Name: Kira Yamato Description: A college student who is a pacifist yet willing to fight in order to protect his family, friends, and loved ones. He is also Lacus' boyfriend, the two care deeply for each other and Kira is often cheered up by Lacus' wisdom and kindness. Occupation: Student Series Character is from: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Other: Spoiler: Kira Name: Cagalli Yula Athha Description: Kira's twin sister and daughter/head of the Orb Company. Despite her position, Cagalli is rebellious, tomboyish, and free spirited, however, she does a softer side when it comes to her brother and her boyfriend. Like her brother, Cagalli is willing to fight in order to protect those dearest to her. Occupation: Orb Company CEO Series Character is from: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Other: Spoiler: Cagalli Name: Athrun Zala Description: Kira's best friend and Cagalli's boyfriend. Athrun is a quiet individual who is a bit of a master at crafting small robots, as he made Kira a small robotic small and all the Haros that Lacus has. Occupation: College Student Series Character is from: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Other: Spoiler: Athrun
Yeah, it is safe to assume that.
Sort of realized these are some characters needed for the comic relief, but they are also kinda important to a certain hero group we have. Name: Rita Repulsa Description: A evil sorceress who had been defeated by Zordon many years before his arrival on Earth. Freed from her imprisonment of a space dumpster, Rita is back and ready to defeat Zordon expect for the Rangers, Riders, and Gokaigers she had heard for. Occupation: Sorceress Series Character is from: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Other: Spoiler: Rita Name: Lord Zedd Description: Rita's master and husband, Zedd is no pushover as he can create monsters with the power of his staff. Much like Rita, he dislikes the Rangers, Riders, and the Gokaigers, seeking to destroy them and their leader Zordon in order to rule the universe. Occupation: Evil Lord Series Character is from: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Other: Spoiler: Zedd
-Tokyo Street- Teddie gasped when he saw that Naoto was sniffed by a stranger, he looked at her worried and said, "Nao-chan, are you alright? You okay?! If Sensei is that angry at him, I think that he might go bear-sek on that guy." He laughed and cheered on Yu for defending Naoto. -Cafeteria- Akiza blushed slightly when Kazu said that she was silently asking for a duel. "Uh, if you want. I mean, I just was looking through my deck. I mean, yes. I would to have a duel with you." She smiled, blushing a bit from her shuttering at being asked to do something fun with someone before starting to shuffle her deck to prepare herself. Spoiler -Riders- Sakura explained at a certain point in their lives, she, Seki, and Hinako each found a Rider pass and boarded the DenLiner, traveling back to a certain point in time. Sakura went to the sixties where she was captured by the organization, Shocker, which changed and altered her body to become their prefect warrior despite the fact she was a woman but she managed to break free and become the first Kamen Rider. Hinako went to the time shortly after Sakura had become known by her new title and also altered by Shocker to be a better weapon than Sakura, but broke free as well and became Kamen Rider Nigo. Seki's story was a bit different as she went to when Sakura and Hinako were well-known as Riders and asked them to make her just like them to avenge her family. While Dante sneezed and looked around for anyone talking about him, Kengo took to the heart each Rider's origin as most of the others. Sakura took a small sip of her drink, looking seldom as she sighed, Ahim said, "That seems so awful. I can't imagine that happening to anyone." "But I suppose we should thank you three for starting the Riders. If not, the Riders of this era wouldn't exist and the world would be under the rule of Shocker." Kengo said, Sakura smiled and nodded. Seki just ate while Hinako smiled. Sakura looked at Marvelous and Basco, asking, "Do you two know a man by the name of AkaRed?" -Higurashi Shrine, Bone-Eater's Well- Kagome, one of the residents of the Higurashi Shrine, stood at the entrance of the Bone-Eater's Well, the gateway to the past, the Feudal Era. She was pondering if she should head to the past with school being closed for the next few days and sighed. 'Like Inuyasha would care if I stay in my time for a few days.' She thought to herself and headed for her house.
