-Weasely House- "I see, well that's good." Ron said, smiling and removing his hand as his mother brought them a snack. After thanking her, Ron took out the stone that Haruto gave him and examined it. He wondered to himself, 'What kind of stone is it?' He didn't notice that the ring shone briefly and Ron pondered if he would be able to cut the stone with the tools in the shop. -Nintendo High Lobby- Aqua waited in the lobby of the high school, wondering where her parents were at and if they were even coming to pick her up. Sighing, she thought, 'Wonder if Terra and Ven are here. Maybe we can walk home together like we used to do when we were younger.' She smiled as she thought of the memories of her, Terra, and Ventus together as children and continued to wait, Latias shyly watched her and smiled, admiring Aqua's faith and belief in her friends. -Dojima House- "Oh, onii-chan, welcome home." Nanako said when she saw Yu come through the door and smiled, sitting in the living room at the table. Though she probably guessed it, Nanako asked, "Did your school let out early because of the invaders? Nintendo Elementary did, Daddy picked me up the moment he heard." Nanako wondered how Hotaru was doing and smiled. -Sirius' Apartment- Harry looked in surprise, Eiji and Ankh were in their room, already in their beds. Eiji was resting on his futon, having changed into his sleep clothes while Ankh was resting in his hammock, still in his day clothes with both hands and feet sticking out. Harry sighed and stretched his head, he said to Sirius, "They must have had a tough battle today, if they were already in bed." Sirius nodded, surprised as well.
-Castle Baron- "I don't know where we are, Arigas." Zidane said, before looking out a window with a seldom look on his face. "In all honestly, I don't even know where this world is. All I know that we are supposed to make this world what we supposed to make it. And apparently we will never able to be return to our original worlds." -Rabanastre: Southgate- Cecil and Rydia stood at the entrance to the Southgate which led out of the city. "So do we have everything we need for the voyage?" Rydia asked, holding a bag of various potion, ethers, and other healing items. Cecil nodded, adjusting his shield and and said, "Yes, we are just waiting on Tidus. He must be wandering around, so I doubt that he is a resident of this city. But I hope to visit again, this city is so beautiful." Rydia blushed and held his hand, Cecil smiled and firmly gripped her hand. -Balamb Field- Golbez noticed the young man who approached them and asked what was going on, he turned and looked away. He didn't feel like he should answer his question and kept quiet, thinking and hoping that Cecil wasn't on this world, unaware of the feeling in the pit of his stomach that he was wrong. He would let Lighting or Squall explain what was happening at the moment.
Name: Nanako Dojima Description: Ryotaro's only child and Yu's cousin. Since her mother died when she was young, Nanako has taken on all the house chores but still has her childhood dreams. She is good friends with Hotaru, and loves going to Junes, the city's local superstore, as well as the Pink Power Ranger and the Female Gokaigers. Occupation: Elementary School Student Series Character is from: Persona 4 Other: Spoiler: Nanako Name: Princess Serenity Description: Though the one that the Sailor Senshi are searching for, they don't know much about this mysterious princess. All that is known is she has the power to appear in the dreams of certain people and request for their help in times of great danger. Occupation: ?????? Series Character is from: Sailor Moon Other: Spoiler: Serenity
-School Gate- Ami was surprised at how Kengo was about the offer, she asked, "Did..... did you look up any information on that computer?" "Yes, but I promise to keep it secret if you help me with the Switches and you must promise to keep the Switches since they are the power of Kamen Rider Fourze." Kengo said, Ami recalled Fourze as the space-themed hero saved her during the fight with the S-Type and surprised that Kengo knew him. She asked, "How do you know him.....?" Kengo kept quiet. -Shotaro- Hermione smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I'm not much of a motorcycle person. But yes, it would be rude, I suppose if I didn't see where it is you work." "Just stay close to us and you'll be safe, Mione-chan." Philip said, holding her hand as he headed out of the library, Hermione followed him and smiled. -Tsukasa- "Oh, Tsukasa. I didn't know that you were there. Thank you." Sakura said, smiling at him after she noticed him when she finished. Putting her flute away, she asked, "Nice to see you again. How was life been treating you?" Carefully hiding was Hinako and Seki, who had guessed that there may be something between Sakura and Tsukasa. -Hallway- "Bye, Joshua, see you later!!!!" Rhyme shouted, waving at Joshua and followed Beat to meet their dad. She hoped that Applejack and Ron made it home okay and that everyone was safe from the current danger. -Weasley House- Ron noticed how Ion looked and led him to the living room while his mother made a snack for them, "Hey, Ion, are you feeling okay? You don't look so well. You're not running a fever, are you?" He felt his forehead, he learned that from his oldest brother, Bill, before he became a bank broker and married Fleur Delacour. He guessed that his dad or one of his brothers went to go his youngest sister, Ginny from school.
