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  1. Yukai
    Smoke!? Smoke makes my eyes hurt!
    Post by: Yukai, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  2. Yukai
    Tears? Is it tears?
    Post by: Yukai, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  3. Yukai
    I hated that kill because:

    1. I die like less than a paragraph after I apper. SO NOT pwnage.
    2. It was cheap.

    I told everyone how I died in the story and they're all "o_o ...Wow... You died a stupid cheap death like 5 minutes after you finally appper."

    Post by: Yukai, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Archives
  4. Yukai

    orz! NO iPOD! O_O

    X| Aww dang... That must suck...
    Post by: Yukai, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  5. Yukai
    I'm in the forest with Arc, crying and wanting to go home then an axe/hachet comes flying out of nowhere and embeds itself in the left temple of my head. X|

    It was a cheap death. So far, in KHVRII, no one has gotten the cheap death but it's early on in the story so I'm probably gonna expect it come later.

    EDIT: Found the part

    Post by: Yukai, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Archives
  6. Yukai
    Post by: Yukai, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Archives
  7. Yukai
    I was girl number 14 and I got Risk as my male KHVRII Equivalent.

    My male equivalent in KHVRI was zSoraz.

    No girl equivalent in KHVRII... >_>
    Post by: Yukai, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Archives
  8. Yukai
    Yeah... >_> I just can't find any...

    Yes. I'm Filipino. :P

    Ouchies... Lockdown for an entire day... X_x;;; Closest thing I got to come to that is the school being set on fire. :| That I actually enjoyed though since no one was hurt and we got off for the rest of the day.
    Post by: Yukai, May 31, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  9. Yukai
    What's the worst experience you've ever had?


    Personally, I hate LAX Airport. Their system for flight check in is horrible and their lines don't move! Seriously! It can burn to the ground and I wouldn't care at all!

    So, I was coming back from the Philippines, which was right about the time I stopped posting here regularly, and was in LAX ready to go home here in San Diego. My grandmother needed a wheelchair and we needed to check in again to get on the plane to San Diego so I'm told to sit with her in the "Request for Wheelchair" area.

    I'm not fond of my grandmother since she does NOT like sitting still and still thinks I'm only... like 8. I don't blame her for getting my age wrong, I'm a midget (5'11"; it's really short here) asian kid with childish eyes, a crazy high pitched voice and eats sweets faster then you can say "Kazoo". But this is also since she can't remember that I'm 14 and has a short term memory.

    So I'm sitting there and the line to check-in HARDLY moves. Now, I'm an annoying person, so I can stand alot of annoying things. This wasn't one of the annoying things I could stand. My grandmother was asking me where my parents were ever 3 minutes or so. Eventually, she started saying that she'll go look for my parents on the other-side of the building because they can't see us... When in reality they were in the line directly infront of us. It was hard to keep her sitting in that bench.

    Half an hour of that and I started twitching and stuff... Eventually I started going insane. We've been in that airport for and hour or so after clearing customs, I'm sitting there with my grandmother who wants to ditch me and to add to that, it was almost time for our plane to leave. I hated going to the Philippines and wasting 3 weeks of my summer vacation there. I really wanted to go home and all this waiting wasn't helping.

    Our plane leaves and another 2 hours pass by... It's 11 PM and I've had 2 bottles of soda burst on me and my clothes from random people sitting next to me, I wanted to go home so badly, I was going insane just trying to keep my grandmother sitting down without yelling my head off and we missed our plane by 2 hours! Lo and behold! My parents are finally in the front of the line! Hurray... But it takes them forever at the counters (you could totally see why the lines moved at 1/8th of a snail's crawling speed). I'm already fed up with all this and I start breaking down and sobbing in the airport, drawing alot of attention. Trust me, crying is better then me going ballistic on everyone and drawing attention that way.

    After another 15 minutes pass, I'm still sobbing with partially sticky AND wet clothes and my parents FINALLY go and rent a car to drive home.

    Why did they NOT think of that before? Home is just 2 hours away from the airport and I sat there for practically 4+ hours straight listening to my grandmother ask me "Where's your parents" every 3 minutes; not adding the previous 2 hours (about) to clear customs and the 10 hour flight in the airplane.

    And the reason: the plane ticket was already paid for and non-refundable, PLUS our bags were on that plane. We missed that plane because of some uber-slow people at the counters, the tighter security because of 9/11 and the need for a wheelchair for my grandmother.

    In short, I HATE LAX! =_=

    What's your bad experience...?
    Thread by: Yukai, May 31, 2007, 25 replies, in forum: Discussion
  10. Yukai
    It's worthy to read the first KHVR.

