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  1. Yukai
    Oh! I know what to do in these situations! Get hyper music and think of the most random things while it's playing.

    Once, I thought of the most comidical screw ups in this one song... Which involved getting my Nobody drenched with water then a bucket falling on her head, rocks smacking her down while the bucket was still on her head then when she gets up a mob tramples her X| Poor poor, Kaxiyu...
    Post by: Yukai, May 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Yukai
    Roxas, I totally and absolutely hate you for killing me with one of my favorite weapons! AXES ARE FOR DECAPITATING PEOPLE! NOT FOR THROWING! DX AND WHEN I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS GONNA DIE! I will hunt you down and cut your hands off the exact day and hour before you die and mount them on my wall with a nameplate saying "The person who wrote the cheapest and most hated death I wanted for myself in a story - His tools for writing are my trophys for angering me"

    Other then that. Please feel free write KHVR2... I'd love to see how everyone will fare here. You know I'll be secretly haunting them... You know that right?

    (I'm sugar high on soda and listening to my evil plot music. Please disregard this post. No, I won't cut your hands off with my real axe then mount your hands on my wall...)
    Post by: Yukai, May 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Yukai
    Ima name my car "The thing to run people over with" or the Triple T R-Pow
    Post by: Yukai, May 27, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  4. Yukai
    FROM my friends. We plot the deaths of other people every day XD

    And besides. We defy all logic. If you knew me from school you'd know I'm a crazy sugar high textbook weilding freshman/otaku who has very strange thoughts. Outside of school I'm just your "average" sugar high otaku who has weird thoughts.

    All my friends are insane in some way. :3 That's why if I hear about a dead person from them it's normal.
    Post by: Yukai, May 27, 2007 in forum: Archives
  5. Yukai
    My eye twitched when I read about the president's blown/ing up head... When I'm not being evil and plotting the deaths of other people, I don't want to hear about the demise of other people in detail unless it's from my friends...
    Post by: Yukai, May 27, 2007 in forum: Archives
  6. Yukai
    My monkey's name is Saru-chan
    My bunny is Usa-chan/Bunny

    My computer is Compy. I'm so unoriginal XD

    The flash bulb on my camera is called "My weapon against darkness aka heartless" or Mwadah. It's fun to say XD Mwa-dah~!
    Post by: Yukai, May 27, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  7. Yukai

    Wait... What? I'm confused...

    Yeah. I don't order Ramen at a Japanese Restaurant either since I can cook it at home...

    Funny how I went to a Japanese grocery store before I read all this and bought everything on my list BUT ramen. They ran out of noodles :(
    Post by: Yukai, May 27, 2007 in forum: Archives
  8. Yukai
    Pin-pon~! (Ding ding~!) I am~! How did you know~? [/sarcasm]

    Yep! And I"m still as sugar high as evar!
    Post by: Yukai, May 27, 2007 in forum: Archives
  9. Yukai
    Ramen is not just for Narutards... I eat Ramen... Not that Cup o Noodle junk either, I mean real noodles and meat~! :3 It's gewed... Shoryu ramen~!
    Post by: Yukai, May 27, 2007 in forum: Archives
  10. Yukai
    Lol... I know. No one understands anything in there =D

    Main point. The sign dat says "I feel old" XD

    The other stuff just says stuff like "n?" "eh?" "Yukai Makino" "Cookie Tamodachi" "gomen/I'm sorry" "w/lol" "yaa/yo" etc.

    I got some of the Kanji wrong though...

    I never fixed my eye placement problem... They're always too far apart. And I hate hands. Who doesn't hate drawing them?
    Post by: Yukai, May 27, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Yukai

    Don't you all feel that way when you go away from a site, forum, or some place for a long time then come back and find everything changed?

    If anyone here recognizes this name and how I drew then good for you. I haven't improved...

    As for all the Japanese characters and emotes everywhere... I got bored while drawing it.