That would be nice, thank you.
Are you now just noticing Kazari's threat to Siegfried?
...... -facedesks-
-Hot Springs- Lockon smiled at the sight of the hot spring that they had arrived, he said, "After everything that has happened so far, we deserve a good break." "Yes, we really do deserve a break from all we have been through recently." Tieria said, hiding his concern about the hot spring they had suddenly arrived at, Setsuna just kept quiet, Lyle sighed, smiling at the thought of taking a good soak in the hot water. Rei remained quiet while Asuka was excited about arriving at a hot spring. Spoiler: banners -Lastation- Rydia looked at Haruto and asked, "Are you sure they'll be able to find someone here?" "Rydia, you should trust him. Are you losing faith already?" Edward said, surprised at her concern. Yuna smiled and looked at Lukya who was standing by herself, she asked Tidus, "Hey, Tidus, think you could talk to Lukya? She looks so lonely and I thought she could use someone to comfort her. Not her brother, obviously." Fang smiled, ruffled Noel's hair before laying her arm on his head, "You'll make a good hunter, one day, kid." She watched Nico and Noire hug each other and kept quiet, thinking about Vanitas. Serah felt her Eidolon move in her Eidoloith and wondered if it meant something. Spoiler: many banners -Lowee- Hermione hugged Roxas back, smiling before Basco took control of her and spoke to the CPUs, "Yes, we have a ship. But why do you want to use it? What are your reasons?" "Is there a emergency going in this Lastation?" Ahim asked, worried about their sudden asking for a ship. Firion and most of the others kept quiet, wondering if the ship would even have enough room for all of them or would just the CPUs go to save their sisters.
-Tokyo Cathedral- "Well, that was interesting....." Cecil said, sitting in a pew. Edward nodded, sitting beside him, Edge leaned against one and said, "I don't trust that priest." "What do you mean, Edge? He seemed alright, aside from appearing to be a bit strict." Edward said to his friend, surprised that he immediately didn't trust him. Cecil wondered if Edge's instincts were telling him something, Edge told him, "I don't know. But the moment I saw him, I just knew he couldn't be trusted." Cecil kept quiet and looked at the beauty of the cathedral. -Hallway- "Yeah, lets go then." Ron said, smiling and leading Ion to his home. He swapped his shoes at his locker and led Ion to his house, not knowing that they were being followed by a certain pink cat-like creature. A few miles from the school, there was a small manor-like house, Ron said to Ion, "No, we're not rich. A friend of mine asked that this be built for us because our living arrangements before were kinda crappy. I feel like I owe him for this though." He walked through the door and took off his shoes, looking around, Ron asked, "Anyone home?" "Ron, you're home early!" His mother, Molly, appeared from the kitchen, Ron shrugged, "School is cancelled til Friday. I just hope that Rhyme and Applejack are going to be okay. Oh, yeah, meet Ion, a new friend from school." -Another Hallway- Rhyme and Latias headed for her brother and Joshua, having become friends rather quickly. Latias was expressing concern about her brother, Latios, but Rhyme was comforting her that he will appear and they will head home together. Waving goodbye to Latias, Rhyme walked to Beat and Joshua, "Sorry if I kept you waiting, Beat. I was busy talking with my new friend, Latias." -Gullwings Apartment- Aerith smiled when she saw Beast and chaos arrived with the girls, she said, "Thank goodness, you're alright. I was so worried." "No worries, Beast and chaos came to pick us up as you can see." Rikku said, smiling. Yuna smiled and said, "No sell today?" "With the invasion going on, that's what I was thinking. Oh, is this a friend of yours?" Aerith said, smiling as Belle entered the ship. Waving, Belle said, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything." "Nope, I'm glad that you and the girls are safe. Nice to meet you." Bartz said, smiling as he came in with drinks for everyone. -Tsukasa's location- Near where Tsukasa was, Sakura had approached and took out a flute. Recalling her days as Yen Sid's assistant, Sakura was hesitant but began to play a song that she had learned after she had left the school. Sakura played each note as best as she could remember, she recalled all the fights that she had won to defend the city of Tokyo as Kamen Rider with Hinako and Seki by her side before stepping down.
