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  1. ukali_rules
    "What?" Nycx said, sitting up and seeing Kotone. "Has anything happened?"
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. ukali_rules
    "Hey! Give that ba— Oh! Pretty girl," Reno said, eyeing Larxene's figure. Sephiroth smacked his forehead. He suddenly got an idea.

    "Knock your out and do what you wish," he told Reno. Reno —of course— was overjoyed. Tseng and Sephiroth never let him near any pretty girls, and this was the first time Sephiroth had allowed him.

    "PWETTY!" Reno screamed, and tackled Larxene. Slyly, Sephiroth took the bomb and slunk back into the shadows. How they had gotten in the room? Well, did anyone ever think that Sephiroth's sword was used more for taking lives and heads? Hmph, he guessed not.

    "Reno, you keep them busy for another hour or two," he told the red-head. "Here are your handcuffs... and I'll be off." Sephiroth slipped off, leaving a hyperactive Reno still hugging Larxene.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. ukali_rules
    OOC: Yes, there is a trouble with the site. Anyway, if anyone wants an RP, then go and look at my User profile, and go to "All Threads User made". The most recent chat (the one that has the words, Shinra, Organization XIII, and "taken over" in it) is the one I have made. Please read the rules if you are planning to join. Anyway.
    Nycx panted, leaning against her sword. She felt the familiar presence of Saix in her mind. They had trained long and hard, and now Nycx had a very good understanding of what she could do.
    Though, I don't want to be emo, she thought, looking at her recently cut wrist. Oh well. If it gives me power, then I can live with it.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. ukali_rules
    Silently, Sephiroth slunk into a room. (Whever Cait Sith and Demyx were.) Behind him stood Reno, who was hanging onto his arm as if it was the last thing on earth.
    "What is Cait Sith doing?" Reno asked, shocked. "Gee, I better talk to Reeve about giving his robots less personality and more killer instinct..." He was shushed by a livid looking Sephiroth.
    "We have to see the outcome," Sephiroth hissed, calm despite the incoming, extremely probable doom. "Cait Sith might be spying. If it gets out of hand though, use this." Sephiroth handed Reno a ShinRa powered bomb, set to go off when thrown. Reno's eyes sparkled with mischief. He was gonna love using the bomb.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. ukali_rules
    "What? Is it your mom's uncle's dad's daugher's niece's nephew's father's great-grandfather's son's first cousin's twice removed sister's uncles's great great great great great grandfather's roommate's handwriting?" Saix asked, exasperated and sarcastic. "We have to find the rest of the fragments, so stop stalling and hurry up Number Three!"
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. ukali_rules
    OOC: I get off for about three hours I find people have been chatting a lot. What happened?
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. ukali_rules
    Reno —with his [sarcasm]excellent[/sarcasm] helicopter flying skills— managed to land on the Alter of Naught. After smashing into the rail. Well, the helicopter was built to withstand damage, so it didn't matter much.

    "Sephiroth, Reno, Cloud, Reeve," Rufus ordered, "Go out and take all of thoese black-coated men prisoner. Kill them if they resist. Rude, everyone else, stay here and guard me."

    "Boss, I usually need Rude on my team."

    A tired sigh.

    "Rude, go with Sephiroth, Reno, Cloud, and Reeve," Rufus said.

    OOC: Anyone else getting a message saying the server was not responding?
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. ukali_rules

    Yes, I'm a girl. Why does everyone think I'm a dude?! :K

    *ish angry*
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 1, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  9. ukali_rules
    Sephiroth sheathed his sword, and Reno put his tazer away.

    "Idiots," Reno growled, annoyed. "At least I finally managed to go against someone who doesn't scream like a whiny baby every time his hair is in danger." He flashed a look to Sephiroth, who grunted in response.

