Name: Natsumi Hikari Description: Tsukasa's only friend who knows he is Kamen Rider Decade, however unaware of how and why he received this power, and makes sure to keep him in line. Natsumi is part of the Photography Club, due to the fact her family runs a photography shop. Also athletic and very agile, Natsumi is often asked to join the Gymnast Club. Occupation: Student Series Character is from: Kamen Rider Decade Other: Spoiler: Natsumi
-Weasley House- "Whoa, nice to meet you too. See you later, Ion. Take care on the way back to your place." Ron said, smiling as he waved at Ion while he was leaving. He pulled out his cell phone and text Harry and Hermione to meet him tomorrow so they could work together on finishing the ring for Haruto and find where he lives so they could give it to him. -Command Center- Navi had returned in time to listen to Zordon's story and kept quiet. She understood now why he did all that he did and picked those specific people to become his warriors. She stayed quiet, thinking about all the battles each group had been in the past and sighed. -Sakura's Home- "Hey there, kiddo!!! Welcome home! Got any food for me?" A small yellow plush-like creature said as soon as Sakura entered the room. Sakura smiled, "Sorry, Kero-chan. I don't have any food. Hey, mind if I use the Clow Cards to do a reading?" "What's up, Sakura? Not that I mind, but why?" Kero asked. Sakura kept quiet as she pulled out a deck of cards from her desk, she looked at the design on the back of the cards. -Narumi Detective Agency- "Slow day, today....." Hermione said, looking at her cell phone to check the time. She yawned and fell asleep on the bed, Philip came out and took her cell phone. Pushing some buttons, he called her parents and talked to them about her staying with them for the night. "Don't want our chief's parents worry about her, right? I hope she won't be disappointed to find you're really 'half-boiled'." Philip said, as he pulled a blanket over her.
Yeah, strange and kinda lame that he needed the money. Not to mention, he sorta kept bugging me around. But I got it and it's working great. For now, I'll use it as a DVD player until I get PS3 games of my interest because it came Madden and another game. So yeah, I'm a bit late to get one, but I got it.
-Weasley House- "I'm glad to have met you too, Ion. Be careful on the way back to your house." Ron said, finishing the stone and looked at Ion. He asked, "Hey, do you want me to wait outside with you until your guardian comes and picks you up? I'm pretty done with my work right now and just gonna wait until tomorrow for my friends to help with putting the stone in the ring." -Tokyo Cathedral- "I know a place on the way to my own. I'll take you there." Alice said, leading them of the cathedral and walking down the street. She walked to a small apartment building which Cecil, Edge, and Edward accepted. Edge kept glaring at U-Ryotaros as he had tried to get closer to Alice while she led them to the building. After waving goodbye to them, Alice asked U-Ryotaros, "Are you sure you don't have a home or something I can take you to? Your family must be worried." -Kengo's House- Makoto smiled and began to work on the meal. At that moment, Kengo and Ami entered, have finishing the work needed on the Switch. He sighed and asked, "Kisaragi, with there being no school until Friday, how do you feel about testing the Switch tomorrow? I'll ask Kino-san to come as Jupiter to help with the experiment." -Gullwings Apartment/Flower Shop- Retrieving his call, Yuna sighed and said, "I hope he'll be alright." "He will be. Keep that faith up, besides it's like he's going to appear from a big blue box or something." Bartz said, watering the Easter lilies. Aerith smiled and nodded, setting the roses in the window. chaos looked over the sheet music of the song that Aerith picked for them while Rikku went to the shop to help out and asked, "What's this about a blue box?" "Just Bartz's crazy imagination." Aerith said. -Sakura's house- "Sorry, Tsukasa, I ran into my friends and they suggested a celebration of you staying with me." Sakura said, embarrassed as she led everyone into the house. Hinako smiled and said, "Nice to meet ya! You may recongize us as some of the staff at the school, but you don't have to call us that. Just call me Hinako and miss brooding Seki." "Nice to meet you. There are some matters that Sakura, Hinako and I need to discuss in private later tonight, so we will be staying the night." Seki said, Sakura smiled and said, "Blunt as always." -Minato/Date House- Michal sighed and waited for his companion and caretaker, Akira Date, returned from his current operation. He was working on some citizens who were injured during the destruction of Devil May Dine and thought about the day. He said to himself, "Still wasn't able to talk to her. I gotta do at some point, but I don't know when!!!" He groaned and stuffed his face in a pillow when he heard a thud. Looking up, he sweatdropped at a man in a coat and carrying a metal milk tank over his shoulder on the floor. -Akira's Dream- Akira found himself in a beautiful looking lake, he thought about what happened recently. He was helping attend to injured who were involved with the sudden destruction of Devil May Dine and just suddenly fell asleep when he arrived at his house. He stopped thinking when he noticed a beautiful young girl, her white hair was tied in two bun ponytails and she wore a white dress. Looking at him, she had sorrow in her eyes as she spoke, "Please...... Help me....." -City Street- While walking to a nearby store to get some snack, Haruto passed a young girl who was on her way home. When the two passed each other, they both felt something but when they turned around to look at the person, they were gone. Haruto was in the store and thought about the surge of magic he felt, the girl wondered if what she felt was her imagination and continued home.
