That game looks like something Wes Craven might do. O.O (the director of Nightmare on Elm Street)
O.o looks like I'm having nightmares tonight. O.O O.o wow
I didn't know there was a game. O.o
wow. O.O I don't really have a favorite Final Fantasy character. XD
Who's your first, Purebeats? O.o Is that the live action one? O.o
lolz XD I'm still Sorafan's favorite KH character. >=3 I just added you Aerith. =3 I'm HolyTwilightPrincess.
okay, I'm gonna add you as a friend. =3 Riku's doing good. =3 Hi!
oh yeah, Aerith, what's your Gaia username? O.o
they took them off tv. D= i used to watch them every afternoon after school. D= they have them on dvd though. =3
@PB: lolz, I love that part. XD @Aerith: I know! I miss watching it. D=
oh yeah, I saw that video O.o I was watching The Best of the Animaniacs on youtube. =3
sorry I haven't replied. there was a database error on my computer. D=
haha, yeah, I haven't seen her post in awhile. XD
true. =3 plus, they only take certain verses of the bible and use them, they don't take all of the verses. O.o
AMEN lolz XD
that's true. T.T the God they are talking about is definitely not the God that I grew up with. T.T
really? I didn't know that was a sin. O.o
I know. T.T i've done a few rants on them. XD
I don't like them. D= what show were you watching?