-City Street- "Are you going soft on us, Discord?" Kazari asked Discord after watching him save John Smith's mother. "Surely, you don't want me to tell on our leader that you saved someone? And after all I went through to go and save you from that JIA prison. But I guess this isn't a complete loss. I found something that our dear leader will be glad to know." He smiled as he recalled what he found in the school. -Galleon- "Kisaragi, you never gave me a answer before all this happened. Do you still have all the Switches Zordon gave us?" Kengo said, sitting on the couch. He coughed a little and gripped his chest, keeping quiet for a moment then sighed. Pulling out the small computer, Kengo wondered if that Ami girl had accidentally picked up one of Gentaro's Switches and wanted to confirm just in case. -Library- Finishing the last book, Philip looked up and smiled, "Shotaro, hello there. I bet you didn't know about this genre, science fiction. It's fascinating, the concept of aliens and flying saucers is so interesting. I wonder, how will Mione-chan be to get to the agency if these aliens are specifically capturing the females. I should look up the cause for that." "Uh, should we stop him before he start, Shotaro?" Hermione asked Shotaro, but hid her blush from him calling her Mione-chan. -Hallway- "Ron, I have a favor to ask you. Can you cut this stone into this ring?" Haruto asked, finally managing to ask Ron. Ron looked at him a little confused, but smiled and said, "Sure, I haven't been in the shop for a while. But I could try to cut that stone for you. But you'll have to tell me for it when I'm finished." "I will. But it's a secret that I want you, Harry, and Hermione to keep." Haruto said, Ron nodded and carefully took the two items.
-Library- Hermione looked at Shotaro in confusion, she asked, "Does he have complete amnesia or something? Because he's looking up stuff that most people already know about." Than Hermione began to realize from the two of them being Kamen Rider W and living in the place where her parents were now landlords, she knew nothing about them separately and watched Philip continued to read the books. The object ran from the room, which Hermione thought she saw something. -Basement- Lockon, Tieria, and Kyo looked in awe at the mecha that were revealed after the walls went up. "Whoa, this is incredible! I never would have guessed that something like this was even possible." Lockon said, surprised as a smile crept on his face. Tieria remained in surprise and said, "This is truly incredible. Lockon and I would be honored to pilot these mecha for you, Zen." "How do we know which one is the one we pilot?" Kyo asked. -Gullwings' Home- The manager of the Gullwings, Beast, and the other bodyguard, chaos, watched the invasion from the apartment they shared with the girls. Beast had a concerned look on his face and said, "I wonder if the girls are alright." "No worries, Beast. I'm sure that they are somewhere safe and away from these invaders. But I am a little worried myself." Beast looked at him in surprise, the mysterious young man who helped Paine protect the group and was always calm, he didn't show the least bit worried or concerned at all. -Galleon- Kengo and Navi watched as Don and Ahim shouted, "Gokai Change!" Ahim changed into AbareKiller while Don changed into AbareBlack, heading outside, Ahim jumped into a white version of Kimberly's Pterodactyl Zord. Don entered a black Brachiosaurus, they waited for Marvelous, Joe, and Gai before they headed out to help the others.
-Lastation- Yuna changed into her summoner sphere and was joined by Rydia and Garnet as the three summoners focused their powers and summoned their flying summons. Fang summoned Bahamut while Serah summoned Khoine, watching their Eidolons change into their Gestalt modes. Vanille grabbed Fang's arm and said, "Fang, please be careful!!!! And come back in one piece." "No worries. I'll be fine!" Fang said, smiling and hugging Vanille. Serah turned to Snow and they shared a small kiss, Snow held her close and said, "You be careful up there, Serah." "I'll be fine, Snow. Khoine and Mog don't go down so easily." Serah said, smiling. Edge hugged Rydia from behind and kissed her on the check, Edward said, "Do be careful there, Rydia." "Lady Yuna, please be careful!" Lukya shouted at her, Rydia just smiled and gave a thumbs up while Yuna smiled and nodded. Vivi went to Garnet, she knelt down and hugged him, he said, "Please, be careful." "I will be, Vivi." Garnet said, then the five of them mounted their summons and took off toward the two meteors. -Digital City- Calumon shook as he looked at the tower, Zephyrmon patted the small digimon on the head, "It will be alright. We're just going to head to the tower and beat the bad guy at the top while freeing all the digimon." "I just don't know, Zephyrmon. I have a bad feeling about something." Calumon said, looking at the tower. -Cave- The three girls split when Chrysalis sent her fireball, Ashe sheathed her sword and pulled out a elegant bow, quickly loading it and aiming it at Chrysalis. She shot it at her as Anastasia tossed another one of her mechanical eggs. Karin stood protectively in front of Anastasia, ready to protect her from the Queen's next attack as Ashe brought out a shield to protect herself.
