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  1. daxma
    Yamata looked on his arm and with a carefree look and mimicked surprise and said"Hey look i do have a captain i guess i am a Captain...May i just say that the people of the fourth are essential for the Gotei 13...but i'm not with them. I'm the 11th division Captain, Sasuke over there was my former captain and i regret to see i'm so inferior to him at this point in time...but i guess since i can't have him yet i'll have to settle for you Vizard. I'm sorry to disappoint you but i have no intention of releasing my blade in any shape or form, your not nearly strong enough for me to do that" he smiled Sadistically. "I'm afraid all i shall grace you with is my superb physical abilities and my kidou" he said as he put on hand behind his back , leaned over and waved his arm across in front of himself gracefully and quickly enough that a streak of dust followed his hand.

    "Naive as always" Sasuke said as he smirked what what could be a symbol of true merriment.
    Post by: daxma, Nov 4, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. daxma
    Sasuke stood up and in a dramatic gesture, as loud as possible "We are all but Failed Experiments, us being two which are the greatest failures of all" he said as he thought "The main difference between me and you, Virem is that i shall become whole or for a better word ...." he thought as he looked for an Adequate word...All he knew is that Yamata wasn't going to be taken as easily as Virem thought...

    Yamata felt slightly surprised since he was mid-air but he just smiled back "Its funny i would've said the same about you". He put his sword to his shoulder and went to kick the person first to see what he would do.
    Post by: daxma, Nov 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. daxma
    "Feel free to try Virem" he exclaimed to his fellow Vizard."Just be careful Virem because he's more than he looks" He exclaimed. He knew perfectly well that while Yamata would have it quiet rough he'd make it out of it and it might just help push him in the direction necessary

    As Yamata watched the battle he slowly got a drift as to what was happening. As Hatsu went on the offensive he realized there is quiet a real threat of Zanjen-isation. Yamata Jumped up over the fight and was ready to take up Hatsu's slot in the fight.
    Post by: daxma, Oct 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. daxma
    Ok thats cool, we just need alot more people XD
    Post by: daxma, Oct 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. daxma
    "it wasn't defensive just state the obvious, if i got defensive i would must certainly go over the top with it" he added as he watched kyo fight his younger brother. He Also watched Kyo in relation to Yamata because knowing Kyo, he just might take a stab at him.
    Post by: daxma, Oct 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. daxma
    Username: Daxma

    Name: Ryu Hoshigaki

    Gender: Mail

    Age: 24

    Bijuu: Hachibi - Eight Tailed Ushi Oni

    Village: Kirigakure

    Rank: One of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist

    Appearance: Pale blue complection with gills in his cheeks, Woolly hat with the symbol for Kirigakure on the front of it, a black ankle length trench coat, black boots, Black bandages covering his entire body with his blade bandaged onto his back.

    Personality: Quiet philosophical meaning his personality can't be well defined. He can be quiet reserved but then change to more social depending on the circumstance.

    Biography: Ryu was born in Kirigakure. He showed potential as a swordsmen as shown by his exam results in the academy. He was taken on as a student by the owner of the Samehada but was later transfered under the former owner of the Decapacitating Carving Knife. After He had died of old age the blade was passed to him. By this time Ryu had proven himself as a ninja and was a Jounin and had served time as an ANBU for two years. After receiving the blade, he traveled the world finding wierd and exotic places, people, animal and jutsu. He Took his time and took four years to go around the world but in that time he also received messages from the Mizukage about mission he could carry out while he was in a region. Due to his world exploration his affinity with water release has faded and instead of it, he has Wind release due to time he spent in the land of wind where he lived with a Kunoichi he fell in love with. After the Kunoichi died he made a grave which he vists at the same time every year and continued his journey... When he came back, the Mizukage had subdued the eight-tailed beast and wanted people to volunteer to be hosts. Many ninja applied but these were all low ranked ninja who the Mizukage knew couldn't handle a tailed beast and would die straight away. Ryu volunteered and three years on he knows how to control his beast relatively well considering everything. Shortly after this, because of the war, Ryu spent two years in konoha training some black op's.

    Other: N/A

    Jutsu Types: Wind Release and Fire release. Good with Taijutsu, not necessarily Strength wise but speed wise. But he is poor with genjutsu. While he can defend against it he can't use it efficiently.

    Bijuu Personality: The Hachibi has a warm personality and at the same time the Hachibi is cool and calculating when you need him to be.

    Jinchuuriiki Forms: He can use both chakra cloaks but the closer to home that he gets the more wild the Hachibi gets. The Hachibi's personality vanishes if Ryu loses complete control and then the Hachibi go go full size at will. While he is able to do this himself once he loses control this can cause catastrophic destruction.

