kain Age: 19 Race: Human Weapon: The End of Time, Keyblade of Darkness Gender: Male Relationships: Snow Side/Occupation: Dark Appearance: Click to see Bio: His heart is devoid of any light. Therefore, he has no compassion, he's twisted, cruel, and cares for no one, including himself. His hatred manifests itself in his keyblade and his madness. Kain is subject to random fits of insanity, and sometimes loses control of what he does. His insanity is accompanied by a skillful use of the Keyblade, being able to destroy many skyscrapers with one slash. It seems like he doesn't have any plans, doing whatever he pleases, but he does have one ultimate goal. Name: Snow Age: 19 Race: Human Weapon: Shining Wing, Keyblade of Light Gender: Male Relationships: Kain Side/Occupation: Light Appearance: Click to See Bio: His heart is devoid of any darkness. Accordingly, Snow is a compassionate, warm-hearted young man who is willing to help anyone. He does seem a little down at times, and has a tendency to be nitpicky about the placement of objects. In particular, he seems to get upset whenever something is asymmetrical. Despite this, he is a very talented keyblade wielder, being able to wipe out thousands upon thousands of enemies without tiring. He is usually the subject of Kain's torture, and is always attacked by him whenver Kain gets the chance.
Cratos randomly teleported around trying to find Phisoxa quickly so that he could find out what Xehanort is up to. OOC: Got to go now, bye