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  1. Princess Rapunzel
    Name: Flara
    Age: 16
    Occupation: Student
    Bio: Flara is one of many sisters whose appearance and abilities are based on the evaluations of the pokemon, Eevee, with hers based on Flareon. To match her appearance, Flara has a fiery personality as well as a fiery determination and desire to be there for her sisters. Flara is known to her sisters and friends to carefree, cheerful, funny, and wild, but also loving and loyal to her family.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Princess Rapunzel
    Reserving Human!Flareon.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 22, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Princess Rapunzel
    Profile Post Comment

    -glomps him and holds him tightly-

    -glomps him and holds him tightly-
    Profile Post Comment by Princess Rapunzel, May 22, 2013
  4. Princess Rapunzel

    -Hot Springs-

    Lockon listened to Sumeragi and Allelujah as she explained they had seen him die and what happened after that, he hid his surprise and nodded. "No worries, Miss Sumeragi. I won't be going there for a long while." He said, Setsuna came out, with a robe on and looked at Sumeragi, he said, "Miss Sumeragi, Ali Al has appeared before us, but last we saw him, he disappeared in the Gundam Throne while we fought him in space."



    "Hello there. I'm Yuna, nice to meet you." Yuna said, Lukya caught her breath and looked at them, smiling, she said, "I don't think anyone's hurt, just tired out from running all the way here." "What happened here, exactly?" Vanille asked, Fang and Kain held their weapons and listened to them. Edward asked them, "Are you the ones who are hurt in anyway, my lord and lady?"
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 22, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Princess Rapunzel
  6. Princess Rapunzel
    After talking with StardustXtreme on Skype, I have decided to trade Haruto Souma, Bartz Klauser, Oerba Dia Vanille, and Ankh to him in exchange for Ryotaro and the Taros.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 19, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Princess Rapunzel I made a wikia for the rp, if that's alright. So, go ahead and create pages if you want.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 18, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Princess Rapunzel

    -Tokyo Streets-

    Kazari landed in front of Siegfried, still in his human form, his mind on the encounter with Kamen Rider Ichigo and how ticked off he made him that she was a tough fighter. He thought he felt a familiar presence when he passed a billiard shop, but he ignored it and said to Siegfried, "Siegfried, lets keep looking. Whatever that Philip is hiding, he wouldn't hiding there very long." He then turned on his heel and walked in a direction, watching from a rooftop was Ankh and he left back to Sirius' apartment.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 18, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Princess Rapunzel
  10. Princess Rapunzel

    -Dalmasca House: Vaan's room balcony-

    Vaan stood on the balcony of his room and looked out at the horzion, thinking about something. Ashe walked up and said, "Thinking about your brother, Vaan?" "Yeah, I miss him so much. He was part of the Japanese military and was killed while defending a group of soldiers during a attack from the S-Types. I guess if those he died to protect think he was a biggest fool in the world."Vaan said, leaning against the railing. Ashe patted his back and said, "I think he was the greatest soldier and whoever he died to save probably thank him to risking his life. Lets get some sleep for tomorrow." Vaan was surprised that she wanted to sleep with him and nodded, as they went to his bed and went to sleep.


    -Tokyo Streets-

    The three Riders rode through the streets and stopped, Hinako spoke from her communicator, "I can't find any bad guys or anything like that on my part of town, Sakura-chan!" "Nothing on my end, either. And it's getting late, lets head back to your house and get some sleep." Seki said from her communicator, Sakura nodded and sighed, saying, "After that brief encounter with the Crystal Order member, I haven't found anything either. Lets head back and call it a night." The three Riders rode back to Sakura's house and detransformed, before heading to bed.


    -Gullwing Apartment-

    Aerith smiled, "It's alright. I would have asked Yuna to bring you anyway. Here's some food and please get some rest, there is a memorial happening tomorrow and Yuna is singing at it." She set a plate of food and a cup of water by the desk next to the bed, she said, "You're welcome to stay as longer as you like and leave when you feel better." Aerith yawned and left the room, helping Yuna to her room.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Princess Rapunzel

    -Hot Springs-

    Though a bit surprised, Lockon smiled and held Feldt in his arms. He gently stroked her hair and said, "Yeah, it's really me, Feldt. Who else were you expecting?" "Lovey Dovey!! Lovey Dovey!!" The Haros shouted, flapping their ears and their LED eyes flashing as they watched Lockon and Feldt. Lockon laughed and held Feldt in his arms.