    XP Err... Hope you don't mind but I did copy the first KHVR and changed around somethings that I thought weren't correct (coughCaliforniaInternationAirportwaschangedtoLAXAirportcough) [double koffLAXCANGOBURNFORALLICAREkoff]
    Post by: Yukai, May 31, 2007 in forum: Archives
  11. Yukai
    X3 I like this idea... However. I wear pigtails, not pony tails... Other then that. Spot on with the characters. Very nice...

    I can't ever make comics for shizz even though I can draw somewhat.
    Post by: Yukai, May 31, 2007 in forum: Archives
  12. Yukai

    I'm gonna love this.
    Post by: Yukai, May 30, 2007 in forum: Archives
  13. Yukai


    Why did I not notice this before? DX Meby it was because I was watching circus people and drowning myself in a pool since I can't swim...

    [holds up "Pixie-stix is cool!" banner] Wait... This isn't my banner... @_@

    Post by: Yukai, May 28, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Yukai
    So far I've gotten Axel, Larxene, and Vexen. Marluxia I CAN'T HEAR AT ALL! ; ;

    I'm still working on them though since I've always ben curious as to what they were saying myself... NOTE: I totally suck at translating and writing the phrases correctly so bear with me.

    Axels "Koi yo" which roughtly translates to "Come here"
    There is also "Yotto" or at least I think that what it sounds like... Which is like "Whoopsie-daisy" The real translation escapes me. I don't think that's a battle cry anyway...

    At the end of the first battle Axel says "kamben s|-|ite kurei o" which is like "Give me a break"

    "kiyo kushi ta ka" X3 is the equivalent to... "GOT IT MEMORIZED!?"... I forget what it really means.
    "owa ta!" "It ends!"
    "dos|-|itaa dos|-|ita!?" - "What's wrong?" (Taunting + The real translation escapes me again)
    That's all I can make out and/or translate for sure.

    Larxene says "iie nai" which is like "That doesn't work!/Not so fast!". "Warui wa ne" is like "That's too bad". "owari yo!" is "It ends!"
    I think she also says "nigasu ka" which is roughly "Running, huh!?"
    "tanoshii ni na?" roughly is "Fun isn't, it?"
    At the end of the 2nd battle with her I think, at the end she says "nana no!? uso desho!?" which roughly is "What is this!? It's a lie, right!?"

    I think Larxene says "Kurai~!"... WHich roughly translates to "Take this!!"

    I also recognize "He! Ja mono!". The translation escapes me.

    Vexen: "Sora!", "kurai" - "Take this", That's all I can get... I think he also said "Shinu da" which was "Die!"


    Most of the battle cries I can't hear too well... Or romanize at all >.< Plus I only know a few translations... I suck at translating. I just want teh Sora plushie!!! ;3

    Can anyone correct me PLEASE!?

    PS. Gonna edit when I get more XP Or force my translator friend to get the ones I didn't and retranslate the ones I got wrong.
    Post by: Yukai, May 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. Yukai
    DX I phail at reading... Which one are you people talking about!? The one I'm planning to steal his hands from or the one with the Oblivion who taunts me everyday or is it some other guy!? (The whole Oblivion taunt thingy is an RP joke between me and my RP friends)
    Post by: Yukai, May 28, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Yukai
    I said BEFORE he dies I'll cut his hands off and mount them on my wall. I didn't say I'd kill him. I was being very specific about the cutting his hands off but there was nothing about me killing him.

    So, Roxas could be like 93, alive and on his death bed with a horrible illness that will probably kill him in the next few minutes naturally, no murder whatsoever, when I steal his hands and display them on my wall.

    I'm not that demented OR heartless. I'll allow him to live a normal life with both his hands and his life till he dies a natural, illness causing, death where he'll be a corpse that's handless. DX
    Post by: Yukai, May 28, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Yukai
    Omg~! Really? Dang... Mookies must be common... Maybe I should have made the word like... Wookies... Or Zookies... Or maybe Xookies o.o

    [hand j00 a cookie] XD Isn't it so old!?
    Post by: Yukai, May 28, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. Yukai
  19. Yukai

    This dodl is the unfortunate product of my random boredom while looking through my sketch books.

    Cookies to whoever names the characters/things in this piccie, mookies to whoever tells me what the joke(s) is. More cookies if you can name where the joke(s) in this pic originated from. EVEN MORE cookies if you can name what the new and even cornier joke is! Cookie Mookiers to whoever can name everything I just asked ya'll to name.

    Piccie (c) Me... I would appretiate it if you don't kidnap people XP
    Thread by: Yukai, May 28, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. Yukai
    OWIE! I cut my toe while dancing like a delinquent...

    Stupid desk corners!!! [kick] OW!

    Nao I will drawz X3


    (That's basically how all my happy hours go XD)
    Post by: Yukai, May 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone