I wish I could say the same tbh. Who dis again? AW SHIIIIIIT VIRGIN? AS IN, VIDEOGAMENERD? That´s you, right? awwww shiiiiiitttttttttttttttttt...
idk yeah i guess : /
I ****ING REMEMBER WHEN YOU MADE THAT THREAD Do you happen to have a screenie of it? I can´t believe it has been 20 years already.
"That" car crash? How are you feeling since then?
Happened to me with a song of the Beatles, due to some lovey dovey shenanigans. Feeling is for the weak.
So....this is the power....of Hollywood......
Is it true Daredevil is a homosexual and he had a relationship with Lex Luthor?
I vote Pat cause he hates Superman (like I) and because he is a fan of Persona (me too). But mustard is the best.
You gotta use a master ball. Amaurys are hard to find, and they run instantly after making your first move. I looked it up on a guide.
>when you go to your library´s bathroom and you accidentally find Amaury G-Guys....
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Watch Disney animation videos. Look at art that inspires you. Give me five dollars.
Yeah but do the tanks make out?
**** you guys. Reborn didn´t stay strong for ****ing years because it was bad. You guys should get back to watching those generic edgy anime shows with all the j-pop dudes. ...Thats what people watch nowadays, rite?
Brah have you ever seen Rebornm brah? Cause if not...you should. ...can I watch it with you?
>watching anime Well, unless you are talking about Katekyo Hitman Reborn, then yeah I´d understand.
This band is pretty good you guys hear of them? Found this song and wow
Remind me to never drink your orange juice in the fridge without permission lol. It´s crazy how dreams end up. First you chase a thief and run into hot girls and then end up in a slaher movie to a Marvel movie. Killing that cat was pretty messed tho
Bro, just get her in a room devoid of sound and people, and just let everything roll out like a Decepticon about to I dont know