Name: Sakura Kinomoto Description: A elementary school student who uses the mysterious Clow Cards and Clow Staff with the help of Cerberus, the guardian of the cards who she awoke when she first opened the book that contained him. Occupation: Elementary School Student Series Character is from: Card Captor Sakura Other: Spoiler: Sakura Name: Cerberus Description: Cerberus, or more commonly known as Kero, is the guardian of the Clow Cards and chose Sakura to gather the cards when she accidently released them from the book he resided. He is a huge stomach and loves to eat food. Occupation: None Series Character is from: Card Captor Sakura Other: Spoiler: Kero
Name: Akira Date Description: A traveling doctor who returned to Japan to fund his travels to go around the world. He is a cheery, upbeat guy who mixes up names and hates reading manuals. As a Doctor, he knows all the hospitals in Tokyo. Occupation: Traveling Doctor Series Character is from: Kamen Rider OOO Other: Spoiler: Akira Name: Michal Minato Description: A shy young man who is Akira's companion, whom he treats most with trust and respect and met during his travels. Michal is a new student at the high school, and can be forced to do things due to his shy personality, and is deathly scared of water for unknown reasons. Occupation: Student Series Character is from: Kamen Rider OOO Other: Spoiler: Michal
It wouldn't be for awhile until the time is right to capture Philip. I mean, they did just retrieve the mission. It's best to wait a while until I...
What would you like to talk about?
-Weasley House- "I wouldn't think too much on it and I don't want you to think about it too much, Ion. I'm just saying what's come to my mind on the subject. How 'bout we stop talking on this subject." Ron said, cutting the stone more as he got it into the right size for the ring. "To be honest, I'm not always this philosophical, guess Percy's studying just rubbed off on me." He laughed and continued his work. -Tokyo Cathedral- "There isn't a lot here I can show you in the cathedral, but I can take you to my apartment if that's alright." Alice said, smiling at him. Cecil realized and went to Alice, asking, "Miss, could you show us a place to sleep for the night? My companions and I would like to find a place for sleep tonight." Alice smiled and nodded. -Kengo's House- "Oh, yeah, we were never properly introduced. I'm Makoto Kino. Nice to meet you. Yeah, I'm one of Ami-chan's friends and one of the Sailor Senshi. I'm trusting you with this secret, I am Sailor Jupiter. I'm hoping that my power will be able to help that Fourze guy. He's rather interesting." Makoto said, smiling as she held out her hand to Gentaro to shake his hand and become friends with him. She didn't know, however, that she was talking to the guy who helped her during the fight earlier. -Narumi Dectective Agency- "Whoa, that's rather insane and emotional..... Man, I wonder if I'm even ready for this kind of work." Hermione said, wide-eyed in awe at the origin of the Rider that her new accomplices turned in and smiled. "Well, Shotaro. Lets work together to help avenge the death of your boss. And lets do it in a hard-boiled style." -Near Sakura's House- "Of course, I would love to go on patrol tonight. I have been itching to use my Driver again after so long! It's been so long, I can't wait!" Hinako said, smiling. Seki thought for a moment, "I suppose it's alright. It has been a long time since I used my Driver. And considering that, I'm sure I'm gonna have a lot of power to use. I'll come along, too." "Then lets celebrate, not only Tsukasa's new home with me, but the return of the first three Riders. You two can come over to my place" Sakura said, as Seki got two packs of soda and Hinako caught some bags of chips. Buying them, they headed back to Sakura's house. -Gullwings Apartment/Flower Shop- Yuna sat