What's happening with the RP? Could we just post it in name for the time being and continue and bueno you can just edit in the details.
Arch, I think what they mean by Blank points is saying that Xehanort had own Seeds, which people took to mean Briag and Malificent. Perhaps this man is an old friend of Xehanort or perhaps he is an old apprentice from when Xehanort first started his quest. Even thought it mightn't have been mentioned in the Report entries, theres a chance he trained Apprentices before Ventus, Ventus might've just been the only person who considered to have much potential as a body for him but wouldn't be strong enough to fight off Xehanort if he took over.It would make some sense.
I can toast to that. my brain is fried :(
The very second these went online i got a text directly to my phone. People are saying it could be Capeilli due to the file names, others say its Grayson due to resemblance in the characters themselves. Personally i think it could be a new character. Theres also speculation that Malikov is driving the Boat in St. Louis. It says in a diary entry he tries to commit suicide but i along with everyone else hope he didn't go through with it and is driving the boat which the main character is protecting from grims and Longlegs. Also, Arch if you read Resistance the Gathering Storm and looked up the viral sites it really shows Hale in a different light than you'd expect.
Chillin' you know me XD how about you?
Its been almost two hours, WHERES MY RP!!!!!!!! I will cry like a little girl in protest.
thats my name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone else lovin' the pink usernames?
Which interview did he say that mickey was the inner voice??? Can you link me because i can't remember any interview or statement like that.
In Conclusion, when will the RP be done?
Well while i'm incline to think that you've made a good theory Hexin one thing which goes against you is a statement from Nomura saying that the Time flashes were just foreshadowing the eminent events. Also i relation to the Ansem the Wise theory, i would like to refer you all to KHII When he couldn't even take out Dusks and had to have Mickey take care of them on the lane just after Xigbar's room. Theres no doubt this character could've influenced Apprentice Xehanort but i think and hope that this mysterious Figure is a person unknown to the series thus far and will probably come into the franchise a bit in KHIII and after that, when the Xehanort Chronicals is finished he will be revealed along with a whole mess of other awesome characters.
What you say can be true in some cases but i think that its all about the fact that people have different interpretations. The only that would be able to understand something the way you do is someone that has a similar state of mind to you. Its just that simple, it isn't about reading too much into it, they read into it the same as anyone else except they can sometimes see something different. Thats not to say some people don't read to much into things because they do, me included.
You must be doing the game on Critical like me at that rate. The A.I. are actually quiet smart and you need tactics to beat the enemies. Look at the Wiki entry in which a guy defeats him with terra with only lightning surge.
Hey dude, i've been thinking of Reviving the Kingdomologists so if you want to join, you got a spot XD also do you know what Zeitgeist's new name...
You need to be more active, i mean it seems that once we started the RP you've become unactive lol.
Right, one of the slightly menial mysteries of KH which i feel no one has really touched on yet. Had anyone thought at First that The "Kyeblade" was called the "X-blade"? Because since Terranorts memories haven't been elaborated on. When Xemnas Created Organisation XIII all of the members had to make an Anagram of their somebody names with an "X". I think that Xemnas, the Part of Terranort most like terra, had retained only flashes of memories and seeing the Letter for "Kye" constantly in his head would cause an obsession with the letter "X", to the extent that in order to extentuate the mystery he put it in all of the names of the Organisation members names. What do you guys think?
I think what happened was that Aqua defeated him and the X-blade. The X-Blade became unstable and Vanitas and Ven had a battle within Vanitas in order to determine whether the X-blade would exist beside Vanitas or be destroyed beside Ven.
Basically Everyone's in Hueco mundo except for maaybe three people.
*Puts in Potato Sack with a pic of hawaii cellotaped on the inside with a light shining on it and hits over the head with a baseball bat* when you wake up you will think your in hawaii XD