Fat PS2's = slide card Slim PS2's = fliptop
KH1 has alot of different versions. im not sure but i believe in most (if not all) versions of the game, the ELF was changed
xemnas is only avalible as a optionable boss in "Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix" a upgraded version of kingdom hearts only avalible in japan
no, you would have to build your own compressor and decompressor
don't be a silly silly ;P its a marluxia trick, it looks like a girl but really is a guy >.>
blow up my town next please? D:
well i finally decided to play the english version because it has the "hard" option which i gotta admit i love but im having trouble and need some tips My Stats: HP: 8291 MP: 183 AP: 199 ATK: 75 VIT: 58 MAG: 68 SPR: 39 LCK: 27 Materia Equipped: HP Up+ (mastered) HP Up+ (lv.1) MBarrier (lv.4) Barrier (lv.3) Vit Up (lv.4) Libra (mastered) i've been stuck on sephiroth's battle (1st) for quite awhile. everytime i get close to do around 30,000 damage to him he does "octoslash" which does about 9,000 damage to my health (around 4,500 with barrier). if i don't use barrier its a instant death for me. i would level up and become stonger but luck hasn't been on my side with the DMW. if i manage to survive the "octoslash" attack he uses "summon" which makes 4 super powered master materia (with around 70,000 HP each) come into battle (they each do around 3,000 damage per attack a peice). and i can't seem to kill them without being kilt first any tips on this battle?
all of there contracts expired tobe mcguire (spiderman) along with the rest of the cast no longer have to make another one (they were forced to make 3 movies because of a contract they made when they started spiderman 1) so no, i don't think its gonna come out ;P
the last person here who stole codes here has been perma banned. keep that in mind and i doubt you even know the name of the hacker and when he hacked them
actally if you do this you need the exact BIOS number as the one your PS2 has. since you do not own a license to all PS2 models (unless of course you own all PS2 models)
there not illegal, but all the mods and admins on this site believe they are. the emulator itself is not illegal. it depends on the BIOS and how you obtain it.(your suppose to dump the BIOS from your legally bought Playstation 2) everything else is perfectly legal
Yes but you would still need a exploit (such as swap magic, cogswap, modchip, etc) to play the copied game
Without doubt the best movie I've seen all year, better than ironman and hulk. Heath ledger was amazing as joker. He performed him exactly how the joker should be. Everyone must see this film!
I'm in the theatre seeing it right now (midnight showing) :] I'm trying to pass a couple of mins because of the previews so I'm making this (I have mobile internet) Any thoughts on this movie? Anyone else seen it?
theres not one
you act as if a DMA cannot be fixed
there still alive, you can visit them in "Final Fantasy VII" btw jettie, don't bump dead threads
well FF was the only reason i bought a PS3 now all i can hope for is cracked firmware to keep me intrested in PS3 ;[ but as much of a FF fanboy i am, this is a great move for square you all are looking at it from the wrong perspective. do you have any idea how much money it cost to produce next gen games? definately more than it just being a PS3 exclusive no for those of you who are thinking "square's greedy just like capcom etc". there not greedy, its called "marketing strategy"
just XIII no word on versus yet but you can bet 9 times out of 10 microsoft will get it ;P
okay bottom line. PS3 has just lost all hope for me sony in my mind basically just gave up. Final Fantasy has always been whats kept me to sony consoles.and was the only reason that kept me away from other consoles. sony lost the number 1 fuc*ing RPG in the world and (in my mind) the only thing that kept RPG'ers to buy there consoles wait to fu*k things up sony well, i see 360 is going to sell higher in japan now