Good point, maybe it's because he moves the blade so fast that the air slices through enemy. YEAH THAT'S IT !!
Omg you have the best birthday ever. Mine is December 28, and I'm turning 16 thi year too. I'm excited because of the whole Sweet Sixteen and being able to drive thing, but I'm also nervous because I'm gonna have more new responsabilities like car insurance, gas, CAR. And don't worry, no matter how young Sora is and how old you are, Sora will always be with you...Just play Kingdom Hearts, lol.
I've come close many times, especially when I got a rock stuck in my knee. As many times as I've broken bones, I've never had surgery. The only time I ever had anything done in the hospital was to get 3 pints of blood taken out of me because I had a fever if 105.6.
NOOOOOO...Don't leave I need you. You're my husband and my daddy.
It's not what people think about you, it's what you think about yourself. I've learned this through many experiences. And just some useful information, tattle tailing does work, believe me. Also why don't you tell your parents about this? Violence isn't always the right answer. You just need to learn to accept who you are and find the real friends in your life.
Eh, they al have the same style pretty much, so I'd say it's pretty basic. They're okay, but I bet you can do better. Keep up the good work.
Aw man your sigs are so amazing. Please tell me you have GIMP. 10/10
You can go to any shop in the "Graphic Shop" section and fill out an application on the first post in the thread. Just copy 'n' paste it then fill it out. My shop is .:Endless Graphics:. Go ahead and fill out one of the signature applications and I'll be willing to do anything for you.
Hey, welcome to KH-Vids. All you have to do to fit in is: Post lots. Respect the staff. Obey the rules. And have fun. Have a great time.
Wow, you definately got a lot better since I last saw your sigs. Show me the tuts you used. I might use them. Great job and keep up the good work. ^.^
I'll probably be going into the architectural field.
Another change of sig, lol.
Yepp, no problem.
Your skills are so amazing, how did you get so good. And do you have a DeviantArt account? The link for mine is in my sig.
Holy wow, 18 periods. That's a lot of going class to class.
Take out the star... [IMG*][/IMG]
Uhhh, guys. This belongs in the Graphic Shop.
Wakka, Selphie, and Tidus.