If by Quentin Tarantino you mean star in a gay film about gay non-canon vampire fanfiction romance that has ruined nearly a century of vampire mythology, then yes.
You're on a video game forum, and Chuck Norris is your avatar. You needed Astronomy Club to give you the final piece to the puzzle?
Care to explain why?
I forget who you used to be.
Everyone should beware the day I type here sober.
****ing awesome book series! Tobias was a hawk!!!! Shame he stayed too long.
OMG I totally had a dream that you would type that! Imagine that!
It was weird. Didn't have the flare that a video has. Some thing were pretty ****-tastic.
Yeah but something like that still doesn't address the conviction that a Muslim, or Buddhist might have in their faith. Would such a choice merit a harsh judgement on God's part? And would've if they denied Christ, and everything else Christianity requires of its followers to accept in order to have "everlasting life"? If they lived life according to the ideals of their faith and hold steadfast even in the end, how will they be judged?
Plus I think we're missing the bigger picture here: paying for sexual favours is awesome.
I had a dream that someone started a thread about seeing the future in your dreams and when I came here the next day... well we can all see what this thread is about. It's official, I'm a god.
This thread is so not tits.
I hate you all. Given the opportunity, I'd clone myself and suicide bomb most of your neighbourhoods.
My name is White_Rook and I approve this message.
Yeah, but no one's doing any of that. It's simply his take on the matter. Furthermore no argument that posits an alternative to creationism ever assumes that nothing existed before the big bang. Common theories put forth the idea that everything in the universe began as a densely packed slab of matter. If there's anything that starts a heated debate in cases as these it's the misinformation that either party brings to the table. You've made several assumptions on part of what others believe and make obviously biased arguments (i.e. "Christians go out into the world and save souls from burning in hell") that just ask for you to be lambasted. Religious and scientific jargon and mumbo-jumbo aside, it's about respect in what others believe. While you may not be aware, excessive bible beating and criticism of people's convictions in science is pretty hypocritical in the context of everything you just posted. Accusing Atheists of not having any morals to live by is also asking for a ***** slap too, so cut the high horse bullshit .
In what way? Time travel always results in a paradox. For example I just came back from the future where I've already seen your comment and was only waiting for you to make it in order to respond with this exact post.
Choice; we have the right and ability to behave in ways we choose to. And this is with respect to whether or not a god actually exists. Trying to attribute everything to some divine plan removes choice out of the equation, because if everything is preordained (like God deciding to give children to negligent and irresponsible parents, as opposed to irresponsible behaviour on the part of irresponsible people leading to pregnancy) then we never really had a choice in the matter to begin with. There is no such thing as fate or a divine plan that we're all following, only probability and the strength of said probability in the likelihood of some events occurring more than others.
I just went back in time to give you the idea for this thread, which I am now commenting on. Greetings from the future. I also went back in time to give myself the time machine I invented to save time and effort.
Stop beating yourself up, it's unsightly.
The sad thing is that this kind of environment is difficult for expressing one's views and being able to fully actualize one's full autonomy; schooling up until the end of high school is just a static environment that you have to endure. Ultimately it's up to you and how strongly you want to push for you current right to express your beliefs, but I suggest you just grin and bare it and bullshit until the end of the course. If you're being forced to reflect on the five books or whatnot just make something up. You should be creative enough if you're a conscientious Atheist.