-Empty Classroom- Away from the mess of lunchroom, the three girls of the Gullwings, Yuna, Rikku, and Paine, were thinking about their search so far, which had been fruitless for a while. "I know we'll find him, Yunie! We just have to keep faith!" Rikku said, smiling as she swung her legs from her desk, Yuna smiled and nodded, "I know, he has to be out there somewhere. And I'll find him someday." Paine just kept quiet and wondered if chaos and Beast had found any clues. -Library- Hermione took Shotaro to the library and stopped suddenly when she saw Philip half-way through all the science-fiction books. She was surprised to see how deeply he was reading the book than went onto the next book. She asked Shotaro, "Is he always like that?" Also watching, silently, was a small object, one that Shotaro and Philip had not seen since they had been chosen as Kamen Riders by Zordon over a year ago. It kept quiet and watched Philip. -Galleon- "Marvelous, I think we should help Luka, Basco, and the Rangers. They look like they need help." Ahim said, looking out one of the windows. Don nodded and said, "We can always ask him where he disappeared to, afterwards." "Just be careful." Navi said. Kengo thought for a moment and asked, "What Sentai team are you going to do?" Ahim smiled and held out a key that looked like a small white figure. Kengo nodded, "Kisaragi and I will stay here and guard the Galleon, then."
Name: chaos Description: The Gullwings' other bodyguard and the more mysterious member of the group. chaos is stronger than Paine but neither of them care about that as they work together to protect their companions. chaos is also one of the only people who understands Beast. Occupation: Bodyguard Series Character is from: Xenosaga series Other: Spoiler: chaos
Name: Yuna Description: One of the school's most popular and another pop idol, however, she tries to manage her fame secret from her fellow idols and students. Her reason for becoming one is find Tidus, her childhood friend, after he disappeared when they were seven. Yuna holds onto the hope and faith that she will find him. Occupation: Student/Pop Idol Series Character is from: Final Fantasy X/X-2 Other: Spoiler: Yuna Name: Rikku Description: Yuna's cousin and one of her back-up singers. Rikku fully supports her cousin's dream and wish to find her childhood friend by becoming a pop idol to do so. It was Rikku who decided on the group's name of Gullwings, despite her brother's claims. Occupation: Student/Singer Series Character is from: Final Fantasy X/X-2 Other: Spoiler: Rikku Name: Paine Description: Yuna and Rikku's companion as well as the group's fighter and bodyguard. She also has personal reason for joining the Gullwings, but decides never to discuss which Yuna and Rikku don't mind. Occupation: Student/Bodyguard Series Character is from: Final Fantasy X-2 Other: Spoiler: Paine Name: Beast Description: The Gullwing's secret fighter who appears as their manager. Beast has a deep crush on Belle, but is too afraid to ask her. When he goes out in public, he often hides his appearance expect for around Fang, Vanille, Sirius, and Ankh, Ankh most closely since he know what it is like not to be human. Occupation: Manager Series Character is from: Beauty and the Beast Other: Spoiler: Beast
Sure, that would be fine.
-Avia- "You got it, Twilight! Applejack, lets go catch that kid!" Rainbow Dash said, smiling as she put her fist in her open palm, then ran after Link and following Aragorns, wanting to make it a contest to who would catch Link first. Applejack smiled, adjusting her cowboy hat and ran with Rainbow Dash, "Right behind ya, Rainbow! Time to round up that little rascal!." Applejack smiled, holding her rope and readying to lasso it to tie Link. Spoiler: many banners -Lowee- Harry looked around when he heard a voice, "More beautiful angels! Come to me, my goddesses!" A small lion plush toy happily jumped toward Ahim, but Luka got in front of her and tossed the plush toy to the ground, then stepped on it hard and many times. A group of people appeared for the plush toy, Nero groaned and facepalmed, Firion sighed. Aerith smiled and waved at the people, Wall-E hid behind Hina. Hermione called Basco back into her soul and looked at Roxas, "Are you alright, Roxas?" Harry, Draco, and Ron recongized Kisa, Illya, and Hina whileJames was drooling at the beauty of Aerith, Paine, and Hina before remembering he was a married man. Francisco was the first of them to speak, "Hello there, who might you all be?"
-Basement- Kyo was leaning against the wall of the basement when Lockon and Tieria entered the basement. "Not surprised that you're here, Kyo. I'm know you're a good fighter, but I doubt you're here to help defend your cousin." Lockon said, seeing the orange haired Sohma who was already standing in the basement to discuss the planning for the defeat of the alien invaders. Kyo just kept quiet and Lockon sat down, touching his eye patch. -City Street- "Hey there, guys! Need some help?!" A familiar voice shouted to the current male Rangers. Dante watched in surprise as three new Zords appeared, one was a pink pterodactyl, following it on the ground was a large black mammoth and a yellow saber-tooth tiger. "What the....." Dante said in surprise, Tommy answered his surprise and said, "Kimberly, Basco, Luka!!!! What are you doing here?!" "We thought the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers could do some help." Luka said, from the Saber-Tiger Zord. Basco chuckled from the Mastodon Zord and said, "So, Luka and I used the Zyruranger Ranger Keys to help you as we did in the past." -Street- "Who knows and who cares?" Kazari said, walking down the street and found himself at the high school. He looked toward one of the windows, one of the many windows in the library, and smiled. "Well, well, there's someone I never thought I'd see again." Kazari said, smiling as he watched Philip began to every science fiction book that the library had.
