i thought your computer was fried full of multiple virus's lol if all you have is maleware then i suggest you use what they recommended
reinstall windows the whole process of "finding the best virus protector" isn't gonna work. long story short the companies don't give a dam if your computer has a virus and thus all of the are pretty much written the same way. you have to think of how the virus works. there's like 75887376465783477 kabillion ways a virus can attack your computer (depending on how the author makes it) and if the virus isn't covered in the virus protection program (because it may not be a common virus or its as i said and was made by 1 individual hacker) then guess what, its not going away lulz reinstalling windows is your best option, just save all the files you want/need to a pen drive (or a Ipod)
ahh your lucky you got the wii version of this game all i got is the PS2 port of the sega saturn ;[ the gameplay might remind you of that since this game is made by SEGA's Sonic Team
its not a matter of porting it
they don't work on the PS2 they only work in 1 room at a time (i fixed that but the crashes are like 4 times as bad) they have attacks and can guard and jump.
yes codebreaker 9+ will work on a PS3, they are the only cheat devices that work on the PS3
you must overwrite your save file or it will not work properly. if your worried about your save becoming corrupt there is a code that can be made to fix that problem
dear god im buying this game the day its released silent hill 5 was a joke, this is definately a true next gen horror i played the demo and it was incredibly fun and scary >_> thought on this game?
anyone planning on picking this PS3 RPG up? i dunno if anyone here is into japan based games but im into them more than american/U.K games incase you don't know "Tears to Tiara: Kakan no Daichi" is a PS3 exclusive RPG that (like all other good games) will probably never make it out of japan. its a remake of the 2005 windows game "Tears to Tiara" take a look on youtube for some gameplay its getting released (in japan) on july 17th
all cheat devices and your siggy is way to big
Its because of your M code. On swap magic 3.6 and below require a "9" type M code to cheat at games
Without google and I love you "When we were young out future was so bright The old neighborhood was so alive And every kid on the whole dam street Was gonna make it big and not be beat Now the neighborhood is cracked and torn The kids are grown up but there lives arn't worn How can one little street swallow so many lives Chances blown, nothings free, longing for, years to be. Still its hard, hard to see. Fragile lives, shattered dreams" Use google and you fail in every aspect I can think of
Shut the f*ck she said I'm going f*cking deaf Your always to loud, everythings to loud Now that all my friends left, this place is f*cking dead. I wanna move out when can we move out. This **** has got to stop I'll never ask permission from you, **** off I'm not listening to you I'm not coming home Lulz I haven't listened to this in forever and I still remember it. Chorus is the best part ;]
cheat devices damage the PS2's laser slowly. considering it broke the night you got it your laser was already very weak. realign the laser. some earlier PS2 models had a problem with laser coming unaligned if your PS2 is a slim then your laser probably died since there laser is known to be weaker them the 1st models of PS2's if that doesn't work you need a new laser there's always a price for cheating lulz
nope, there pretty much nothin for RECOM. in a couple of days once i get my PS2 back i'll do some live dumps and make some stuff or it
putting them into KH2 would require heavy surgery to alot of the games files. you would have to mod the OVL.IMG or the KH2.IMG (depending on weither your talking about normal KH2 or final mix) and uncompress a shitload of files. then add hex coordinates and what not which and mod them into the ELF file which is a huge mess Dark riku http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/9720/kh1vd5.jpg they way how riku in KH2 worked is entirely different from KH1 there is no way to fix him or any other characters without very advanced ASM hacks and even with that hack the chances or the game freezing (because your preventing the game from loading some data without the RAM flush) are very high none of us can fix it. you would need to understand alot about the PS2's emotion engine compared to the EE recompiler the emulator uses and find the differences in how the game loads the instructions. not to mention even if we got it to work on the PS2 we would still have the room problem
he has a live debugger
well everyone i have bad news. i had a group of very advanced hackers take a look at this game with me and sadly "cool codes" such as "play as riku, enemies, boss's etc" and many more awesome codes that were possible in KH2 are impossible to make for KH1 because of how the game was programmed. so the room mod might be the last of great codes for this game
protect my balls xD http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/57977.html