    Can breathe under water due to the genetics of the Hoshigaki Clan

    Special Abilities: Decapacitating Carving Knife. Can create ink from his mouth, can summon parts from the Hachibi to use at will.

    Super Nova- Whilst not a kekkai genkai its a combination of the strongest wind jutsu and Fire jutsu he possesses in order to create a fire-ball of unimaginable power.

    Hachibi Menacing Ball- While this technique is something which the Hachibi can use as an attack in full transformation, Ryu can do it with his left hand

    NOTE: With all of these techniques he uses his own chakra not the hachibi's.
    Post by: daxma, Oct 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. daxma
    "I believe you are the one who implied joining the fray, not i" he said without a change of expression. "I merely wanted to know what the disturbance was so i blasted through those pillars. If you were to judge the size of the cero you would've understood that it wouldn't have done any damage to serious competitors if they were at the other side" he said as he jumped up over the battle in order to reach where masa was and stood atop a Quartz pillar.

    Yamata was amazed by how much of a gap there was still between him and his former captain. He juggled with this concept for a while and what Sasuke had said to him but he had no time for anything like that at the moment. Three members of Los Lobos were surrounding him with many of his allies scattered. The Members of Los Lobos seemed to just watch Kyo's fight with his brother just as he was. He was analyzing the fight as it came about and it seemed to surprise Hatsu alot...this was intriguing.
    Post by: daxma, Oct 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. daxma
    I think that people should go out dressed as their bestfriend, literally put yourself in you bestfriends shoes.
    Post by: daxma, Oct 29, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. daxma
    I get where your coming from but even taking Jak as an example, that sold alot, regardless of which iteration it was. On top of that it had a quality gaming experience for both hardcore and casual gamers. I would class that as at least worthy of being up there.
    Post by: daxma, Oct 29, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  10. daxma
    Things like this are the reason i don't really go to GameFaq very often. To be blunt it's crap. They aren't organised in any particular way, they aren't being categorized by strengths and weaknesses and they are just being put up against any game they see fit. I mean they have Portal going up against Gears 2. They don't have anything from the Resistance Franchise, their is a strict lack of any quality games outside of best sellers. Its a list of which made the most money and not even a very good one...
    ...This fail can't even be put into words...
    Post by: daxma, Oct 29, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  11. daxma
    ...As sand rained down after him he corrected himself as he balanced himself on Sasuke's hand. He jumped off it and said nothing but looked at him seriously.

    ..."Your just as weak as anyone else Yamata, I'm Dissappointed as you former captain. I want to fight you but as you are i'm surprised they took my word and let you to be a captain..." Sasuke slapped him on the side of the head like he used to do when he got something wrong in train making Yamata quiet irratible. "When you can see me through the eye's a hollow, only then can i see you as my equal" he said as he raised a hand and blasted a Cero through a group of columns to see Kyo fight his brother and captain Sanosuke.
    Post by: daxma, Oct 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. daxma
    I want to be Itachi, root commander XD
    Post by: daxma, Oct 27, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  13. daxma
    OOC: Edited Dude XD

    Yamata Jumped with Sasuke at his back and started to fire kidou as Sasuke had his back "Byakurai!" and from one hand a blast of lightning struck a Panther-like Hollow into the face while he said "Ōkasen" and a wide arc of energy blast hit the bat-like and lion-like hollow away. They flipped at the peak of the jump and Sasuke Beared his blade as Yamata grabbed him by the arm and spun him around to slash a Bear-like Hollow and as they landed Sasuke Stabbed his Zanpukuto through a wolf-like hollows mask to kill it.
    "Just like our first training session in this Forest" he said as all of a sudden the remaining adjuchas jumped to Yamata's side and charged one Cero between them all. It was too quick for him to react...he felt an elbow drive him into the air and broke the kidou he had cast...

    "I think humouring you is out of the question Yamata...You always were naive...I guess i was naive in think that you were getting strong enough to contend" He said as all of a sudden Yamata was sent up into the air with one elbow from Sasuke as Sasuke brought a hand in front of his face and a Mask appeared on his face. With one swift Sonido he had grabbed the Lizard-like Hollows by the face and crush its mask with his bear hand. The Bear-like Hollow dashed at him and charged a Cero in its mouth but Sasuke used Shunpo to stand beside him, grab him by the mask and throw it into the air. It hit the ceiling with a thump. Sasuke threw his Zanpukuto to impale it to the roof.

    Yamata hits the ceiling of the menos forest...

