OOC: Okay, fine.
Tseng growled. "Stop right there or else I'll get my people to kill your comrades!" he shouted. Lifting his cellphone up, he hissed, "Reno, when I say the word, kill the young man with the mullet." OOC: No, I'm not going to kill Demyx. Nymph as to reply first.
"Move," Reno said, dragging at Demyx's handcuffs. "Try any funny business and the other guy goes down." Sephiroth nodded in agreement. "We should take them to the President," he said, dragging at Zexion's handcuffs. He placed his Masamune by Zexion's neck. Tseng sighed and pulled something out. A trainquilizer. Racing after Larxene, he shot in a large half-circle, and copied the same move, but pointing a little more upward this time.
OOC: Oh dear. Only posting on week-days. D= BIC: "NO!" Tseng ran after Larxene through the portal, shouting in his cellphone. "Target escaping, sir! We'll be held up for some time!" he said before snapping the cellphone shut and shoving it in his pocket. Drawing out his gun, he started to rapidly shoot at Larxene, trying to be accurate and quick at the same time. Of course, since he was the leader of the Turks, he was good at that. Reno dragged the man —Zexion— over to the mullet-boy —Demyx— and forced both of them to sit down. "Tseng told me to sit here with you and babysit them," he said, plopping down on the ground, facing Zexion and Demyx. He took out his baton. "Seph, go and stand watch." "It's Sephiroth," Sephiroth growled, and stalked toward the doorway. "Rufus better give me a raise in pay for this."
OOC: I think so. All the other Numbers have the past Number's voices' in their head. BIC: Nycx nodded. HA! TOLD YOU SO! You have to train on your own this time. Projecting a somewhat solid image of myself drains my energy, and yorus too. Wait, that was SOMEWHAT solid. Yes. Felt solid to me! Nycx trotted into the training room, pulled out her Rapier, made a cut on her wrist, and started attack... stuff. Yeah, stuff.
OOC: Yeah, I have to leave this chat for certain reasons. Bye all. Sorry.
"Silence," Sephiroth said, prodding Demyx in the back. "There are three signs of life. Two of them are males —which are here— and the last is female," Tseng said. His cellphone suddenly rang, and he answered it. "Yes sir?" "What is taking so long?" "They are complying, slowly though." "Shoot one of them if they take any longer." "Yes sir." The cellphone was put away, and Tseng drew out his gun. "If the last person doesn't come out, then I'll kill one of your comrades!" he shouted, referring to the hidden female. OOC: I gonna wait for Nymph. Bye.
OOC: Ack. Okay, Silence walked in on the area with the most Nobodies. Yeah, the balcony. Sheesh. I should keep up with this more.
Sephiroth sprung into action. Leaping forward, he grabbed Demyx's wrist and yanked them behind him. Handcuffs were locked into place, and Demyx was knocked to the ground. "Still life," Tseng said, watching the radar. "The computer can tell between girl and boy. This one is girl..."
After waking up, Nycx felt refreshed. Good. Now get your butt off the bed, tity yourself up, and report to your Superior to see if she needs anything. But— DO IT! Fine. Titying herself up, Nycx opened a portal and stepped through it, appearing beside Kry. "Do you need any help with anything?" she asked.
OOC: Gee, this is getting nice and mushy... but we Keyblade Wielders are getting ignored. Jecht, Saiyo, and everyone else who is active is like... alone and out of the picture. I'm pretty sure that some of the Keyblade Wielders are out for the Nobodies' blood. Anyway. I'll just get a Keyblade Wielder in action. BIC: Silence sighed and tried remembering what she had been taught. Follow signs of life, sneak up, and attack. Grand. Well, I WOULD if this FRIGGIN place was like a FRIGGIN ASYLUM! Rolling her eyes, Silence quickly trotted down a hallway. Her sharp ears picked up sound. Talking. Following where her senses led her, Silence opened a door... and walked in on a horde of Nobodies. (Where ever the Nobodies are. I think it's the throne room. 0.o)
Reno hit Zexion on the side of his head. "Don't be stupid," he said. "Taking only you? There are twelve other members out there! We need everyone to make sure that you follow every single one of our orders and don't rebel." Sephiroth grunted with agreement. Tseng suddenly brought out a hand-held laptop and opened it up. "Life, not too far," he commented. Reno smirked wickedly. "HEY! WHOEVER YOU ARE! COME ONE OUT OR ELSE I'LL KILL THIS GUY!" he shouted, waving his baton around.