-Dimensional Veil- Seymour just stood by, wearing a unique looking pair of swimming trucks with his Measter robe over his shoulders. He just kept quiet, wondering what they were waiting for. He stretched and sat down, cross-legged and thinking about the world beyond the veil. Spoiler: many banners -GokaiGalleon- Harry was asleep on the sofa, with Sirius in his dog form. Ahim was enjoying a cup of tea at the table with Maria while Don and Billy messed with the radar. Kimberly talked with Aisha while Tommy leaned against the pillar. Luka and Hermione were up in the crow's nest, looking up for the Temporal Tower while Bartz, James, Remus, and Chappu did from the main deck. Yuna and Rikku explored the ship with Fred and George while Paine was sleeping somewhere private. Mew and Riolu were keeping Draco busy from complaining by messing with him. Ginny and Ron looked out of the windows while Basco leaned against the wall. -Avia- Rainbow Dash and Applejack kept quiet and kept their eyes peeled for any rough enemies. Rainbow cracked her knuckles as she walked with a tough look in her eyes while Applejack gripped her rope and smiled, waiting to lasso the enemy. -Cave- Ashe kept quiet as she kept a watch at the cave entrance, Karin sat with Fluttershy and wondered if Yuri was here. Anastasia yawned and stretched before messing with her eggs and camera. Derpy was fast asleep, tired from waiting for the others. Spoiler: banners -Lastation- Lukya stood near the entrance of the city, looking out at the sky and wondering where her brother disappeared to. Yuna joined her and stood next to her, Fang stretched and wandered the city on Bahamut while Vanille and Serah talked with each other. Snow practiced his fighting moves, Edge tried to sneak around and look for a woman to peek at, sitting in the a quiet spot, Edward began to play his lyre while Rydia stretched and laid down on the ground, looking at the sky. Vivi nodded off, sitting next to Garnet.
-Nintendo High- Managing to find the caferina, Akiza looked around and said, "I wonder if they would even be open since school is closed until Friday." She went to a table and pulled out her deck, looking through her cards. -Library- "Oh, yeah. That's right." Teddie grabbed the zipper around his neck and unzipped his head, revealing a handsome looking young man with blond windswept hair and bright blue eyes inside the bear suit, "Give me a moment to change into my clothes, Sensei, Nao-chan." Teddie walked away for a moment and came back, dressed in the clothes that Chie and Yukiko brought for him when he first showed his human form. "Did I keep you waiting?" He asked, smiling. Spoiler -Riders and Sentai- "I believe now is the time to discuss how my friends and I became Riders." Sakura said, setting her cup down after taking a sip of it. Billy, Ahim, Luka, Don, Basco, Ryotaro, and Kengo looked at her while Dante continued to stuff his face. Seki said, "Ryotaro, you know about the DenLiner, the train that travels through time?" "Y-yes, Ms. Seki." Ryotaro said, Sakura said, "Each of us found a Rider pass and that train is how it started for us...." -Demolitation Site- Joe and Gomamon enjoyed their food until Kari was captured by some evil Digimon. "Kari!!!! Joe, we have to help the others!" Gomamon shouted, going to join the others. Joe nodded and ran with him, shouting at Kari, "Kari, stay calm! We'll save you!!" Gomamon shouted, "Marching Fishes!!!! A rainbow of tiny fishes appeared from nowhere, and attacked.
Sorry to come back just to take a mass of characters. I might go on break again, but I don't know when. Anyway, on my character sheets Name: Shuyin Description: Lenne's lover and fiancee who suddenly vanished without any reason. Shuyin is traveling the world, looking for a way to protect his lover and what he hopes will become their future family. For unknown reasons, he bears a striking resemblance to Tidus, Yuna's boyfriend. Occupation: ?????? Series Character is from: Final Fantasy X-2 Other: Spoiler: Shuyin Name: Bomper Description: A unique little robot who often says 'Bom-bom' at the end of his sentences. Created by Shuyin to protect Lenne, Bomper is eager to protect his assigned mission. Occupation: Robot Series Character is from: Engine Sentai Go-Onger Other: Spoiler: Bomper Name: Momo Mizrahi Description: The daughter of one of the JIA scientists, Momo is cheerful, excitable, and very friendly. She is saddened because of her father's job, she isn't able to spend much time with him. She is a freshman at Nintendo High. Occupation: Student Series Character is from: Xenosaga Other: Spoiler: Momo Name: Kagome Higurashi Description: A student at Nintendo High who is anything but a normal girl. Born the reincarnation of a feudal era priestess, Kagome has the power to travel into the feudal era through the Bone-Eater's Well at her family's shrine. She often travels and argue with Inuyasha, a half-demon she freed from a curse. Occupation: Student Series Character is from: Inuyasha Other: Spoiler: Kagome Name: Kirara Description: A demon cat from the feudal era who is the partner of the demon slayer, Sango. Kirara's cuteness is not to be underestismed as she can change into a huge saber-toothed demon cat. Occupation: Pet Series Character is from: Inuyasha Other: Spoiler: Kirara Name: Marina Ismail Description: The first princess royal of a Middle Eastern kingdom, Marina is politically inexperienced and looking for ways to help her kingdom. Marina is against violence, choosing to have peaceful negotiations and talks. Occupation: Princess Series Character is from: Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Other: Spoiler: Marina Name: Lyle Stratos Description: Lockon's younger twin brother, who is more flirty than his brother. He is currently looking for a job while helping Tieria with his club director duties. Despite Lockon and Lyle being brothers, they live in different apartments. Occupation: None Series Character is from: Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Other: Spoiler: Lyle Name: Lacus Clyne Description: A former idol singer who is taking a break from the limelight. Lacus seems to be cheerful, happy, a bit navie, and air-headed, but deep down is a wise and mature woman. She has a rainbow host of Haro robots, which she sometimes gives to others. Occupation: Former Singer/Student Series Character is from: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Other: Spoiler: Lacus Name: Shiki Misaki Description: A young fashion designer-in-training from the Shibuya district. Shiki is a talented seamstress who is often never seen without her stuffed cat toy, Mr. Mew. She is passionate about her trade and is always looking for someone to model her outfits. Occupation: Student/Seamstress Series Character is from: The World Ends With You Other: Spoiler: Shiki
-Nintendo High- "Oh, introductions. I'm Akiza Izinski. Nice to meet you, Kazu." Akiza said, introducing herself to Kazu. "Sorry that I'm so shy. It's just there was a incident at my old school and I don't want to talk about it much." Akiza turned away, looking embarrassed and walked to the principal's office. She wanted to ask him if they could hang out for awhile because she didn't want to return her dorm room for awhile. -Aoi and Clair's home- Clair walked back to her brother and asked, "Should we go to that memorial thing today? I know it's important, but should we go to it?" She looked at her brother with innocent and curious eyes as if her anger to him earlier was never there and completely forgotten. While waiting for a answer, she messed with one of the pom-poms on her hat. Spoiler -Memorial- Yuna sighed and took a sip of water to calm herself, Eiji sighed and looked at the stage. Ron stretched and noticed Haruto in the crowd, gripping the ring he had been asked to make. Koyomi smiled and looked away, unaware that Fueki was watching while Namine was sketching something to pass the time. Kazari wondered if any of his Yummies would appear during the service and yawned.
Hey, everyone. I know I don't post much in the Cove, but I thought I should say this. I realize this is a first time and a bit of a surprise, but I am going to be taking a two week break, starting on Monday. It's kinda a personal issue, but I figured that I needed a break. My characters will be sorted out to StardustXtreme, Myst, The Hero of Time, HeartlessofLight, and Aragorns. I hope you all can understand.
Hey, everyone. I know this is a first time and a bit of a surprise, but I am going to be taking a two week break, starting on Monday. It's kinda a personal issue, but I figured that I needed a break. My characters will be sorted out to StardustXtreme, Roxam, The Hero of Time, Twilight_Nobody13, and Aragorns. I hope you all can understand.
-Library- Teddie looked down and said, "It's because of that memorial thing, I'm wearing my bear suit. To cheer up the little children who are sad about what happened yesterday. Nao-chan, Sensei, if there is anything I can do to help, let me know." He looked up at Yu and Naoto, smiling. -Aoi and Clair's home- "Nothing, just the same old paperwork and all that." Clair said, looking at her brother and sighed. "That paperwork is so boring. I wish we had a Oracle so I could have gone with you, Oniichan." She sighed and went to put her new dress away. -Nintendo High Entrance- Akiza guessed Sunset Shimmer would get her later or something, but she wasn't sure. With a sigh of relief, Akiza turned to Kazu and said, "I'm a transfer student myself, just recently transferred here. But I think I can show you the way." She began to walk to the school. Swallowing a lump, Akiza shyly said, "Um, sorry about my roommate's rudeness. I just hope I'll manage this school year with her. I noticed you look like a duelist. You like to duel?" Spoiler -Memorial- Sakura and Kero also looked around at the interesting people who had come to the memorial. Eiji sighed, "I know it's hard to understand, considering you're a Greeed and can't die easily, but us humans can't ingore the dead. So, just please, behave." He sighed, leaning back into his seat. Sirius patted his head while Harry sighed and looked toward the stage as did Esmeralda from behind the stage. Koyomi sighed a breath of relief and nodded at Haruto, hesitant but she slowly touched his hand and smiled, knowing that he was alright and she didn't have to worry at the moment.