    Hermione stayed in the crow's nest, watching the passing scenery as the ship flew to Lastation, keeping a eye out for the landmass they were heading for. Luka came up and joined her, she was sure that Hermione felt the pressure in the nest, but she either didn't mind or didn't want to see who it was. In the cabin, Ahim had her cup of tea and felt the tension in the air, keeping quiet and unsure what to do. Don stayed at the terminal, looking for the landmass. Harry sighed and leaned against the wall, thinking.



    Lukya gasped and caught her breath after running after Unicorn, sitting on her behind. Yuna looked at the people and shyly waved at them, Edge and Kain landed and looked at the people. Vivi hid behind Garnet and looked at them, Fang held her spear while Snow spoke, "Uh, hello there." Serah kept quiet, holding Kholine's crystal. Edward noted their unusual clothes and Rydia looked at them, Seymour just gave his sister a Hi-Potion and looked at the people, curious about them.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Princess Rapunzel

    -Hot Springs-

    Lockon left the hot springs to get away from the arguing between Tieria and Lyle. As he walked out, he noticed the group from the briefing room and gasped at the two familiar face, the younger one. Rubbing his eye and looking at them, Lockon said, "Miss Sumergai? Feldt?! Is that really you?!" He ran to them and was still in surprise. "Feldt..... So good to see you again..." "Feldt!! Feldt!!" The Haros shouted, rolling to her. "Good to see you! Good to see you!!"



    When Marvelous spoke to him face to face, Don didn't show any fear and just returned to the terminal, entering Lastation's coordination. Harry and Navi did a head count of those who had boarded the Galleon and confirming those who had boarded, gave the okay to set off. James noticed Roxas leave when Ahim said Hermione would be, he sighed and said, "I know it's a good time to be there for the one you care for, but they deserve to be alone if they need alone time..."

    Up in the crow's nest, Hermione leaned against the railing and sighed, touching the Gokaiger symbol on her chest. Basco spoke to her through their mind link, "You should know when Marvelous says those things, they're directed at me not you." "I know that, but you make me feel like that they should be directed at me. It's hard enough now that we are sharing a co-existence together." Hermione told him, pushing her hair back and sighing.



    After hearing that Unicorn had found something, Lukya smiled and ran after Unicorn. Yuna gasped and ran after her, "Lukya, wait!!!! We don't want to lose you!!!" Edge used his Ninjutsu to follow them while Kain used his Jump Ability to follow, Rydia and Edward, along with the others, followed them as well. Lukya just followed the Unicorn and ran as fast as she could to follow it. Seymour followed the others and sighed at his sister's impatience.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Princess Rapunzel
    After recently watching AC, there is a certain trio of characters I would like to take. Just please tell me if anyone has them.

    Name: Kadaj
    Description: A orphan who stays outside of the Gullwings' flower shop to obverse Aerith at work. Because she had once showed him and his brothers kindness before joining the Gullwings, he looks up to her as a mother. Though a bit violent temper, Kadaj is usually a fun-loving person.
    Occupation: None
    Series Character is from: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
    Name: Yazoo
    Description: Kadaj's older brother and the most mature of the three brothers, Yazoo works at the book store to help provide for him and his two brothers. Because of his job, he often brings home the most popular books. He also wishes to see Aerith again and thank her for the kindness she gave them, which he has in the form of a single flower.
    Occupation: Book Store Clerk
    Series Character is from: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
    Name: Loz
    Description: The oldest of the three brothers and the strongest, Loz works at the local gym to provide for his brothers and hone his fighting skills. A bit of a crybaby, Loz wants to become stronger to protect his brothers and Aerith, who had protected them in the past.
    Occupation: Gym Helper
    Series Character is from: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Princess Rapunzel

    -Kengo's Kitchen-

    Kengo gave a small smile and nodded. "Yeah, I know. Well, follow me." He said, heading upstairs and led Gentaro to the guest room he would be using. Kengo headed back downstairs and cleaned the kitchen. When he was finished, he loosened his tie and headed for his room. Before heading to bed, Kengo looked at the Elec State Switch and hoped the experiment would work.


    -Gullwings Apartment-

    "Oh, you're awake. That's a good sign. You're in a guest room of the apartment that belongs to the Gullwings, a popular music group with the pop star Yuna as the singer. We found you outside the flower shop below the apartment." Aerith said, walking into the room and putting a blanket over the sleeping Yuna. "Poor girl. She was so worried about you and her boyfriend, she must have fallen asleep while watching over you."


