wut chu want FOOL. idk my bff jill? replyin 2 wolfie
Yeah. Things here are...interesting to say the least. Good good good. No piggies for JOO >: st-st-st-staffin it up! st-st-st-staffin it up! We...
hahahahaha. Well I used to be able to get away with it but I dont think I could now. haha. Sick? SWINE FLU??? QUARINTINE QUARENTINE!! Feel better...
Mlia ?
Kind of regretfully, I agree with Styx. I wish it was some other way for me, but thats how I feel. If it doesnt feel right to you right now, for me at least, it never will. I unforunatley "dating" this guy for two days because he was really sweet and as soon as I said yes to a date it went down hill from there and two days later I went what am I doing I dont like him and I told him that. The fast you tell him no, the faster he can get over it. Thats my opinion.
Dear you, I am here. Kind of but not really :O I would come on more often but you know once you leave ten times you dont really feel liike you...
No, I just havent been on
I missed you in the spam zone.
Indeedly .
I set off the fire alarm. Totally on accident. I was in yearbook and I was like dude I want chai, so I got off a coffee traveling mug and was like oh this should be okay and stuck in the microwave with water for about a minute. ...It was definitely metal and had plastic on the bottom of it. Lots of smoke o: and so i walked out into the room and was like "so guys, its definitely smoking" and my friend was like well oh **** and someone else was like "um what smells like buring plastic" and then the fire alarm went off. My staff could not stop laughing. Everyone else was like what the **** but our whole staff is standing outside laughing our ASSES off because I was stupid enough to do that. My advisor then make me take pictures with the firetruck and had the staff pick me up and pretend to hail me. Also, on the other side of the school, some people where like HOLY **** THE FIRE IS SPREADING but there was no fire so I thought that was funny. Im like half the schools hero.
I managed to get my whole high school evacuated for a good 45 minutes. I got countless looks and a lot of high fives. It was probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.
What the hell is your problem.
Hello my dear children. I am asdifsodifu right now. and tired
Boom Boom Pow?
GUD. Cause thats what I was going for C:
bhahahahahahahahahaha. but did YOU love it? :X
Dear you, That message was just for you 3: feel free to modify <3 4evah, rosah
That logic is sound. What is your offer.
I fail to see why.
Because I am not here very much anymore, I can make money off of when people need to slit their wrists and cry in my corner about how nobody on the internet loves them and that the world is a cruel unfair place. Its purely business.