-Library- Teddie just nodded, happily listening to Yu and Naoto. Naturally, he didn't have a clue about what they were talking about, having lived in the TV world for most of his life. But he was still very happy to see them again after departing in Inaba. After hearing Yu talk about a girl named Fuuka, Teddie tried to imagine what a girl this Fuuka-chan was like if she was supposed to be Rise. -Aoi and Clair's home- Clair took the dress and admired it as she detransformed from CPU Blue Sister. She smiled before stopping and clearing her throat, she said, "Don't think you're off the hook, Oniichan. But this is very nice, thank you for thinking of me." She smiled softly and held the dress in her hands. -Nintendo High- Akiza looked at Kazu and noticed Sunset Shimmer who responded to him when she believed he was referring to her. Summoning all her courage, she said, "Sunset Shimmer, I believe he was talking to me. How can I help you?" Akiza calmly walked up to them and kept her cool as she approached them, gripping her coat hem. Spoiler -Memorial Site- Eiji figured what Ankh was doing and not surprised when he came back upset, he said, "It's not annoying. We need to pay our respects for the departed. Remember, if you don't behave yourself here, I won't get you any ice cream." He smiled, knowing he could use Ankh's desire for the iced sweets to make sure he behaved. Sirius and Harry laughed at Eiji's taunt to Ankh. Koyomi sat with Wajima and wondered what was taking Haruto so long and sighed. Spoiler -Riders and Sentai- Sakura smiled and took a calm sip of her drink while Luka took three plates of food to the table, Basco had a plate with a lot of food and ate. Billy didn't take any food and looked out the window, thinking of Tommy, Kimberly, and Thomas. Dante had a plate full of pizza while Kengo had a few food on his plate and sighed. -Hospital- "Alright, thank you for everything though it wasn't much, Doctor." Tommy said, holding Kimberly's hand and leading her and Thomas out of the hospital. Stretching, Tommy smiled at them, Thomas smiled and led them to a different restaurant to have a small feast for Tommy's recovery.
-Library- Hiding behind a shelf of books, the bear's ears gave a twitch and it calmly walked over to Naoto, smiling. "Nao-chan, nice to see you again! It's been so long! How have you....." The bear suddenly stopped when it saw who was sitting next to her, tears began to fills its eyes as it remembered helping Yu and Naoto. Suddenly the bear ran to Yu and hugged him, smiling with tears in its eyes. "Sensei, I missed you so much!!!!! I'm so happy that you're here!!! And to see you and Nao-chan again!!! I hope you haven't forgotten little old Teddie!!! He cried onto Yu, happy to see hin again despite it just being Yu and Naoto. -Aoi and Clair's home- Clair was almost asleep when she heard her brother's voice. Immediately sitting up, she ran out of the office and ran to her brother. She smiled, "Oniichan, you're back!!!!" Clair almost hugged him before stopping and looking at her brother darkly, she said, "Oniichan......." Her whole body glowed as she closed her eyes before curling into a ball and began to change. Suddenly, a pair of neon blue wings appeared on her back as her body straightened and a blue space-styled suit appeared on her body. Her hair became less curly and light blue as boots appeared on her foots, star blue sleeves on her arms and when she opened her eyes, a power-up icon appeared in them. Spoiler: Enter "How dare you suddenly go on vacation while leaving me with all the paperwork! Have you forgotten your responsibilities as CPU Blue Heart?!" The newly transformed CPU Blue Sister shouted at her older brother, glaring with a angry look. "And this doesn't make you a good brother, leaving me here to do all the work!" -Nintendo High- Sunset Shimmer left so quickly, that Akiza didn't have time to tell her that Ishizu was working on her class schedule. Placing her deck in her Deck Holder, Akiza ran out to follow her but stopped outside the school, realizing if she told her, Sunset Shimmer would probably tease her about still being babysat by her age. Akiza shook her head and began to head back for her dorm to wait for her roommate. Spoiler -Memorial Site- "Sirius! Harry! I'm here!" Eiji shouted, running to them. He noticed that the memorial hadn't started yet but the absence of a certain blond haired Greeed was on his mind. "Where's Ankh?" "Don't know. Haven't seen him around." Sirius said, as Eiji took his seat beside Sirius. Philip walked with Shotaro to Hermione, Hermione smiled, "Philip, Shotaro! You two are alright!" "We'll tell you about what happened later, Mione-chan." Philip said, sitting next to her, Hermione nodded, smiling at him and Shotaro. Spoiler -Riders and Sentai- Sakura led everyone who had joined her to a restaurant that had a buffet, she said, "It's a buffet, so take as much food as you would like." "Thank you so much for treating us like this." Don said as she paid for everyone. Sakura just smiled and found a table to sit at while Seki and Hinako went to get drinks for themselves. Ahim went to the salad bar with Don.