-Tokyo Cathedral- "Oh, priest, we are sorry if we have disrupted anything. You see, my friends and I were seeking shelter from the chaos outside." Cecil said, surprised when Frollo suddenly walked up to them. Edward swallowed a lump in his throat and said, "Yes, and we noticed this cathedral and chose to come here for safety, if that was alright, priest." Edge just kept quiet, nodding in agreement with his friends, he didn't know why but he just didn't like Frollo from the moment he first saw him. -Nintendo High Hallway- "Well, school just ended and we don't have school until Friday. And all students have to head home now. Hey, would you like to come to my house? That way, I can show you some of the spots in the city." Ron said, smiling at Ion and feeling bad that he wasn't able to experience anything at school. He thought to himself, 'And maybe he can help me with that request that Haruto gave me to work on.' -Crystal Order HQ- "Understood, Rassilon." Kazari said, standing up and leaving the room. When he saw Siegfried behind him, he hit the wall, leaving a notable hole in the place where he hit it. Glaring at Siegfried, he said, "Get in my way during this mission, Siegfried, and you'll be nothing more than a pile of armor impaled with your sword. Understand?" -Nintendo Elementary- Hotaru waited in the lobby when she was suddenly lifted into the air, holding her was Haruka, who smiled at her. "Hey there, Hotaru. Did you have a good day at school?" Haruka asked her adopted child, Hotaru smiled and held her, saying, "Yes, I had a great day at school today! I was so worried about you, Michiru, and Setsuna though." "We were worried about you, too, our little firefly." Haruka said, holding her close.
-Galleon- Kengo kept quiet and thought for a moment. He knew it was important to return Ami's computer to her and that Fourze should have all his Switches. After thinking for a brief moment, Kengo stood up and took the computer, then teleported somewhere. Worried, Navi said, "Gentaro, follow him. I do trust Kengo but I want to make sure he doesn't get into trouble with his condition." -School Gates- Ami waved goodbye to Setsuna, Haruka, and Michiru who went to Nintendo Elementary to pick up Hotaru. Rei, Serena, Makoto, and Minako went to town to get a snack while Ami started for her cram school. She suddenly stopped, seeing Kengo standing in front of her, "Oh, hello Kengo. Are you attending....." She went silent when she noticed the small blue compact he held out, Ami tried to grab it but Kengo pulled it back. He said, "I have a offer for you. Your computer for that Switch you have. In exchange, you will help me develop the Switches for Fourze." -Library- "Looks like the school day is over." Philip said, looking at the students who were leaving the school. He picked up his book and said, "Lets head back to the agency." Watching them go, Hermione swallowed hard and grabbed Shotaro's vest, she said, "May I.... go with you? I wanted to see where it is you work and because I am the chief, you know....." Hermione looked at Shotaro, hiding her blush. -Hallway- "It's okay, I wasn't paying attention." Ron said, standing up and dusting himself off. He held out a hand to Ion, he smiled, "Here, let me help you. Name's Ron Weasley, by the way. What's your name?" -City Street- After their battle and detransformed into their regular clothes, Dante looked at his morpher and grinned, "This power is incredible! Aw, man, this is awesome!!!" "You can tell your brother and Nero that you're a Power Ranger if you want, but keep secret where you retrieve that power." Thomas said, Billy looked at the half completed communicators and sighed. "You tell what? I'll take you all to my restaurant as a treat." Dante said, smiling. Ahim smiled, but grew concerned about her mother as they followed Dante. However, when they reached the ruins of the Devil May Dine restaurant, everyone, especially Dante, was shocked. Dante shouted, "Why the world want to destroy my building all the time?!!!" Ahim smiled and called a group of construction builders to rebuild the restaurant.