    "Reno, Rude, Reeve, Cloud, everyone else, get in the chopper," Rufus ordered, walking back to the helicopter. "Reno, try landing on the top tower. (Alter of Naught.)"
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. ukali_rules
    "Yes, we should," Saix said, nodding. Lifting a hand, he summoned a portal and stepped through it. "Follow me. We are going to go and search Radiant Gardens next."
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. ukali_rules
    "Vincent, Cloud, secure the man with the guns," Rufus ordered. He took out his own gun and started shooting at the other man (Demyx). "I order you to take down your hoods, or else we shall do so with force! Reno, stop dancing with the water and go and attack the other man!"

    "Yes sir!"

    Reno ran toward Demyx. Grabbing the coat ties in front, he yanked them, making the man's (Demyx's) hood tighten so much he couldn't see. Then, he started tapping him with a tazer. (Tazers are eletrical rods).

    Sephiroth blocked the bullets with his sword, and charged at the one with the guns. Sweeping out his sword, he cut one side of the hood.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. ukali_rules
    OOC: Havoc's Divide.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. ukali_rules
    "Some kind of lock. Hand me the key," Saix said. Taking the key, he jammed it into the lock and turned it. A small section of the ground fell away, and Saix was able to place his hand into the gap. Grabbing something, he drew it out.
    "It's a fragment of the Golden Heart," he said, and read the note on the back.
    "You have done well to find this fragment. Continue your search and you shall be rewarded... if you live that long."
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. ukali_rules
    OOC: Wow, you certainly were RPing. Oh,and I entered you in Keyblade49.
    "Lower your hoods, now," Rufus commanded. With a nod to Sephiroth, he allowed the silver haired man to place his Masamune next to one of the hooded men's throat. (Xigbar). Another nod, and Reno sauntered up. Taking out his tazer, Reno jabbed it into the cloaked man's stomach. Doing this several times, he stopped and asked, "Ready to take off your hood yet? Or would you like to become better acquainted with the business side of my tazer?"
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. ukali_rules
    OOC: Okay, I'll put you up. Sorry.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. ukali_rules
    OOC: There is my RP. It's the most recent thread I made.
    It's time you learned to fully control your powers, against someone as strong or stronger then you.



    Suddeny, a ghostly form of the original Number Seven appeared in front of Nycx. In his hand was his claymore, and he already was in Berserk Mode.

    I can only keep this form for an hour. Hurry up and train.

    Yes, sir.

    Saix didn't just attack. He MAULED you. Well, Nycx figured that out the hard way.

    "Ouch! Stop that! It hurts! Ow!"

    How do you expect to become strong if you don't feel a bit of pain? Use your element for Kingdom Heart's sake!

    Oh foofie. You know I hate it. Blood doesn't taste good—

    Use it!

    Obedient, Nycx made a small cut on the palm of her hand. Lapping it up like a cat, she went into a somewhat Berserk mode, similiar to Saix's.

    Fight me.

    The two clashed together in a flurry of sparks, and their force sent them flying back. They turned around and continued to spar.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. ukali_rules
    "I am saying that Sephiroth is much stronger then you, and that Roxas has a chance of losing against Sora," Saix said, trying to be patient.

    Why is the Nobodies I'm dealing with so thick today? he thought, frowning.

    Walking over to a brown patch on the carpet —most likely a coffee spill— he ran his hands through it. He suddenly felt something cold and metal.

    "There is something here," he said, jabbing the carpet cruelly.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. ukali_rules
    "Cloud, Rude," Rufus barked. "Come with me. Cloud, you stay on Sephiroth's left. Rude, stay close to me and keep out of my way. I don't want a bodyguard full of bullets when we encounter the next enemy. Move!"

    Aw, there he goes again, Reno thought. At least Rude is here.

    "Yo buddy!" Reno said, draping an arm on Rude's shoulder. "Good thing you here. You getta kick some bad-guy butt now."

    "We are not trying to destroy them," Sephiroth said. Reno eeped and almost wet himself. Those were the first seven words Sephiroth had said around him. "We are to capture them and question them about the strong source of power they have here."

    "Silence," Rufus ordered. Obediently, the two fell silent. "We don't want them to know we are here."