-Hospital- Kimberly and Thomas walked up by Tommy's bedside, with Kimberly taking Tommy's hand while Thomas stood by his bedside. Holding her boyfriend's hand, Kimberly spoke, "Tommy, I'm proud and surprised at how you protected Thomas during that fight with the S-Types. I guess your parents and David are proud about how brave and strong their youngest sons are." "Bro, thanks for that protection against that S-Type. But don't do that again, I have a reputation to keep up." Thomas said, smiling but looking embarrassed at the same time. Kimberly smiled. -Dream World- Tommy began to hear Kimberly and Thomas' voices and Serenity smiled, saying, "Seems like they're worried about you. You should go." "Yeah, sounds like my brother and my girlfriend are worried about me." Tommy said, looking up at the sky. Looking at Serenity, he bowed, saying, "Thank you for the talk. I will be back with others." Serenity nodded and suddenly faded away. Tommy slowly woke up and smiled at Kimberly and Thomas, who smiled back, but thought what happened to him. -Central Park- "Ah, wait for us!" Joe shouted, running to catch his fellow Digi-destined to get some food. Gomamon just smiled and gave a small laugh, thinking about Joe was when they had first met and how much he changed when they went on their adventures with the others. Gomamon also thought about how much their bond helped him as well and just hid in Joe's bag until they got food. -Near the Library- Walking to the library was a sort of bear-like creature, its basic appearance was similar to a bear as its ears and tail gave a little witch every once in a while. It gave a sigh, "I forgot how hot it gets in this suit. But I am glad to have worn it to cheer up these little ones. Man, I miss Sensei and the others. Seems like forever since we were together last time." Suddenly the bear's nose caught a whiff of a familiar scent, it whispered, "This scent? It's Nao-chan!" -Aoi and Clair's house- Sitting in the office of the home that belonged to her and her brother, Clair sighed and did a facedesk out of boredom. "Why did Oniichan suddenly have to go on vacation? Doesn't he know his responsibilities as CPU Blue Heart?" Clair sighed and whispered to herself, "I wish we had a Oracle to take care of the paperwork and I could have gone with Oniichan..... At least we would be away from that Violette." Sitting up, Clair stretched and looked at the clock, wondering when Aoi would be back.
Name: Teddie Description: A mysterious and strange bear creature from a world inside the TV. He helped Yu and others who confronted their Shadow selves, which became Persona as well as his own. Teddie often adds the prefix 'chan' to a girl he likes, and sometimes shortens their name, and calls Yu 'Sensei' because of his unique Persona powers. By taking his bear suit off, Teddie has a rather handsome human form. Occupation: ?????? Series the Character is from: Persona 4 Other: Spoiler: Teddie Spoiler: Human Teddie
Reserving: Teddie (Persona 4)
Spoiler -Shibuya: 109 Building- Eiji said, "I should go, too. There are some people waiting for me at the memorial." Philip waved at everyone as he followed Shotaro, Eiji followed them as well. Sakura looked at Tsukasa and said, smiling as she started to walk, "You might be surprised, Tsukasa. After all, I may have about the same amount of mysteries as you." Kengo sighed and followed her and the others, Ahim held Luka's hand as they followed, Don smiled as he and Basco followed. Dante didn't complain and followed with U-Ryotaro. -Hospital- Kimberly and Thomas followed him to the room where Tommy was resting. Thomas just tried to think about how to say his brother that work to help him wake up while Kimberly just hoped he would wake up when they spoke to them.