    -Streets of Tokyo-

    Sakura stopped suddenly when she saw a white young man with white hair, who also noticed her. Almost in a instant, he attacked her which she jumped from her motorcycle. She landed and they began to fight against each other, until Sakura got her opponent in a painful stance, holding him in that stance. She said, "You know, it's not nice to attack a lady." She then noticed the mark on his right hand, having fought a few Crystal Order members, she recognized the mark. "Part of the Crystal Order, are you?" "And you are?" Kazari asked, uninterested. Sakura smiled and said, "Kamen Rider Ichigo, the first of the Showa Riders." Managing to get out of her grisp, Kazari looked at the Kamen Rider and said, "We will meet again, Kamen Rider Ichigo." before running off.

    "Sakura-chan, are you alright?! You okay?! What happened?!" Hinako asked from her communicator, Sakura sighed and said, "I'm fine, I'm fine. Just ran into a member of the Crystal Order, he seemed to have a important mission he was on. So I didn't get a lot of info out of him." "Then we need to keep our eyes peeled for more Crystal Order members, just in case we run into any others that are roaming the streets." Seki said, Sakura nodded and remounted the Cyclone, riding off into the city.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Princess Rapunzel
    Just say he had recently arrived in Japan or something like that. Besides, I'm just pretending all my characters have lived in Japan all their lives.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Princess Rapunzel

    -Rooftop of Hongo House-

    After seeing that Tsukasa went to sleep, Sakura sat with Hinako and Seki on her rooftop. Waiting for awhile, Sakura stood up and said, "It's time. Lets start the patrol now." "Alright! It's been forever since we went henshin! This is going to be great!" Hinako said, smiling her biggest smile as her, Sakura, and Seki each had their own Drivers around their waists, Seki said, "But lets try to keep out of sight. I don't think Tokyo is ready for the return of the Showa era Riders yet. Neither is that new generation of Riders." "It's almost sounds like you're jealous of the new generation, but yes. Lets keep out of sight for the moment." Sakura said, hiding her hope of the past and future Riders working together, as they went to her room balcony and went into the same pose.

    "Henshin!" The three women shouted in union, as their clothes suddenly changed. Jumping off the balcony, each woman landed a very unique looking motorcycle before riding off on their duty.


    -Akira's Dream-

    "What do you mean? What do you need help with? Who are you, anyway?!" Akira said, wondering why she looked like she was about to cry and unaware of the familiar feeling around her. The young girl had her hands folded together and looked at him, "Please..... I need help..... Help me....." Akira was still confused and wondered what was wrong with her.


    -Date/Minato House-

    After putting Akira to bed, Michal sighed and went to his room. Changing into his pajamas, Michal kept thinking about the girl he wanted to talk to and blushed, laying on his bed and burying his face in his pillow. Regaining his composure, Michal thought to himself, "No used worrying about it. Guess I should get a good night's sleep and come up with a new plan." Yawning, Michal closed his eyes and fell asleep.


    -Kimberly's Apartment-

    Having showered and dressed for bed, Kimberly thought about everything that happened today. She smiled at the addition of Haruto and Dante as well as having selected leaders for the teams. Blushing at the thought of Tommy as the leader, Kimberly shook her head and looked at a picture from when they had first been chosen a year ago. It had been Kimberly and Ahim's suggestion that they had a picture taken to remember the day, and everyone was seldom of the idea, but it happened. Yawning, Kimberly put the picture down and went to her bed, falling asleep.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Princess Rapunzel
    Thought I would say hi and see how the Arena is doing.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 11, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  18. Princess Rapunzel
    I put in one of my posts that Yuna and chaos would perform a song at the memorial, is that alright?
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Princess Rapunzel

    -Sakura's Home-

    Sakura thought about Syaoran and when he would come back to Japan before turning her attention to the Clow Cards. Taking a breath, Sakura closed her eyes and picked the first card. Kero watched while sitting on the bed with a plate of a hot dog on it. Opening her eyes, Sakura found that she drew the Change card. She guessed a change must be coming soon and drew another card, it was the Sword, leading her to guess the change was going to be violent and drew one more. It was the Twin, Sakura wondered if that meant she would be helped by a pair of twins.


    -Asuna's House-

    Asuna took Yui to her house though she wanted to follow Hermione, Yui thought it best to go with her adoptive mother. Enjoying the meal that Asuna made for her, Yui wondered what Kirito was doing and the same with Hermione. Asuna also wondered what Kirito was doing at the moment, and smiled, guessing it was the usual thing he did.