-London- A single man stood in front of a gravestone, craved as a Celtic cross, in one of the many cemeteries in London. James looked at the headstone which had the name of the oldest brother of his two former students, David Oliver. Staying quiet as James knelt down and placed a bouquet of flowers on the gravestone, then stood and calmly walked away to his hotel. When he entered, he smiled at the sight on his bed. Sleeping on his bed were two cat-like children, WilyKat and WilyKit, his recently adopted youngest son and daughter. James stroked Kit's head and wondered what was happening in Japan. -City Street- Watching the invasion was the young CEO, Cecil, along with his childhood friends, Edge and Edward. Looking at the ships in surprise, Cecil said, "I think I picked a bad day to leave the company." "No, duh, Cecil! Aliens are kidnapping all the chicks in the city!" Edge told him, Edward swallowed a lump in his throat and said, "Cecil, Edge, let us take shelter in this church that I have seen while we were traveling for shelter." Cecil and Edge nodded at each other and headed toward the Tokyo cathedral, entering it. -Gullwings Apartment- While Beast and chaos were watching the invasion, two other members of the Gullwings were doing their own business. Aerith sighed as there appeared to be that there was no business today with the invasion, so she began to design some new costumes for Yuna and Rikku. Meanwhile, Bartz was in his room, trying to write a good song for Yuna's next concert and having a hard time to find the melody or even the words for the song. He sighed and looked out his window, worried about the girls.
Some new characters. Name: James Potter Description: Harry's father and Sirius's childhood friend, James was one of the school's most mischievous students before settling down and starting a martial arts school, which taught Tommy and Thomas. James is known by his nickname from Sirius, Prongs, and is as playful as a child, but can still be protective and caring to his son. Occupation: Former Martial Arts teacher Series Character is from: Harry Potter Other: Spoiler: James Name: WilyKit Description: One of two orphans James found and adopted while traveling with his wife in the UK, WilyKit is playful and kind. She plays a soft melody on her flute, the only reminder the twins have of their old life. WilyKit hopes to make a good impression on her new big brother when they meet him. Occupation: None Series Character is from: Thundercats (2011 revival) Other: Spoiler: Kit Name: WilyKat Description: WilyKit's twin brother, who insisted that they should be adopted together when James found them. WilyKat was excited to hear that he and WilyKit would have a family again and couldn't find for when they will head to Japan and meet his new big brother. Occupation: None Series Character is from: Thundercats (2011 revival) Other: Spoiler: Kat
-Balamb Fields- "All I want is join you in defeating and destroying this Chronos so I can be restored to my original age. I promise not to be a burden." Golbez said, not hesitating at Lighting when she spoke him harshly. He ran a hand through his short brown hair and sighed, having forgotten his days as a child and wondered what weapon he would wield now and pondered how they would reach the Isle of Thor. "I only wish for the same thing as you two." -Rabanastre- Rydia looked through a weapon shop to find a weapon she could use before they headed out, Cecil went to the clothing shop and changed his clothes into something suitable. He went to a tarven called the Sandsea and looked through a map he found which the whole world, Cecil was surprised to see that Castle Baron in the world and sighed, continuing to study the map when Rydia came with a bag of weapons that they could use in their current situation. "Hmmm? Great, a map. Hey, there's Castle Baron and there's the Isle of Thor." Rydia said, smiling as she looked over the map with Cecil -Castle Baron- "Hello, there. What might your name be, miss?" Zidane said, smiling at the new arrival who appeared in the castle. He walked over to her and smiled, shaking her hand. "Name's Zidane, nice to meet you." -Alexandria- Basch kept quiet, wondering how they will be able to get to the Isle and defeat Chronos in their current state. He touched his scar and sighed, thinking how worried Larsa must be and how the others are taking his disappearance. Thinking about what happened so far, Basch wondered why they were picked and ran a hand through his hair.