    "Next" Sasuke asked as the Wounded Lion-like and Bat-Like Hollow came at him. The lion went to slash with its giant paw while the bat built speed to slash him with her wings. Sasuke uses Sonido in order kneel on the ceiling and pull out his Zanpukuto and push himself down to slash both in half sinultaneously. The panther-like hollow came in behind him. As the body of the Bear-like fell Sasuke kicked behind him to send the bear-like hollows body straight at the Panther Like hollow. "I'm done having fun with you" he said Sasuke used Shunpo to get under the remains Hollows and a Cero from his chest and vapourised what was left as a giant blast hit the Ceiling of the Menos Forest and sent part of it crashing down with sand raining upon him. He removed his mask as he reached out to allow Yamata to land in the palm of his hand...
    Post by: daxma, Oct 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. daxma
  15. daxma
    Yamata had fallen away from from Naota, Sanosuke and Hatsu...he got up and looked around to see tree's surrounding him...He could feel the reiatsu of some particularly powerful Hollows around him...

    ...Sasuke looked back to feel intense reiatsu coming from behind him in which amongst them he could feel Kyo's and Yamata's.They had fallen into the Menos forest."Turn Futsu Nushi, We're diving into the Menos Forest" he told his Zanpukuto.
    "Please don't tell me your going to help Yamata..." it sighed.
    "Yes" he told him as his hair rippled in the wind.
    "Why" It asked as it turned.
    "Because i won't allow him to die yet and i don't trust Kyo" he told him and he plummeted into the sand and was set from where Yamata was...

    ...From out of the tree's came 10 low level Adjuchas Hollows. Yamata gave a small sigh of relief, he was just glad that they weren't high level hollows otherwise it would make it much harder to defeat them in such a place...but that didn't mean this wasn't already going to be difficult.
    A female bat like Hollow which floated in the air, bone wings flapping to stay afloat the air "Yum...Haven't had a bit of Captain in awhile, huh Leon" she called to a male lion like hollow, who laughed along with every other one of the Adjuchas.
    Yamata closed his eye's modestly and said "His Sister Stood behind him in her apron, To tell them "Supper." At that Word, the Saw, As if it meant to prove it knew what supper meant, Leapt out at the boys hand, or so it seemed to leap - He must have given his hand...". His eye's opened and made no move. He looked perfectly calm but he knew his situation was bad. The only thing he could do is leave them attack and work from there.
    "Lets finish this in one shot" The Female Hollow said as they got in a circle around him and charged Cero's!
    "Sh!t i can cover 180 degree's without using Shikai..." he thought as they fired...

    ..."I've got your back" he said as Futsu Nushi dissappeared from under him and he was back to back with Yamata and as they both swong and reflects the cero's away. "You know what to do" Sasuke told Yamata.

    "Kidou Level 33, gravitation circle" he said as the two of them were bonded by gravity and remain back-to-back through out the fight.
    Post by: daxma, Oct 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. daxma
    He suddenly broke his hand shake with Sanosuke as the beast appeared. He waited the fighting out until he could be needed until the thing actuallly split up. "Time to play kiddies" he said he jumped into the air and performed a single hand seal without an enchantation then said "Hyōga Seiran!" as a burst of frost blasted into the face of one of the monsters. In mid air he draws his Zanputou and brings it straight down on its head to shatter it. It stayed in place...
    "Don't get too carried away Yamata" His Zanputou Warned him.
    "Tsurugi, can you just let me do this without a warning for once" he told it.
    "No because when something goes wrong the least i can say is i told you so" It jested, as he landed just away from Sanosuke.
    Post by: daxma, Oct 23, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. daxma
    Yamata's smile remained on his face as he went over to see Captain Torasai and his group. He went to shake Captain Torasai's hand and he spoke low enough so that Hatsu couldn't hear, suddenly his expression changed to a seirous face "Sanosuke, Keep an eye on him, he almost got himself killed. He's more...aggressive than he was before. Vizards that lose control turn Zanjen and we don't want that now do we? Keep your eye on him before he gets himself killed by lunging at Sasuke or Losing control of his emotions and land himself at the other end of our blades as a zanjen" he said as he could feel a mild shake in the earth....

    "Virem, I don't report to anyone, i did it as a favour to Kyo" he said as from his chect came an almight Cero which carved out and extra part to the canyon and took out what remained of the Hollows. The Zanputou on his back sealed itself again. "Kyo should assume i got the message to his brother without doing him any significant harm and if not then he'll have to come to me and check...Virem order me like you just did a few seconds ago and i won't be as restrained as i am right now" he said. His expression hadn't changed once throughout the entirety of his conversation with Virem. "If Kyo Wants me, tell him to meet me out by the throne of the Late Barragan where all the Vastelorde's Spar" he told him as he took a chain with a white charm on it. He throws it in front of him and his Zanputou Spirit Materialises. This was something he used to train Vice-Captains to attain Bankai. He jumps on his Zanputou's back and he flies off...
    Post by: daxma, Oct 22, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. daxma
  19. daxma
  20. daxma

    I want to know peoples opinions on this topic.
    Thread by: daxma, Oct 21, 2010, 16 replies, in forum: Gaming