Hey, welcome to KH-Vids. All you have to do to fit in is: Post lots. Respect the staff. Obey the rules. And have fun. Have a great time.
I was wondering the same thing. *runs off to ask Darky*
Hey, I'm a prep and look at me I'm a KH freak. You may not think it's possible, but I'm a prep/jock/nerd/smart kid. Doesn't that go against all the stereotype rules ? I'm not one of those, omg you play videogames ew, preps though. That's beside the point though. Anyways, that kid must've been a real JERK to say something like that.
I am so totally gonna do this, ADD MEH !!
CharPic & name: Tsumariya (soo-mar-i-ya) Name of the Weapon: Redemption Weapon`s Ability: Appears to have the power of light, but when it's used the power of darkness is unleashed. How you got it?: When a black hole appeared before me and I walked in, then I got taken in by Organization XIII as their secret weapon.
Yepp, this can be closed. *gets RvR again*
Yepp, no problem. Huh? *is confused*
Yepp, no problem.
Take out the star... [img*]http://public.tektek.org/img/av/m09/d09/13/ba3a33.png[/img] Take out the star... [img*]http://public.tektek.org/img/av/m09/d09/13/bdac90.png[/img]
Take out the star... [img*]http://public.tektek.org/img/av/m09/d09/13/7e3617.png[/img]
No. You know how you're watching the video? Well on the right side underneath the description, catergory, and tags there's two codes. Copy and paste the Embed code into wherever you want to put it. ^.^ (Rep would be nice if my help was useful.)
Right click the picture, "Save as Picture". Go to imageshack.us then upload it. When you're looking through the different links and codes you want to copy and paste the "Hotlink for Forums (1)" code.
Hmmm, did you try what Stardust said ? That might work too.
Nah, I wasn't. So since Hitna got a free question to herself, I think I should get one too.
It's alright, I'll just have a Mod move it for you. No trouble at all.
This belongs in the Graphic Shop, can a Mod please move it.
Both of these are way over sharpened and the effects are dull. You should look up some tuts and do those so you can find out how a really good signature is made. And maybe you can try and do it.
Meeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!
I personally think the Ultima has more strengths than weaknesses, plus it looks pretty sick.