´´I can form blades´´Victor whispered to her ´´So no need to worry...much´´he added ´´But try to have dates when we aren´t in job. Like normal people´´he said and yawned
it seems nobody wants to start, so i will Vincent was standing on balcony, looking on sun-rise ´´Who would think that sunrise is this nice´´he said to himself. Most of the days, when he woke up, sun was already on sky. Today was special day. His birthday
ooc - nevermind ´´Now i should say something heroic and mean at the same time, but i am too tired to do anything. By the way, they look more like humans from now, so they are progressing´´Victor said and yawned
Victor took his camera ´´It isn´t short´´he said and started to play it. Bunch of humanoids was fighting with him, but something was different. He was slicing them with hands ´´This is faster version´´he explained ´´Slower is trice longer´´
´´I wanted to test something. I have it on camera, if you want to see´´Victor said
´´During your good time, i was putting those freaks into boxes, if you know what i mean´´Victor said ´´One was better than others as you can see´´
´´This was worst hour in my life´´Victor said. His wrist was bleeding and he wasn´t looking good aswell ´´I need to go to bed´´
Victor looked above annoyed and waited. Blood was coming from his wound, but i wasn´t serious ´´Had a good time?´´
´´Hey, you two, come down here´´Victor shouted ´´Our powers will dissapear in 15 minutes and i want to see how will you get down after that´´
Victor looked on his 25-hours watches and noticed that secret hour is about to end. He walked under building and threw ice ball next to place where Fayte and Aria were and pointed on his watches
Victor kicked mirror and it got scattered into pieces ´´I can´t betray them´´he said and walked down the streets, wiping away more humanoids. They weren´t as strong as one before, so only thing that was bleeding was wound from first fight ´´But still, i would love to have a girl´´he said, finishing last one
´´Lucky them´´Victor said. He never had even girlfriend ´´He is luckier than me. Having date with girl who he is working with. Is it just me or am i pushed away?´´he asked mirror. He created mirror from ice
Victor sat back on chair and waited until secret hour ends ´´I should leave them alone´´he said and wiped away blood from his face
Humanoid attacked Victor and cut his face. In return, Victor sent him back into hell. Cut wasn´t deep, but it become nice scar. It was like Clouds, but longer. ´´Ouch, this hurts´´he said
Vincent for me
Victor sat on edge of building when he saw something very strange. It was human like creature who was going to park. Victor looked on it and threw spike balls on it. Ice ball with dark spikes. °°Lovers need some time, so i will make my own fun°°he thought
´´I will be going slowly´´Victor said when he saw how Fayte is looking on him °°He loves her°°he thought and slowly went away from park
Victor looked around and sat on branch ´´What will we do now?´´
´´Well, i can´t fly even if i wanted. I just can walk in air on ice, which is too thin to walk on´´Victor said and created thin plate of ice ´´This is hopeless´´
Victor tried it to do in liquid form, but only result was that he was nose-bleeding ´´Well, not today´´he said and liquid ice dissapeared ´´How is your flame going?´´