at the counter of the flower shop and sighed, whispering softly, "He's late..... Where is Tidus? I hope he hasn't gotten into a fight or anything." "Yuna, you've got to have more faith in your boyfriend than that. He's probably knows he's late and is rushing to get here. If anything, he probably got caught up perfecting a move for the Aurochs." Bartz said, walking in with a pot of fire lilies. Aerith came in and said, smiling, "This is Tidus we're talking about, I'm sure he's fine." -Gokai House- "Since when are you interested in the news, Gai?" Luka asked, sitting next to Ahim, who had her cup of her tea, and with her cell phone out. She looked at her phone and thought to herself, 'No calls from Ashe yet. I hope she's alright. If anything happened, I'm sure that Vaan would have called me or something.' Don and Basco were in the kitchen, making a meal for everyone.
-Weasley House- "If you want my honest opinion, magic is what you make of it. If you use your magic to help someone, than it's good. If you use it to hurt other, than it's bad. I really don't know what to say about magic not existing." Ron said, dusting off the dust that had gathered from the cuts he had made on the stone. "Besides, I rather not use my magic much. I want to do things by my own hands." -Tokyo Cathedral- Alice was pretty surprised by the sudden change that Ryotaro went through, and smiled. "Oh, um, thank you very much." "Who does that kid think he is?! Flirting with pretty girls is my job." Edge said, Edward and Cecil looked at him with concern, Edward sighed, shaking his head. Cecil gave a laugh and thought to himself, 'Typical Edge, always thinking about the girls and flirting with them.' -Kengo's House- Makoto smiled, following him to the kitchen. "Hey, Gentaro, can I ask why do you know someone like Kengo? I heard how he's spends a lot of time in the nurse's office because of his weak health. I find it kinda hard for him to be staying here all on his own with that condition of his." Makoto asked while looking for a cookbook to find a good meal to prepare, putting on a apron and getting the ingredients. Meanwhile, Ami and Kengo were in his father's old lab, working on the Switch. -Narumi Detective Agency- Hermione kept quiet and nodded, unsure what to say now. Philip went to the door with the hats and entered the room behind the door, Hermione followed him, surprised to see white boards around the room. Closing the door softly, Hermione went back to the desk, she said, "Shotaro, can you tell me everything about Kamen Rider W? Everything from when it first appeared until now. Leave out no details." -Tsukasa and Sakura- Sakura smiled, grabbing his hand and leading him to her place. Stopping at her house, she unlocked the door and told him, "How 'bout you go in first, Tsukasa? There's something I need to care for on my own." She turned and went to a nearby store, when she was alone, Sakura said, "You two can come out now. It's rude to stalk someone, you know, Hina-chan." "Oh, come on. I thought you and Tsukasa were going to get super close." Hinako said, coming out of her hiding place with Seki, Seki asked, "You sure about him staying with you? He may find out your secret." "It will be fine, besides we haven't been on the scene for a quite while. Maybe we can do a little patrol tonight?" Sakura said, smiling at her comrades. -Dalmasca House- Vaan, the soon-to-be heir of the Dalmasca wealth, ran through the manor house of his fiancee and ran to the archery room, smiling at the woman standing in the room. Looking up at him, she smiled and said, "Hey, Vaan. What's--" She was interrupted when Vaan suddenly hugged her, he said, "Oh, Ashe, I was so worried about you. Scared that you might have been captured." "I've been here the whole time, Vaan. I won't be going anywhere for a while." Ashe told him, Vaan smiled and looked embarrassed.