Name: Simba Description: A young man who ran from his family manor who being convinced by his uncle that he killed his father in a accident. During his time away from his home, Simba learned to defend himself and take life easy with the help of street wise companions. Sometimes, Simba would turn into a lion by use of a magical amulet he wears around his neck. Occupation: ?????? Series Character is from: The Lion King Other: Spoiler Name: Nala Description: Simba's childhood friend who spent the last ten years trying to find him. While she is feisty, a little girly, and wild, Nala has taught herself martial arts and judo, making herself quite a formidable foe for any perverts. She had decided to live near Nintendo High and see if she could help the school in anyway. Like Simba, by wearing a magical amulet, Nala can change into a lioness. Occupation: None Series the Character is from: The Lion King Other: Spoiler Nala is on the right
Name: Nicholas 'Nicolai' Conrad Description: A former member of the Vatican who left to join the Tokyo Cathedral. While he is religious, he is not very religious as Frollo as he is also cool and calm, often charming girls with his handsome face. Nicholas is often called by his nickname, Nicolai Occupation: Priest Series Character is from: Shadow Hearts Convenant Other: Spoiler: Nicolai Name: Clair Age: 15 Occupation: Student Bio: The younger sister of Aoi, Clair is the Candidate for Blue Heart, known as the Blue Sister. She is cheerful, quirky, funny, and typically calls her older brother 'Oniichan'. When in HDD, her personality changes as she became fierce, protective of her brother, wild, serious, and strong. Other: Spoiler: Normal Spoiler: HDD Name: Violette Age: 17 Occupation: Student Bio: A feisty student who is known as CPU Indigo. While in her civilian form, Violette is feisty, playful, cheerful, and wild as well as having a fierce rivalry with Aoi, often teasing him when he is with his little sister. While in HDD, Violette becomes no-nonsense serious, wild, strong, angry prone and fight crazy. Other: Spoiler: Normal Spoiler: HDD Name: Gris Age: 17 Occupation: Student Bio: A quiet and calm student whose attire doesn't often match her name as well as known as CPU Grey Heart. In civilian form, Gris is cool, calm, collected, wise, mature, and often quiet, she has a bit of a rivalry with Kuro. When she changes to HHD, her personality doesn't change much expect she begins to talk a bit more and wields a trident Other: Spoiler: Normal Spoiler: HDD
-Hospital- Hearing Doctor Hu ask him if he wanted to go by his brother's side, Thomas thought for a moment, wondering how his brother would react and chose to not to think too much on it. With a sigh, he looked at the doctor and said, "Sure, I want to go by my brother's side to see if it helps him wakes up." "May I join you?" Kimberly asked, walking up to them. "My name is Kimberly. I'm Tommy's girlfriend. So, is it alright if I joined?" Thomas sighed, figuring that she would ask to join. -Dream World- "Tell me, are there others with white as their main color?" Serenity asked, looking at Tommy with a curious face. Tommy thought for a moment about the question he had been asked. Gentaro's base form as Fourze was white and Gai was GokaiSilver, but he did wear clothes with white along with his base gray, and he tried to think about how they might react to meeting Serenity. He smiled and shook his head, he said, "Yes, there are two others with white as their colors. But it might be to wait until they're asleep to meet them." Serenity nodded. Spoiler -Shibuya: 109 Building- Sakura smiled and said, "We will try and make sure to get everyone's food interests." "Thank you for thinking of everyone's needs, Miss Sakura." Billy said, Hinako smiled while Seki kept quiet. Ahim said, smiling, "Sounds like you're treating us to a picnic, Miss Sakura." "I suppose it will be a good idea." Kengo said, looking away. U-Ryotaro smiled, already making a plan to keep Sakura to himself, while Ryotaro tried to plea for the turtle based Imagin not to do so. Dante smiled and imagined doing the same for himself. -Draco- Draco turned on the TV in his and his roommate's dorm, changing the channel to the coverage of the memorial while still pondering who his new roommate is. He sighed and tried to think what he had learned about what happened the day before, still not getting what was horrible about the women disappearing from the city. -Airport- Departing from a plane that came from Germany, there was a woman with long flaming red hair tied in a ponytail carrying a red shoulder bag. She looked around for the employer who sent her a job offer and found a young boy waiting for her. "Are you my employer?" She asked, surprised, the boy smiled, "Were you expecting someone older?" "I mean..... I'm sorry. I'm honored to meet you. I'm Karin Koenig." Karin said, bowing at him. Larsa smiled and said, "It's alright. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Larsa Ferrnias Solidor. Yes I'm young but wise for my age. Come, I want you to meet some friends of mine." Karin followed her young employer to his limo.