    "They already do," Sephiroth said calmly, flicking his Masamune a couple of times. "I hear them planning."

    "How do y—?"

    "Being Mako and Jenova enhanced, my six senses have been enhanced with several other things," Sephiroth explained.

    "Oh." That was all Reno said before opening the door... and walking in on a couple of people dressed in black.

    "Ah— YOU!"
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. ukali_rules
    "Oh, then I suppose traitors like you must be destroyed," Sephiroth said with a cold and mocking chuckle.
    "Can I help?"
    "No, Riku. Stay out of my way in this battle and I actually might not castrate you, along with that Chocobo-head, Cloud." Both Cloud and Riku promptly scooted back at these words.
    "Prepare to die," Sephiroth said, turning back to Marluxia. He launched forward, sword suddenly in his hands.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. ukali_rules
    "Reno, the chopper."

    "Well daarn the chopper."

    "I don't like your language, Reno."

    And darn all great 'Mr. Prez' and his loyal lapdog, 'Mr. Silver-haired dude I barely know]. Reno thought grumpily. He had been dragged out of his bed at three in the morning, given only ONE cup of coffee, and told to fly a chopper past some kind of barrage of small little ships to a big floating castle with some yellow heart floating in the sky. Compared to Gaia, it looked like a kiddy playground for toddlers.

    Ah, at least the castle used technology, and wasn't like that other stupid place they had to fly through earlier. What was it's name? Radiant Gardens? Ah, it was a stupid place where he had to protect 'Mr. Prez' and the other dude, Sephiroth. Why didn't that silver-haired man just take out his darn sword and get rid of the Heartless?

    "We shall be landing in five minutes. Please buckle your seatbelts," Reno said sarcastially, being a bad imitation of the pilot when the airplane was about to land. It took actually only three minutes, and the three ShinRa executives climbed out of the helicopter.

    First came out the red-head, Reno. Second was the tall silver-haired man with the massive sword and aquamarine eyes that could make you wet yourself and sink into a pile of goo; Sephiroth. The last was a smaller man, dressed in white, and had blond hair. This man controlled the two other stronger men, was the vice-president of the ShinRa electric company, and probably the second more powerful man in the room at the second. His name was Rufus.

    "Sephiroth, Reno, come with me and capture anyone in our path," Rufus ordered. Sephiroth nodded gravely, but Reno gave a cocky grin, messily saluted the vice-president, and said, "Yes sir-ee!"

    "Any of those funny white things you shall destroy," Rufus continued, completely comfortable with Reno's cockiness and complete stupidity. "Reno, walk in front. Sephiroth, keep an eye out for those other men —or Nobodies as you found out— we saw. They are dressed in black. If you see any, capture then and throw them down in the dungeons we saw when circling the castle."

    Well, there you goes again. On his dignity and being 'Mr. Prez'. Why doesn't he just yank out that gun of his and shoot everything in our way? Much better then that over-sized kitchen knife that Sephiroth calls a Masamune, and it saves me a lot of work too, Reno thought, still grumpy. Still, he obeyed. Rufus was powerful in a different way. Hurt him, and you would have practically all of ShinRa screaming bloody murder as they ran to kill you.

    Even donkey-laugh and horsey-laugh. Ha! As if Heidegger can do anything to me! Reno thought, almost laughing out-loud. I love it when Sephiroth throws him down the stairs. Due to the fact Sephiroth is in the seventieth floor, Heidegger falls down all the way. No, not falls, rolls. Oh Shiva. I could sit there all day and watch Heidgger roll and bounce down those steps. Anyway, onto the mission.

    Escorting Rufus was a hard job. They had to kill several of the strange white things, and most of them were more powerful then the shape-shifting ones. Twice, Rufus actually yanked out his gun and shot the things in the face to keep them away.

    This is going to be a long day... Reno thought. Stuck with a mad-man and 'Mr. Prez'. Those other guys who stayed behind should feel lucky.

    OOC: Reno has a bad-mouth, so I see no reason to change that.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home