I used to be in choir when I was a freshmen =3 I don't know if I'm that good of a singer though...
I don't know the guitarist's, in the video, name DX My brother knows how to play guitar. Don't you have a guitar class at your school?
She's one of my favorite Japanese singers. =D I like one of the guitarists in the video (the one in black and to the left =3) :o
watching videos, making a rant video, talking to people, waiting for a friend to get on instant messenger, and like a bunch of other stuff. O.o I love this song =D REIRA starring Yuna Ito ~ Truth
okay...so what are you doing right now? O.o
the old shows Rocked, the new shows...no...just no... Well, at least she's not like the other christians who think all other religions suck and need to go to hell. (like some people I've found on youtube. T.T) This one guy I found on youtube hates all other religions (like Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc...) and thinks that he's a prophet from God and that his sole purpose in life is to turn youtube into a good christian site (and he does by saying f*** you and telling you that if you're not christian, then you're going to go to hell T.T)
It's true, she can't really sing. T.T (I should have not gotten her first H/M cd >.>) Her show is over-rated a long with a lot of the stuff disney dishes out now. T.T Whatever happened to Even Stevens or Lizzie Maguire? I can't believe she did the photoshoot. She knows she is a role model for children!
oh yeah, I've seen commercials for that show. T.T I don't plan on watching it... Disney's just going with the flow of everything and just over hyping everything. I like High School Musical, but c'mon, a third one? They're just doing it more for the money now... That and Hannah Montana. Sorry if I don't reply for like 10 minutes, my mom is having me wash dishes. T.T (jeez we need a dish washer, and by that I mean NOT ME! no matter what my mom says, I'm not a dish washer >.> technically...)
I like Full House. ^_^; I can't believe they got rid of Family Matters! New Disney sucks. >.> I miss 90s disney with stuff like Pocahontas and The Lion King. >.> Although I do want to watch their new movie Camp Rock (although I think it's just copying High School Musical...) I think disney also owns ESPN if I remember correctly... *listening to music videos*
they show it on Abc Family don't they?
lolz XD I love this song =D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmxT21uFRwM
I haven't watched it in a long time but I love this episode! XD
i like Boy Meets World. =D
haha, me too =D I love being a night owl. =3 night = better than day
that's weird. O.o Everyone is tired lolz XD I'm not that tired... Aerith, can you send me your story again? I forgot to read it last night... >.>
still lolz, that's early to me to be going to bed. =3
It's too early for you to be tired. lolz XD
lolz XD Whenever somebody would mention Iron Man the movie, I thought of the song by Black Sabbath lolz XD
They used to have a show on Nickelodeon. this one is number 1 Animorphs #1
my friend read that book, she liked it. I have yet to read it though. -.- The description of it reminded me a bit of the series Animorphs. =D