-Weasley House- Ron thought about what Ion asked him and said, cutting the stone, "I never thought much that magic me and my friends use is strong. I mean, we don't use it that much in public for fear of the non-magical people. In truth, the jobs that my brothers have are really cover-ups for their actual jobs. Bill's a curse breaker in the national bank, Charlie is studying dragons in Romania, Percy is the assistant of the Minster of Magic in London, Fred and George are the owners of the joke shop." -Kengo's House- Ami walked up to her while Kengo wondered how her powers would contribute, when they would done talking, Kengo led them inside his house. "Great place you got here, Kengo. Where are your parents?" Makoto asked, Kengo's expression saddened and he said, "They're dead. My mom died after I was born and my dad died in a accident." He went to the room where the equipment was to develop the Switches, Ami followed him after asking Makoto for a unusual pen. The bottom was green while the top had the symbol of Jupiter on it. After thinking for a moment, Makoto said, "Hey, Gentaro. Lets make a really great meal for Kengo. Something to cheer him up over living alone like this all these years." -Gullwings Apartment- "Yuna, I was wondering if you wanted to sing a song at the memorial tomorrow?" Aerith asked as they relaxed in the living room. Yuna didn't look so sure, Rikku said, "You should totally do it, Yunie!!! It should be amazing!" "If anything, the only concern would be Frollo, I suppose. But I'm sure he won't say anything to you." Paine said, Yuna nodded and sighed, she said, "I'll do it, with chaos." "I will be honored, Yuna." chaos said, smiling. Bartz began to look for a song for them to sing. -Tokyo Cathedral- Seeing Ryotaro come into the cathedral, Alice smiled and walked up to him, she said, "Welcome to the cathedral. I'm glad that you chose to seek shelter here and hope you will be protected by the grace of the Lord." "Such kindness, she is almost like a angel in many ways." Edward said, watching her, Edge smiled and nodded. Cecil watched her and smiled, hoping he will find someone like that one day. -Narumi Detective Agency- Listening, Hermione thought for a moment and nodded, "Than, keep doing what you're doing, Shotaro. As your chief, I will help in any way. Just teach me anything that you feel I should know about this and I will be there to help you two." Philip smiled, nodding, "Then we will teach you everything we know, but there are somethings that must be kept secret. Right, Shotaro?" -Tsukasa & Sakura- "Then you're coming to stay with me! I will not take 'no' for a answer." Sakura said, looking at Tsukasa with a stern face. "I will not take to see a good student like you living on your own with no family. Besides, it gets rather lonely in my home when Hinako and Seki aren't there. I would like the company." "That was..... rather direct, I think." Seki said, watching in surprise, Hinako was just surprised at Sakura's comment.
Name: Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca Description: The head of the weathly Dalmasca family who sponsors and supports the Tokyo Cathedral. Among her friends, she is better known as Ashe and is the only one who openly voices her dislike for Frollo's views though she has yet to face him and tell him her thoughts. Ashe is friends with Luka and lets her live with her and her family. Occupation: Sponsor Series Character is from: Final Fantasy XII Other: Spoiler: Ashe Name: Vaan Description: Ashe's closet companion and her fiancee, Vaan enjoys spending time with Ashe though expresses concern when she voices her dislike about Frollo. Vaan is unsure of the fortune and wealth he will inherit when he and Ashe marry, as he was once a orphan but is good hearted and will do what he must to protect his fiancee. Occupation: Bodyguard Series Character is from: Final Fantasy XII Other: Spoiler: Vaan
-Weasley House- Ron smiled at Ion who was impressed with his type of magic and looked around. He went to the stone cutting board and set the stone on the board. "Hey, Ion. Think you could listen for my mom when she calls for a snack or something? I sometimes don't hear her because I am so focused on working out here. If it's not too much?" Ron asked, looking at Ion before starting his work. -Dojima House- Nanako nodded and muted the volume on the TV, wondering how Yu was calling and if it was something really important. She got up and walked to the window, looking outside and keeping as quiet as she could for Yu to talk to the person he was calling and hoped that her father was going to okay with his work. -School Gates- "Tell her to meet at my house. Here's the address." Kengo said, giving her his address and Ami called Makoto, telling her where to meet and went with Kengo and Gentaro to his house. Ami noticed they were wearing the same watch, Kengo kept quiet. As they reached his house, Kengo noticed someone standing out the gate of his house. He whispered to Gentaro, "That must be Makoto." -Tokyo Cathedral- Alice nodded and sighed, she said, "I hope that those who were captured who will be returned somehow, by the grace of the Lord." She was hesitant to say anything about Frollo and hoped that she would be able to not to see him, Edward was trying to keep Edge from flirting with Alice while Cecil knelt in a pew and prayed for safety for everyone as well. -Narumi Detective Agency- Philip smiled and put the money somewhere that Shotaro won't be able to reach it. Hermione just blinked and said, "Uh.... okay. That's interesting. So, uh, Shotaro? What is it exactly that you and Philip do here? What kind of cases do you take on?" Philip would have answered but respected that Hermione asked Shotaro specifically and went to read his book. -Tsukasa and Sakura- "Yes, I could imagine that, but the whole invasion was rather unusual. I just hope that those young ladies will be returned here safely and unharmed from whatever happened to them." Sakura said, sighing. "Would you like to come over to my place? I could call your family to let them know." Hinako smiled big while Seki just kept a straight face.
