WUT J00 GON' D0 AB0ut DiS BiTchezz???
Damn you rosey! Revenge shall be taken!
on the contrary, actually. i've got pictures of it working....just not on PS2. and yes, i am familliar with that DMA code :P sorry, i dont keep codes, i have however memorised some raw UCM codes, i think... 11CFAC7C 0000XXXX uhh, i think thats a sora replacement though... 11CFAC7E 0000XXXX thats definately a donald replacement UCM. just cant remember cloud's UCM digit... ...maybe its something like...8F9? no thats a keyblade... ahah! yes its 08FE...i'm positive... 11CFAC7E 000008FE should be the code you want...in raw. i dont have any coverting stuff anymore...
there is, and in fact if PS2 wasn't so picky, he'd actually act like ally roxas too. dont have the codes though, just sharing useless, ancient information ;)
xD alright. Just Doin' ma job :D *vanishes through dark portal*
i understand that. But you dont seem to understand how coding works. i dont profess to either, but what i'm saying is that there's no way that what you're saying is makes sense. Data isn't eternally active in some dimension somewhere. it is loaded from data from the disc into the virtual memory, processed in a logical order taking into account everything that happens, and when you power off, it vanishes. and if nothing is wrong with the disc, that means the PS2 is loading it incorrectly. all i'm saying is that action replay or any other cheat device had no hand in damaging any data.
Cheat devices cannot and will not change any data stored in the disc. they only effect temporary memory, which goes away every time you turn off the power, and is reloaded straight from the disc, which is obviously Read-only. therefore i can only suggest that your PS2 is pretty old, and there's a problem with the hardware (PS2). I'm not really much of a super-expert though. However, random, not-cheating t-stances arent impossibly rare. i remember this happening before...
Dammit i missed a big one
sounds like you arent even trying to use the slide card or magickeys. are you using them? that happened to me when there was either an error where the PS2 found out i was swapping, or i didnt use the slide tool...
well, that would be riku v.3 with final forms moveset. but i dont think that's the most fun, and he has a random left hand floating keyblade and he doesnt attack right with his other one. final form's moveset. at close range, ground combos will never t-stance, so, whatever riku you're using, never try and ground attack from far away. I do however recommend the DW riku code for coolness though :P it's pretty cool as it goes, but the t-stancing is the same as v.3...
impossible? Even I could make one in a matter of a few minutes. problem is, i'm far, far, far too lazy. It would involve me finding my original PAL copy of KHII, which i believe had something melted on it last i remember. i'll have a quick glance every now and then, though..
ahh, i see. Well, if i could get a PAL dump, i'd try my hand at hacking it, i guess. i THINK i remember how :P Thats how you'd do i though, with no mset, it wont show up. its like the reverse of making a DW sora or a DW riku or something...
would you not just nop out the left hand model and moveset? seems simple enough...
..that would make sense, actually :D
oh, there was one, made by erkz. look for "finish berserk" or something
...wait, riku can double jump and glide?
Havent tried it before? i've tried everything before, and i can tell you that even the slightest difference in how a model was built could screw up the whole thing.only models that are EXACTLY the same but have different textures have even a chance of working....
The mushball codes wont' work on a PS2, since tera doesnt have a dummy model, and xemnas i just weird, i think. i could be wrong though. Xehanort, believe it or not, actually does have a slightly different model to xemnas, so he'll be a mushball, if he even works at all....
that is in fact wrong PS2 is coded hexidecimally, which i guess means 16. so, you would be right untill E009, and then you use letters until you get to 16 or whatever. so it goes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, 10, 11, 12 etc.