    -School Lobby-

    Aqua smiled and walked with Terra to her house, she sighed to find her parents weren't home. Looking at the time, Aqua blushed and said, "Terra, wouldn't you mind spending here for the night, would you?" She wondered what she was thinking, but she thought it was better then him heading to his home and leaving her alone for the night.


    -Tokyo Cathedral-

    Alice was rather confused by Ryotaro's personality changes and smiled, not completely understanding. "It's okay, I guess. Just don't do that in front of the archdeacon, Frollo. He hates people with power and would think you're possessed or something." Alice said, having a calm yet sadden look on her face, leading him to her apartment.


    -Kengo's Kitchen-

    After Makoto cooked the meal for him, she and Ami left to their homes and Kengo sighed, rubbing his neck and looking embarrassed, a expression he didn't usually show at school. "Let me guess, since you know I live here alone, you're gonna stay the night? If you are, than I'll show you the guest room." Kengo calmly tried some of the meal that Makoto made for him.


    -Hongo House-

    Hinako shouted in joy while Seki sighed. Sakura smiled and went inside her house, while she and Seki went to the kitchen to make the meal, Hinako went to the garage to check something, leaving Tsukasa alone to explore.


    -Gullwings Apartment-

    Yuna and Aerith ran out and picked the nearly unconscious Yuri, Rikku went to tell Beast and chaos to prepare a guest room while Paine prepared a meal for him. Belle watched in worry as Yuna carried Yuri to the guest room while Paine brought the meal, chaos suggested that Belle should be taken home in the meanwhile and Yuna watched over Yuri, equally worried about him and Tidus.


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    "We can't risk it, Shotaro. No one is supposed to know where we received our powers from, they can only know that we have this power." Philip said, touching his communicator and looked at Shotaro. "I doubt we would be able to make exceptions, especially with Mione-chan. Also, I doubt that she would believe that a giant floating head gave us our power." He smiled, looking at the sleeping girl and stroked her hair slightly.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Princess Rapunzel


    "I see.... I hope I can find someone like that one day. You two look so happy together." Lukya said, smiling at him. Kain kept watch for the PlaMonsters and any enemies, Edge stood by him, keeping quiet in case of a enemy attack. With everyone being busy, Seymour quietly left the group and looked for the Black Mage and the fisherman, wondering who they were and where they went or came from.



    Hermione regained control to a place on the Galleon when she could be by herself, Basco appeared in the lounge room, leaning against the wall. Don sighed when Marvelous appeared in the room, he said, "Marvelous, I know you don't mean it. But please try to think of Hermione's feelings. It's not her fault that she's co-existing with Basco." "Where did she go on the ship, anyway?" Harry asked, Ahim said, "She went up to the crow's nest. To have some time to herself."



    Ashe and Karin sheathed their weapons while Anastasia sighed and fell on her bottom to catch her breath. Walking up to Pit, Ashe asked, holding out a hand to help him stand up, "Can you stand? You're not hurt, are you?" "How do you think we should wake everyone up?" Anastasia asked, guessing that the others were put to sleep by magical means. Karin said, "There should be someway to wake them."


    -Hot Springs-

    Asuka was enjoying the water of the springs while Rei quietly sat in the spring. Lyle smiled and said to Tieria after noticing he wasn't wearing his glasses, "You look better without those glasses, Tieria." "Be quiet, Lyle." Tieria said, angry at him. "I simply didn't want to fog the lenses." Setsuna just enjoyed the water and looked at Lockon, he had taken off his eye patch as not to dampen it and the Haros. Setsuna noticed how he had his hair to cover up his right eye and kept quiet.



    Applejack and Rainbow Dash gasped for air and stretched, looking around. "You're a fast little fellow, aren't ya, Link? I haven't run that fast, not even when I was roundin' up the cattle for the farm." Applejack said, smiling and sighed. Rainbow Dash smiled and said, "So, where is this big mean and scary guy? I'm itching to hurt him and try out some new moves on him!"


    -Dream World-

    "I feel that you are to awake soon." Serenity said, and began to leave. She looked at them and said, "I hope that when you dream again, we shall meet again." "Lady Serenity, wait! How do you know that we're supposed to wake up soon?!" Derpy said, surprised at her guess and watched as she began to leave. Fluttershy asked, "Are you sure that we will meet again, Lady Serenity?!" "Yes...." Serenity said, turning to them with a gentle smile.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home