Yeah, I should edit it. In honesty, I'm not good with serious stuff sometimes.
No one else has say anything about it, but Dante's place is always destroyed. Hence his line about the world wanting his place. Guess I should...
-Weasley House- "Right. Might as well since I haven't been in the shop." Ron said, standing up and heading out to the backyard. He smiled and said, "Yeah, me, my family, and my friends do some magic. It is much different from yours, though." He walked out to the shop that was in the yard, and tried to open the door. He sighed and cast the opening spell, using a stick. He opened the door and stepped inside. -Dojima House- Nanako nodded and continued to watch the news report. She wondered if all that has happened would mean that her father would be busy and home late, then sighed. Nanako wondered if Hotaru was alright and she had made it home safely with her family. -Lobby- "Terra, hey there! I was worried I would be captured because of the invasion and waited for my parents. But I don't think they're coming, probably busy with work. Would you like to come my place and spend some time together like when we were young?" Aqua asked her childhood friend, but she also wished that Ventus would appear and it would be the three of them like before. -School Gates- "Ami Mizuno, nice to meet you." Ami introduced, shaking his hand. Kengo held his bag over his shoulder and said, "Are you ready to go? There is one Switch I really need to develop for Fourze." He showed the 9 Switch to Ami and explained the trouble that Fourze had been having with it. Ami thought for a thought and asked, "Should I call Makoto? As Sailor Jupiter, she has the power of lighting and electricity." "I don't know...." Kengo said, thinking. "Your thoughts, Kisaragi?" -Narumi Detective Agency- Hermione wondered what was behind the door where all the hats were hung, and was hesitant to find out before looking out the rest of the agency. As he passed the desk, Philip noticed something and picked up a envelope and said, "Looks like our mystery sponsor has given us our money for this month, Shotaro." "Mystery sponsor?" Hermione asked, Philip nodded and saw her and Shotaro the amount of money that was in the envelope, he said, "But I'll hold onto the money. Knowing you, you would spend it on mystery novels. I think we have enough of those." Hermione was beginning to wonder if this mystery sponsor could be. -Tsukasa and Sakura- "Yes, I would almost say this generation is as heroic and strong as the old one, maybe more so. And that Decade one is rather interesting, indeed. Maybe one day, the old generation will appear again and fight with the new. It would be interesting to see Kamen Rider Ichigo and Decade fighting together, don't you think?" Sakura said, smiling. Seki facepalmed as she saw Hinako's inspired face and thought to herself, 'Though it would be nice to get back into the field again, but I think you just gave a idea to Hinako, Sakura....'
