Issues with randomness 8D
My family has a history of a lot of things... I have an interesting family history actually lolz XD thank you. ^-^
It was the first thing that came to mind D= *has a bit of an anger issue too* Just ask my family lolz, especially my brother...
ooooooohhhhh I see. I don't know if that's ever happened to me, but I know what you're talking about.
there's a big rumor going around about you? O.o okay, just did. You are now one of my favorite authors =D
YAY! cuz I just got one =D
ooohhhh that guy!!! =D Do you have a account? O.o
Who's Tousen? O.o that name sounds familiar...
it was what I put on this question I found on yahoo answers. The question was What nickname would you give these characters? Aizen Gin Orachimaru ------------------- My Answers: Traitor Smiley Michael Jackson >=3
lolz XD I like Gin. My nickname for him is Smiley =3 this is what the Wallflower (aka Perfect Girl Evolution) is about It's good! I would recommend reading the manga first because the guys aren't as cute in the anime. D=
awww lolz XD *looking at the Romance section on* ... I feel like reading The Wallflower now lolz XD that's another one I need to need to catch up on.
do I want to know what you know? O.o
I'm reading a whole lot more than that though. >.<" I have tons of them book marked and I do random searches on >=D
I read too many mangas. T.T here are a few Penguin Revolution Love Monster Amatsuki Vampire Knight AAA Boku no Hatsukoi o Kimi ni Sasagu (try saying that 5 times fast =D) B.O.D.Y. some really short ones and I've read a few one shots. =3 that's only a small bit of all the mangas I read. T.T
lolz, I have read the first 2 volumes of it and I own the first volume, but I haven't gotten any farther... >.> I think I left off on episode 52 or 53, so I have to find out what manga chapters those are... I read my manga at or (or what ever has the manga(s) that I want to read, mostly those 2) Where do you read yours?
I'm so far behind in Bleach it isn't funny. T.T *needs to read the manga from where she left off*
okay! talk to you soon =D *goes back to her bed and reads her book* >=3
HI!!!! *watches her fly away* hey, Hey, HEY! you come back here!
okay, I'll be sure to read it tonight =D just be on me about it like Jazz was with hers... >.>
your birthday is next week? Happy Early Birthday then. ^-^ *incase I forget...* It is interesting. 8D