´´Well, we want to recreate Organization 13 and we don´t want Sora to ruin it. Just manipulate his memories so he will think he is 14th member or i will manipulate Roxas´s bones´´Legato said
´´Give Sora false memories´´Legato said ´´And Roxas will be safe´´
´´Now is my turn´´Legato said and ported behind Naminé ´´You can prevent this from happening, for one small thing´´he said
´´So, you two ditched school becose of cinema?´´Victor asked and looked on both ´´You would be in big troubles, if you hadn´t me in team´´
´´How long will it take?´´Legato asked her and sat on edge of roof ´´This waiting will kill me once´´
´´Whatever, just be sure that Naminé is watching. Don´t hurt her´´Legato said
´´That is up to you´´Legato said ´´Anyhow. Scare him, beat him to ground, anything goes´´
´´Yes, we need you help´´Legato said ´´It is part of plan which i won´t tell you. You know only what you need to know´´he said
´´Nice to see you too´´Legato said ´´I didn´t called you for small chit-chat. We need to put Roxas in great danger. But without darkness, it is impossible´´
Meanwhile, Victor was sitting in school and when school ended, he of course knew where rest of team went, so he walked to the cinema and sat on chair in front of it
´´This won´t end good´´Legato said to her ´´LISIX´´he shouted and waited
´´I am so flattered´´Victor said. He was standing behind Fayte ´´This is hell´´he said and sat next to Aria and slowly started to eat his lunch
yeah, it is becouse i never had you in any RPs where i was
Victor looked on Alice °°She looks nice, but she is a little nerd°°he thought. Then he looked on Aria °°She isn´t nerd, but she isn´t my type of girl. Oh well, lets choose smaller evil°°he thought and saluted to teacher, but with left hand which was sign of disrespect
´´Well, she is, or was, mostly in Maleficent castle. But i think she can come here, you just need to shout her name´´Legato said
´´Okay, we can go and see her, even if she hates me, maybe you can do a trick´´Legato said. He and Lisix hated each other, becouse both were jealous on each other for their constant succeses
´´It is only saying. We have nothing to do, nowhere to go, no allies. I almost wish Maleficent was here´´Legato said ´´We need to turn somebody on our side´´
Victor got a perfect idea how ti make fun. He made paper plane and threw it to teacher and he took pen and with impossible speed written everything that was on board
´´I want to...well, i don´t think you care, but i would love to take some girl on date´´Victor said and put his school bag on his back and opened his diary and worte something into it
´´Reading is for nerds, no offence. Why can´t be day little more fun than sitting in school. Do we really need to go to school?´´Victor asked her, not paying attention to anything else