Spoiler: banners -Lastation- "Oh, T-tidus. You surprised me. Hello, um..... Have you known Lady Yuna long? You two seem very close." Lukya asked, sounding a bit curious about the relationship between Tidus and Yuna. Seymour watched, keeping a caring yet cold stare as he watched his sister talk with his enemy. Hearing Haruto say that they had every right not to trust him since they had just met and seen a little bit of his power, Edward said, "Yes, we each have only shown each other just a bit of our powers and we have just recently met." Rydia was surprised at Edward's calmness and smiled, remembering when he was scared of his own shadow after they had first met. Serah had walked a way from the group and took her Eidoloth crystal out, summoning Kholine from within it. Grabbing her hand and gently holding it in hers, she said, "You feel it, don't you? The prescene of your old master." She smiled, though the Eidolon kept quiet. Spoiler: many banners -Lowee- The other half of the CPU's group headed for the Galleon, Kyo and Hermione passing each other a quick look as did Ron and Harry to Kisa and Illya. Don went to the terminal and began to look up where to find Lastation. Basco remained in control of Hermione's body and said, "Well, Marvy, this seems rather unexpected. Maybe these 'disks' are what that crazy birds want us to find. Now if only I had the Rapparatta and a few Ranger Keys. Then they could scout the land for these disks those girls are looking for." "No way, Basco! And you're not asking Hermione to recreate that thing for you neither are you still getting the Ranger Keys!" Luka shouted, most everyone had left, leaving just Basco, Marvelous, and Luka on the ground.
-Weasely House- "The new student, Haruto Souma, gave it to me. He wanted me to craft this stone into this ring for some reason. We have a shop out back where my brother, Charlie, used to cut stones and taught me how to before he went to travel to Romania in order to study ancient ruins. Every once in a while, I go to the shop and do some work there." Ron explained as he examined the ring Haruto gave him, still wondering about the secret he was going to tell him. -Crystal Order HQ- "Well, kid. I hope you didn't admire those Power Rangers, Kamen Riders, or the Super Sentai because they are now your enemies as they have been ours. So, enjoy your life in the Crystal Order now." Kazari said, walking by Vantias in his Greeed form and changing into his human form, heading out on his mission to capture Philip. -Devil May Dine- Dante sighed, sitting by the ruins of his resturaunt while the construstion workers did their job. Ahim tried to comfort him, but Luka stopped her, shaking her head. "Dante, you, Vergil, and Nero are welcome to stay with us." Tommy said, hands in his pockets. Thomas looked at him and said, "You do know that Vergil hates all humans." "Worth a shot, Thomas." Kimberly stretched and hoped that the others were doing alright while Billy continued to work on the communicators for the others.
-Tokyo Cathedral- "Oh, brother Yang. Good to see you. I'm doing alright, just concerned for those who had been involved with that unusual invasion that happened earlier." Alice said when she noticed him as she heard him. Cecil, Edward, and Edge noticed her, Edge moved his mask to drool over her beauty, but Edward asked, "Who is that? She is lovely." "Yes, she is almost like a angel." -Dojima House- "I would have been made lunch but I figured you probably had it at the high school." Nanako said before watching the news report on the invasion and watched in worry about the number of females missing from the city. She asked, "Why would aliens kidnap only all the females?" -School Gate- "Do we have a deal, then?." Kengo said, Ami took a breath and nodded, saying "Yes." The two swapped their items to their respective owners. Kengo sighed in relief to have the Rocket Switch back, Ami said, "Maybe we can start now since I think my cram school is probably cancelled. And maybe Gentaro can help us if he wants to." Kengo turned around and sighed, facepalming, he said, "Kisaragi, how long have you been here?" -Narumi Detective Agency- When the trio reached the agency, Hermione looked in surprise at how the agency looked, "Wow. That's not what I expected, but it looks like a nice place." "Yeah, it's a alright place, Mione-chan." Philip said, heading inside as Hermione followed him.. -Tsukasa- "That's great. I have been doing okay, living peacefully and exploring the world." Sakura said, smiling. "I hope those Rangers or Riders managed to defeat them though. Can you keep a secret? I personally knew the first three Kamen Riders that appeared many years ago. It seems like so long since they appeared." Seki leaned against the wall while Hinako was hoping for some more romantic action to happen.
Name: Alice Elliot Description: A humble devout Christian who spends her time at the Tokyo Cathedral, Alice was the daughter of a small church pastor before he was killed by S-Type. Instead of taking revenge for his death, Alice prays for the people's safety at the cathedral. She tries to avoid Frollo because she fears his extreme religious views Occupation: ???? Series Character is from: Shadow Hearts Other: Spoiler