-Library- Philip watched as the bookshelves rearranged themselves and disappeared until one book appeared in front of him. Grabbing it, Philip began to read it, he said, "Apparently, the S-Types have nothing to do with this. The abduction is something that is plot-related that I cannot reveal." When she heard that Philip is connected to the Gaia Library, Hermione sighed, "I wonder what I have gotten myself into." When Philip came out of the Gaia Library, he took Shotaro to a different part of the library, he said, "Excuse us, Mione-chan." -Galleon- "Ami Mizuno, that is Sailor Mercury's civilian identity. Apparently, her and several other girls make up the Sailor Senshi, each one named after a certain planet, and they're looking for this 'Princess Serenity'." Kengo explained to Gentaro, Navi asked, "Whoa, that is something. Think they would agree to team up with us?" "It's hard to say, they're probably busy finding this Princess." -City Street- "So, how exactly are we supposed to destroy these things without killing the innocent chicks inside?" Dante asked, Tommy thought for that, but gasped when he watched Thomas go one of the ships, he shouted, "Thomas, stop!" "Maybe if one of us can create a opening in one of the ships, Kimberly and I can take the ladies to safety." Ahim said, Luka smiled, "Ahim, you're a genius!" -Hallway- Ron stretched as he walked down the hallway, looking at the stone and ring that Haruto gave him. "That Haruto is one strange character," he said to himself. Since he wasn't paying attention, he bumped into someone. OOC: Who Ron bumped into can be done by anyone.
I would like to note that these characters that I am going to take is because I didn't want to take them away from any people, but I want to see if I can play them in this rp. If there are anyone will would take any of these characters, just ask me and I will gladly give them to you. Name: Cecil Harvey Description: The CEO of Baron Company. Having grown up in the mansion his whole life, Cecil feels trapped by being the head of the family company and wishes to leave with help of his two childhood friends. Occupation: CEO Executive Series Character is from: Final Fantasy IV Other: Spoiler: Cecil Name: Edward Chris von Muir Description: One of Cecil's childhood friends, Edward came from the noble family of von Muir and was brought to Japan to give Cecil company. Since they grew up together, Edward is shy and provides music to his friends in times of stress. Occupation: Musician Series Character is from: Final Fantasy IV Other: Spoiler: Edward Name: Edge Geraldine Description: Another of Cecil's childhood friends and his bodyguard, Edge is the son of the head of the Eblan clan and is a skilled ninja to defend his friends. However, he is also very flirtatious and tends to talk to girls too much. Occupation: Bodyguard Series Character is from: Final Fantasy IV Other: Spoiler: Edge Name: Bartz Klauser Description: A jack of all trades, Bartz travels Japan to do various jobs as to fulfill the promise he made to his late father. He is currently taken residence with the Gullwings by working as their songwriter and recorder. Occupation: Jack-of-all-trades/Songwriter/Recorder Series Character is from: Final Fantasy V Other: Spoiler: Bartz Name: Aerith Gainsborough Description: A orphan who wanted to become a florist and joined the Gullwings as their costume designer. Aerith turned the empty store below their apartment into a flower shop so she could live out her dream. She is also not afraid of Beast and believes he will find love one day. Occupation: Florist/Costume Designer Series Character is from: Final Fantasy VII Other: Spoiler: Aerith
In Kamen Rider W, Philip was saved by Shotaro and Narumi a year prior to the start from a certain organization who went after them to get him...
-Lastation- "I'm sorry, Valefor." Yuna said when she and the other girls that had returned after the CPUs destroyed the meteor. Valefor had a small noise and rubbed her head against Yuna than Tidus for a bit before flying away. Fang patted Bahamut on the head while Serah hugged Khoine, Rydia stroked her Mist Dragon and smiled, as Garnet petted her Bahamut as each summon disappeared in some form. "Man, I really wanted to hit that meteor with my spear!" Fang said, before getting hugged by Vanille. Yuna smiled and held Tidus. -Digital Tower- "If it came from that pyramid thing, I would say it's not. But lets stay on our guard, either way." Zephyrmon said. Calumon jumped off of Rika's arms and ran to the Gekomon, he said happily, "Hello there, Mr. Gekomon! I am Calumon, nice to meet you! Do you know how is the master of this tower and how we can beat him?" Zephyrmon sighed and smiled.