-City Street- Kazari just watched the space ships with no interest, he mainly wondered where they came from and why they were capturing females. He changed back into his human form, and stood casually next to Discord, not caring about what people would him being near such a monster like them. Watching from one of the rooftops, a man dressed in red simply stared at the ships. From another rooftop, The White Wizard also watched. They kept quiet and watched the invasion, not choosing to get involved. -Alleyway- Tommy and Thomas took Billy and Dante to a alleyway while Kyo ran to join Tieria and Lockon. Dante asked, looking at them, "So, how do I change, exactly?" "Just follow our lead, Dante. Alright, it's morphin time! Tigerzord!" Tommy said, beginning the morph. "Dragonzord!" "Triceratops!" "Tyrannosaurus!" After they changed, Dante examined himself in surprise, he wore the same outfit as Billy and Thomas, but his outfit was red and had the design of the Tyrannosaurus Rex on the helmet. Thomas looked at Tommy, he said, "Let me do this one. Zords, power up!" Then he brought out a dagger and played it as a flute. Dante watched in surprise as from out of nowhere, four giant mechas appeared. One was a large green mecha that looked more like a dinosaur, the second was a blue triceratops, the third was a red Tyrannosaurus Rex that could rival the green mecha, and lastly there was a white tiger. Tommy pulled a dagger with a tiger face on the handle, then each Ranger entered their respective mecha. Dante smiled and said, "Now this is what I call a ride! Yee-haw!" -Command Center- "Zordon, Alpha, there is something I wanted to give the Gokaigers. I think they'll need it for this battle." Navi said, and pressed some buttons, sending the Gokaigers, Kengo and Gentaro to a large red ship that was anchored a good distance from Tokyo. Kengo asked, "Navi, what is this place?" "Welcome to the Gokai Galleon! Oh, Kengo, Gentaro, I must have brought you by mistake. But anyway, when you're not at the school or the Command Center, you can be here. This is the Treanger Box, which contains all the Ranger Keys the Gokaigers are able to use." Navi said, sitting on the box on a small table that was placed next to a captain's chair. "Marvelous, Joe, Gai, Don, and Basco, go and help the Rangers. Use your mecha to help them."
I was just asking, it wasn't that important.
Are you going to post to the fight in the cave or Serenity appearing to the unconscious people? Just asking.
I will take students: Kyo Don Basco And teachers: Lockon Tieria Thomas Still debating on bringing Tommy, Billy, and Dante due to their mecha staying on the ground.
-Undisclosed JIA Location- "I have my ways, being to able to change form has its perks." Kazari said, before sending two cyclones to break Discord's chains. "Now lets hurry before security notices something is wrong." He helped Discord onto his feet and helped him get of the cell, using his Greeed power to create a distraction for him and Discord to escape without much help. -Music Room- "Yen Sid, hello there. It's been a while, hasn't it? I came for a visit, if that's alright." Sakura said, smiling at her old mentor. Hearing Leeron and her(?) announcement, Sakura sighed and smiled, "Looks like I'm going to be staying for awhile. Tell me everything that has been going since I left, please, Yen Sid." Spoiler -Lunchroom- Rhyme smiled when her brother came to protect her from a pie, she told him, "I guess I was so worried about you, Beat." "Beat, Rainbow Dash, and I got this, Rhyme. You go join Applejack and Fluttershy. Just go with Yu and Latias, we'll be fine." Ron said, after catching a muffin that headed Rhyme's way. Latias was tugging at Rhyme's sleeve, but Rhyme still looked a bit concerned for her brother and her friends, Rainbow Dash flew at their side and looked ready for the fight. Thomas, Tommy, and Billy looked at each other, the only Rangers who had Zords that could fly up to where the ships were Thomas and Kimberly, but Kimberly would likely get captured because she was female and none of the male were sure how much damage the Dragonzord would do on its own without help from the other Zords. Dante wanted to try help his new Ranger powers but his Zord, the Tyrannosaurus, was land based and couldn't do much either, Thomas sighed, "What a pain." Belle, Aqua, Kyo, Yuki, and Fang were watching from the sidelines, while Belle, Yuki, and Aqua were thinking how stupid and ridiculous the food fight was, Kyo was thinking how he could join in, Fang sighed and smiled at Sirius and Hinako trying to stop the food fight. -Senshi- "It's not like we would do much anyway. We would probably get captured by those ships." Rei said, sighing. Makoto nodded and said, "You're probably right, Rei." "Yeah, I hope Hotaru is alright." Haruka said, Michiru smiled and leaned against Haruka, she said, "I'm sure she's fine. Haruka. She's a brave and strong girl." Ami smiled at everyone and looked at the Switch she held in her hand