LMFAO I remember when you last said that
And wack you on that head of yours.
I had a heaps fun day,went up to the river with Miele. We both fell off a jet ski and this blow up boat wing thing that you have to hold onto,the pain.
Oh,same ,I really love that song.
Dude your awsome,I love that book and series,Wiraree (sp) isnt a real place or any of the places mentioned.
I dont think this thread is going to get much more populated,but we'll see
D: I cant smile, my braces do not need to be seen,ill post a photo where I smile,you'll see xD Thank you Ms.Scarlet, Your legs are not too skinny for your body lol,looking fiiiine-
Oho! I didnt know you guys lived down here,I live In Adelaide with Miele. I left QLD a day before White water land opened.
Totally didnt know you lived here >> <<
Yeah,im bored. Who's ever been or lives in Australia?
I really like this band, their label is Fueled by Ramen if you guys didnt know. The Lead singer Cassade is really cool, I love her style, Im going to be seeing them support Fall out boy really soon. Who eles here likes Hey Monday?
Well i got some of my molars pulled out,and i couldnt eat for a good week without it not hurting as much.LOTS of blood. Your face may get a bit puffy, its no fun at all D:
For sure, love, ill go with a tea :3,
lk ds ss th ntrwbz ,b ssrss bsns
I really loved Zexion,great work on those
I totally agree..because we all know that he only comes around once a year
Calm down man, she only asked for a coffee, Just because she didnt ask you. :D
Hmm..Pokemon or Sailor moon,it was so long ago i can hardly remember or DBZ. All three of them played on the one morning show. But Pokemon was the first one I got into.
Great photos Mike :3 I took all these after New years, http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u212/soraismaman/IMGP0755.jpg http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u212/soraismaman/IMGP0737.jpg Im on left http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u212/soraismaman/DSCF5575.jpg
You got some really good projects there,you use Sony vegas,am i correct?