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  1. Clawtooth
    If i recall correctly, we're not offering exchanges at the moment, however, we will be offering them in the future, probably after the current hiring process is over, as its taking up a lot of our time at the moment, though don't quote me on that.

    There will also be certain restrictions on which pins you can exchange it for - so it won't exactly be any pin you want.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 5, 2012 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  2. Clawtooth
    How dare you slight the reltionship Korra and I have!!!

    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 3, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Clawtooth
    English Language and Literature major.

    I feel ya Sumi ;__;.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 3, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Clawtooth
    I did too!! But it's so FUN I had to share it.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 3, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Clawtooth
    Using firefox right click on the background. Then click "Inspect element". After all the stuff appears at the bottom, click "3D".


    My face during all of this:
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Apr 3, 2012, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Clawtooth
    This is the biggest crock of **** post I have ever seen on this forum and I pity you.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 2, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Clawtooth


    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 2, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Clawtooth


    I'm glad you guys are all having nostaliga fun ^^.

    I'll just sit here ... with my internet and my lack of adult swim ^^.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 1, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Clawtooth
    My body is ready.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Mar 31, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  10. Clawtooth
    I really enjoyed this anime - and like Cookiie it allowed me to get a fill of mushy stuff in my anime schedule. I liked the blend between the mythological stuff and the character driven stuff, and the plot and humor was fun and interesting.

    I would really have liked to see more of the mythological stuff though, the fight scenes were very well done for what few of them there were, and the powers the characters had were very interesting. I would have especially liked to know what Zange's power was, for example can he really see into the future? What exactly is his deal.

    There was also an unresolved plot thread at the end, that of "Okay so Soushi and Ririchiyo got together ... but she's still engaged to Kagerou. How is that gonna pan out? Will there be interhouse politics etc to determine who will actually get the right to marry her? So, yeah, and since the manga's ongoing apparently I suppose that might become an issue later.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Mar 31, 2012 in forum: Anime and Manga
  11. Clawtooth
    ... did I really just mistype 1 as 2 ...

    somone give me a gun.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Mar 30, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  12. Clawtooth
    I wouldn't mind having a rep requirement of around 500, that seems like a decent number to me. I eman, there are a lot members with rep powers well into the 20s and above, so it shouldn't be too difficult in the process of accruing 1000 posts to get 500 rep. I myself had the rep requirement for premium within my first year and half here iirc, whereas it took me 4 to get the posts and by that time the rep requirement was gone.

    On the subject of de-repping, to be honest if the idea of it being removed altogether is being thrown around, I'm not against that idea. Thank about it this way - all the mig social networking sites have very positive systems of knowing how well somehting is recieved, i.e. Facebook has a like button but no unlike, tumblr has a like function but it has no hate button (although some would argue that's the askbox). It's all about positive reinforcement, that is rewarding positive behavior. In situations like thism negative behavior is moderated in a few ways: by reporting it to a higher power, telling them yourself (although that kinda enters backseat modding territory) or doing nothing. I suppose that getting rid of the de-rep system would remove the "Backseat modding and behavior shaping through negative rep" thing which I know for a fact has been going on recently. I suppose also, it's kind of a nasty thing to do? I want to build a very positive based community, and it just seems like a very mean spirited thing to have when people de-rep? I mean don't get me wrong, there are times where it can be warrented, and even though I don't de-rep often I have done recently, but I think talking to somone about what they have done is more important than demeening them by lowering their rep or whathaveyou. Also, de-rep gives scope for things like in the discussion section being derepped because somone dislikes your opinion on a particular subject, which is most definately not what it should be for, because if you spend a lot of time making an arguement piecing together evidence and crafting your viewpoints, just to have yourelf be derepped for it, you're not exactly gonna go running back to post there again in a hurry are you? And yes if you couldn't tell that HAS happened to me before. I don't know, that's just my view on it.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Mar 30, 2012 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  13. Clawtooth
    Applications in general, and by responded, I mean has reviewed and commented on.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Mar 30, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  14. Clawtooth
    Just to clarify: Section refers to a part of the forum dealing with a particular subject. These are things like "The Spamzone", "The Writers Nook", "The Production Studio" et ect.

    A subsection is a smaller part within a section, for example we decided to segregate "Poetry and Lyrics" and "Original Work" from the main section of fanfiction and other projects in the main hub of the Writers Nook. The things like "Interests" or "Fun and Games" are purely,I suppose categories into which the sections are placed for neatness and ease for members trying to find where to put things.

    When - on the sectional moderator application - if talks about sections, it is therefore talking about the first group I mentioned. i.e. the Spamzone, or Graphic Art etc. I hope that's cleared that up.

    In other news ... It's time for some figures!!!

    I've been keeping a tally on the number of applications, positions applied for etc, and here's a little taster of some analysis from that ^^.

    We have currently recieved in excess of 60 applications!!! Since applications have been open for in the range of 60 hours now, that means we've recieved roughly 2 applications per hour since applications opened. That's pretty amazing if you ask me.

    I'd also like to give a special mention to Ienzo who, on time of writing, has responded to every single application entered thus far!!! Misty and Chevalier are not far behind.

    I just thought I'd share some figures with you considering I'm not actually reviewing any myself, I'm just making tallies and curating this giant spreadsheet I mean, I should probably get my skates on with reviewing them myself haha ^^.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Mar 30, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  15. Clawtooth