Pokemon? What is this Pokemon you speak of? LOL XD Nah, I haven't seen Pokemon in quite a long time now..
The weirdest thing I've ever done? Hmm.. I remember one time (my dad told me actually) I woke up, took a shower, got dressed, ate my breakfast and finally went back to bed to sleep more 4-5 hours.. PS: This was during summer vacation..
Raito(not sure if this one has been said already..) I see your not happy with that obsession...
Riku Sora Kairi own, what's the obsession with Shikamarus Shadow?
hamki92 cuz he mentioned me!!
Really? Didn't see it.... twilight_shadow
Hi kairilovessoraverymuch! (damn, that's a big username..) Welcome to kh-vids.net!! Read the rules, post lots and have fun!!
No one picked me?.. I'm so unloved.. XD libregkd
I second that... I mean it's just wow.. 29 seconds..
Cool! I like it because it's and original idea, she's well done ( not perfect though ) and the drawing has a nice coloring. Good job!! :noworries:
That game seems awsome!! As StupidAquarius and VideoGameNerd said the graphics are gorgeous and amazing. From what I saw in that video I say that this game is kinda of like Tomb Raider, but with a male character..
Yes, and this is a post. XD :P
Have you order it?
The only bad things about Mickey is that he doesn't have a finisher, and that when your using him you know that your not good enough ( at that time ) to defeat that boss only with Sora.
................................. no comment.............
Aren't you tired of posting stuff like this?