"WHERE ARE YOU FRIGGIN BLOODY NOBODIES WHEN I NEED YOU!" Silence screamed, throwing her Keyblade against the ground. It instantly came back, but that just made her more angry. "What can you do with a bloody Keyblade other then kill Heartless and Nobodies, and unlock locks!" she screamed, clearly going ballistic with the heavy silence and lack of Nobodies.
Tseng smirked and turned the dial on the watch. The countdown stopped at 12. "Good answer," he said, and took out his cellphone. "Sir, the Organization has surrender. Take them prisoner? Yes sir!" He snapped the cellphone close. "Reno, Sephiroth, take them," he told the two. Reno acted instantly, unlike Sephiroth, who was use to taking orders from a certified SOLDIER leader or Rufus. Reno ran across the floor and put his baton next to the emo-man's throat. Taking out a pair of handcuffs, he snapped them on, tieing the man's hands behind his back. Glancing around, he prodded the man in the back. "Tell us where your teammates are," he ordered. "Don't try alerting them of danger. Your Organization surrender, so I expect everyone to lie down and be good boys and girls while we dominate them."
Silence rolled her eyes. "Oh please!" she said, walking through the streets. She reached the Brink of Despair. Opening the path again, she started to walk up it. "All the Nobodies have disappeared! If I didn't know any better, they could be off playing tag or something!"
Silence glanced around, frowning. "Since no info is here, I'm guessing that my work here is done," she said. Boarding her Gummi Ship again, she examined the surroundings. "The King said that the Nobody's world was a large world, castles, turrents, and all silver," she mused, steering the ship with expert skill. "It is called The World That Never Was. Quite original. Oh well. Another 156 Nobodies to blast off the face of the worlds." Blasting a couple of Nobody and Heartless ships out of the way, she quickly drove pass the Core and landed in Twilight Town. "Betwixt and Between should still be open," she said, quickly walking into the simulation Twilight Town. The portal was still open, glowing green, white, and red. Passing through it, she appeared in the dark streets of the city below The Castle That Never Was. "Talk about a suicide mission," she said, rubbing her face and walking forward. Heartless rose up to greet her arrival, but they were quickly destroyed by her Keyblade. OOC: Gack. Her Keyblade ability is MP Hastaga. It can also lengthen itself if she wants to.
"Sora, Riku, and Kairi are dead." "Interesting. So the three main Keyblade Wielders are dead." "Aren't you worried?" "No. They are simply a small part of the bigger picture. Although Aqua, Ven, and Terra..." Silence trailed off, but she shook her head and snorted. "I'll go with the other Keyblade Wielders to Destiny Islands. Perhaps there is information there." The slam of a door, the sound of boots on tiles, a Gummi Ship starting up. Silence arrived at Destiny Islands like the other Keyblade Wielders. She saw them. The boy, Jecht, and the girl, Saiyo. She smirked and scratched the back of her head. "You are the other Keyblade Wielders, aren't you?" she asked, approaching Saiyo. Jecht seemed to be more of a loner.
"No, and we don't care, yo!" Reno said. Sephiroth grunted and made a mental note to clean out Reno's language after this particular visit. Tseng glanced at the watch again. "15... 14... 13..." OOC: I'm gonna wait for Nymph of Destiny to get back on. See-ya.
Cyn swept out of the library, coat flapping around her heels. Boring... she thought, carefully keeping her eyes off the garden. She had gone into rampage a few minutes earlier, and now half of the garden was a burned wreck of... burned stuff. Yeah, burned stuff. "Alright, we were called here for a meeting, so where is the darn meeting!" she screeched angrily, hoping someone would hear her."
"Hell no! ShinRa gots so much power we can make it work for ANYONE!" A smack on the side of the head make Reno fall silent. Sephiroth glared murdurously at the red-head, before clearing his throat and speaking. "Feel lucky that the President didn't order us to kill all of you," he told them coldly and calmly. "You would have been dead by now." "20... 19... 18... 17..."