    \( ≧ω≦)/ 万歳~!万歳~!

    Art (C) Me; Stealing me is prohibited... Wait... That's kidnapping... z(o.o)b

    Comments? \(`∀`)/
    Thread by: Yukai, May 27, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  12. Yukai
    Old Ultima. New one looketh huge DX If it was real I kan'th holdeth it up properlyz...
    Post by: Yukai, May 27, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Yukai
    I was just some person that used to go to KH-Vids like... last year. While I was there, I layered "Hikari" and "Simple and Clean" and posted the song up here. People liked it and asked me to layer the PlanitB Remixes. (There were also requests to layer Passion/Sanctuary. I never did that one.) >_> It took a LONG time to find the FULL VERSIONS OF the remixes and I did and made the song. That was unfortunatly the time when my computer was gonna die and I never uploaded the song and when I stopped posting.

    So the song rots in my flash drive, only to be found again about 2 months ago. I listen to it every once in awhile since it sounds cool.

    Eventually I come back into KH fandom and come to KH-Vids again, only to find my forum account was removed from history (not to mention my 500+ posts and easy way to read KH fanficton; I was also Yukai back then too). I re-register but am too lazy to watch/translate cutscenes and revamp my entire KH Theory file so I had something to post here, I just read fanfiction and posts etc. like all the lurkers do. Then one day when I listen to the song and I'm all "GAH! I NEVER POSTED THIS!!! MY CONSIENCE IS GONNA HAUNT ME FOREVER!" So after practically half a year of not posting and posting this song, I post it.

    Hikari/Simple and Clean - PlanitB Remix

    Tell me what you think of it and DON'T ask me to put it up on a download site.

    At least my consience is clear...
    Thread by: Yukai, May 27, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Music
  14. Yukai
    LOL! W00T! XD;;; I rejoined KHV (Yeah... I be an active like a year ago) just to read ur fics :3
    Post by: Yukai, May 26, 2007 in forum: Archives
  15. Yukai
    The video was actually very nice. I'd like to see the finished product XD;;;

    Uhm... Critique:

    - I'd like to ask j00 to crop the video when you're in the "touch up" phase (that's what I call it) to get rid of the subtitles and black margin around it. Makes it look nice :D

    - Err... I have a tendancy to overuse the "small clips with the beat" effect also so I won't strike you down with that. I do recommend you don't use too many effects even though it may look cool. Once, I saw a video with TOO MANY effects and it blinded me with the split second flashing and rainbow colors. (I gave it a rating of 3/10 so X|)... Since the editor is new, I'd try to keep it simple but still cool looking. However, if you want to have fun and put in as much stuff as you want that's fine with me. Just as long as it doesn't blind me I'll probably give you a good rating. AND layering is your friend X3...

    - The negative effect when Sora is put in the "sleeping pod" can be removed since it only distracted me... Unless you can stick in an effect that compliments it or extend the effect... or maybe just put in a simple fade in-fade out or a flash for it.

    - I didn't like the sunny effect in the middle of the video (KH2 Intro w/ Sora & Riku)... I personally thought it looked bad. I think just some flashes would have been fine or some other effect that would look better.

    I'm a stupid AMV maker so you don't have to listen to me. I suck at making AMVs, so if anyone wants to flame against my AMV style, it's fine. I won't get offended.
    Post by: Yukai, May 25, 2007 in forum: Production Studio
  16. Yukai
    WMM does have a tendancy to crash.

    For me, most of the time it's because it can't get enough CPU power. It really takes up alot of CPU so try to not have too many programs open. Also, check if your codecs interfere with the program. Once I had a Codec that screwed up WMM alot. Try disabling certian Codecs in the Options menu.

    I'm a Novice at Sony Vegas. It's not too bad, the layout needs time to be getting used to though. Fortunatly, it's very flexable and you can change the layout however you like once you know where everything is. :)
    Post by: Yukai, May 25, 2007 in forum: Production Studio