and holy **** when did they start censoring s lut?
you are such a whore. and you know im selective. according to my ex, he doesnt know if I would be a good **** but if i tried that would be...
Hey you. So guess what. Merry Christmas <3
Merry Christmas dear n_____________n
tic toc tic toc
Haha my ex and I are really good friends :) We broke up because I wasnt okay with him being all over ever girl he saw and I was like no Im done with this. We knew each other for like three weeks before we started dating? Actually no, we really started talking three weeks before we started dating, we knew each other before then. Granted, I still like him, but he comes to me for stuff all the time and calls me and we talk all the time. Honestly, if you didnt know we ever dated, you would just think we have been good friends for ages. It depends on how you both are and how much you can tolerate each other.
I think I speak for all of the internetz when I say this. **** you and who ever created that.
Eyes. Oh sweet baby jesus, eyes can make me fall apart.
facebook is a wonderful thing :x Ill talk to you on there my lovely spartan mastah
DA. You little lisbeth whore ;)
Im already on break. Yesssssssssssssssssssss. Haha. Yeah school is kicking my ass. o_o im so busy all of the time now, I havent drawn literally since my art final last year (which i still love to pieces). Idk if i posted it in this thread, so Im posting it again :x But yes, school is kicking my ass, PHOTOSHOP IS MY NEW BFF THOUGH. Im on yearbook, and I swear to god, it can do amazing things. Its wonderful. Yeah. Rawr.
k beanz. you know i still love you a lot
dear mistah, happy very berry belated birthday. i forgot to log on on your actual bday whooopsiiee
Hey lovelies. Havent been on in a while. Dealing with a lot of stuff right now. Boys are really quite stupid. Anyways, tay dear congrats on your XC team :) Our cheer team is going to state as well....should be interesting. Tomorrow is first debate tournament. wee hee. I havent gotten to draw much...thats a shame
My sister is a funny person. o_____o and holy ****.
:[ sad face haha my sister used to throw shoes at me when she got hers and I would drive with her. "SHUT UP STOP TALKING" *WHACK*
HAHA awwww Misty is a babeh :] Its okay my bday is in July so they are are like when are you getting your license and Im like WELL...
...Yeah lets be done with that shall we? Haha. So how are you? Excited for your BIRTHDAY
fo shizzle home skizzle. bday time bday time!