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  1. Clawtooth


    My issue with potions is they 1. Take too long and 2. Don't yeild enough house points.

    I can spend 5 minutes dueling somone and get 25 house points for winning, but then spend an hour doing a potion and get 10 :/.

    If either of these things (preferable the latter) was fixed, I would make them more often.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 18, 2012 in forum: Literature
  2. Clawtooth


    I like this though. The films kinda warped what wands really look like in my head? They're a bit too personalised? I like the fact that there's a genericness to the designs, it makes the focus much more on the actual properties of the wood and how they relate to the person's characteristics rather than "omg my want has a skull on it, I'm evil".
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 18, 2012 in forum: Literature
  3. Clawtooth
    I would also like to say, he was Tuxedo Mask in Sailor Moon.

    That is all.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 17, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  4. Clawtooth
    Korra's gonna be a lot shorter than Last Airbender.

    2 Books, first book is 12 episodes, second is 14.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 17, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Clawtooth


    My wand is 10 1/2 inches, Hawthorn, Unicorn, Hard.

    Hawthorn's a very interesting wood, it can be adept at either Healing or Curses, and Unicorn horn is very consistant as a core. So that's cool.

    All this stuff is so interesting, GIVE ME MORE JO!!
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 17, 2012 in forum: Literature
  6. Clawtooth
    MISTY WHY DID YOU TELL EVERYONE ABOUT PRIDE AND PREJUDIoaiefi\ujefiawjefoklfoizksjdfivujdzohkinrytj

    Oh well... I guess I have to do it now.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 17, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  7. Clawtooth
    I will also help.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 16, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  8. Clawtooth
    This thread is looking ...





    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Clawtooth
    Claw looked around confusedly as everyone started to leave.

    "Wait, why is everyone leaving?" He started, feeling lonely all of a sudden

    "We were working as a team and it was really fun and stuff ..." He trailed off, looking towards his shoes.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Clawtooth
    "Well ... that was certainly an experience ...", Claw said ... feeling a little dizzy from the exertion of the day, "We should ... make sure he gets to bed ... he'll probably have to recover, I mean he did have us beating the hell out of him for what seemed weeks ..."

    Claw walked over to where Plums was lying, and checked his pulse.

    "He seems fine, just some of us needs to get him to his room. Shall we talk about this whole weird mess later?"

    Claw cast an enquiring eye around the group, they all seemed tired from the exertion of the day.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Clawtooth
    "PLUMS SNAP OUT OF IT!!!" Claw roared at the advancing figure, "I know it can be hard, wanting people to like you and accept you, but you have to realise we all feel this way. You don't have to try too hard and lose sleep over getting people to like you!! There's always gonna be people who will, no matter who you are!!"

    Claw took a step backward, trying to get though to Plums that it's not all bad and things get better, but frightened that it wasn't working.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Clawtooth
    Drawing another arrow, knocked into his bowsting, Claw drew the string back, aiming at Plums knicked down body.

    "This is our chance, Let's go!!".
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Clawtooth
    There's a big theory going around that the new lands will All have "Noble Gasses" in them. Makes sense with the "Nobles" thing.

    Land of Crypts and Helium
    Land of ___ and Neon
    Land of ___ and Krypton
    Land of ___ and Xenon.

    Because it's a void session, this adds further symbolism - noble gasses don't react with other chemicals, implying a state of void, no action, deadlock.

    Also, I don't think Jane's inverting her Aspect at all, in fact I think her quest is to repopulate her planet with Life, using the water and seedpods and her Life powers to propegate plantlife - in effect becoming an Avatar for her aspect. I suspect that Sylph and Maid are Active/Passise sisters, so maybe somethign to do with being healer of life, bringing life back to a dead planet.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: Literature
  14. Clawtooth


    As of today, Pottermore is now OPEN TO EVERYONE!!!!

    Which means the next books will be becoming able to be explored soon.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: Literature
  15. Clawtooth
    I'm a tool. OKay, found the group and subscribes so I don't lose it again. I must've been tired when I joined :/.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 13, 2012 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  16. Clawtooth
    If she counts as a celebrity ...


    Nicola Benedetti <3. SO talented, and the fact that she;s gorgeous doesn't hurt.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 12, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Clawtooth
    I hope her tit's good too, they're vital characters.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 12, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Clawtooth
    I didn't really notice a change, but you do seem a lot more approachable than I remember.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 12, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Clawtooth
    Though I hasten to add that the polical fairytale was also billed as a children's book, so this is her thrid project which she was secretive about until now.

    If this is a Jane Austen style social commentary with biting wit and true insight into the modern world, I will be very impressed. That's the sort of vibe I'm guessing from it.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 12, 2012 in forum: Literature
  20. Clawtooth
    "We're taking turns?" Claw asked, "I just assumed that it was some sort of literary or gameplay device designed to streamline and ease the flow of the game and action in general, not that we are actually literally taking turns ..."
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home