-Alexandria- With the further de-aging, Basch discarded his armor and sighed. "How much longer must we must suffer before this Judge is satisfied?" He said, pondering his thought out loud. He followed Kratos and Zack, after managing to put his sword and armor in a big for him to carry. He almost forgotten what it was like to be a ten year old, the days he played with his twin brother, Noah, and their parents. Basch sighed and kept quiet. -Rabanastre- Cecil was shocked that he, Tidus, and Rydia were shrunk to ten years old, he took off his armor and asked, "What do we do now? It is apparent that this Chronos wants us to defeat him as children. But how do we get to the Isle of Thor and how are we to fight if our weapons are too big for us to hold?" Rydia didn't say anything, she just began to cry, "That big meanie, Chronos!!! He's going to pay for turning us into ten years old!" "I know, Rydia, but I think we should make a plan or something." Cecil said, smiling as he patted her head. Rydia pouted and nodded. -Castle Baron- "I'm fine, Martel. Huh, well hey there! Name's Zidane Tribal and this is Martel!" Zidane said, smiling at Asbel. He noticed that he was ten years old like him. He sighed and said to himself, 'Never thought I would be this age again.' Zidane looked at his big baggy clothes and his own oversized dagger and wondered what to do now. -Balamb- Seeing as he was turned into a ten year old, Golbez dismissed his armor, tossing each piece to the ground hard, which made a noise that would cause Lighting and Squall to notice him. Golbez held up his hand when they looked at him and said, "I mean you two no harm. I was just discarding this heavy armor I was wearing as it would be too much of a pain to wear with this body." -Wutai- Kuja looked at his now ten year old with surprise, he had been created with a adult body so he never experienced a child's body like Zidane had and sighed. "This Chronos is a persistent being. How long must he demand that we are to be children to fight him? This play is not going as I hoped it would. Oh, well, must as well find a way to this 'Isle of Thor' to confront him."
-Crystal Order Headquarters- Kazari changed into his Greeed form and used his speed to head for the headquarter. After waiting for Discord to meet with Rassilon, Kazari entered the room when he left and knelt to the ground, bowing his head as well. "Master Rassilon, I have made a discovery that may be important. The prisoner that Sokichi Narumi and his young ward, Shotaro Hidari, came for a year, Raito Sonozaki, I have found him. He is now under the name Philip and is working as the librarian at the Nintendo High School." He kept quiet as he recalled the three mysterious female Kamen Riders who fought him, allowing Shotaro and Philip to escape. -Library- "Right. Starting look-up." Philip said, closing his eyes and entering the Gaia Library. Hermione looked confused at Philip and jumped when he suddenly spoke, "Now what are the keywords?" "Oh! Um.... Aliens...." Hermione said, confused still. In the Gaia Library, Philip watched as the bookshelves rearranged themselves and disappeared, he said, "That's not enough. Shotaro, can you provide the last two keywords?" 'How is he doing that?!' Hermione whispered to Shotaro. -Galleon- Kengo took out the Switches and laid on them on the table. Navi flew onto the table and asked, "Which one is missing, Kengo?" "The very first Switch, the Rocket Switch*, Kisaragi must have dropped it when he took me to the Nurse's office. I blame myself for that." Kengo said, sitting at the table and sighing. Navi noticed the computer and tried to pick it, but she barely managed to hold it and tossed it to Gentaro. "Sorry about that, Gentaro!" -Lobby- "Oh, are you new here, senpai? Well, Latias here is one of the Pokemon students with her brother, Latios, due to their ability to change into a human form." Rhyme said, smiling as Latias demosated her ability by changing from her Pokemon form to her human form. Settling on her Pokemon form, Latias smiled at Yu. Rhyme smiled as well before looking out the window in worry. *OOC: In the link, the small box with the the tab on it is the Switch Kengo is talking about.