Are you going to make us some hot chocolate?
Desi>ImNarutosGirl. Im not going to get another name change. Not for a long time anyway.
Which part?
I am laughing so hard right now im about to cry, that photo.. <3 Well done Kitty.
Not really xD But I do hate holidays though. EDIT: Ohh you mean the one month, start quoting your posts.
Its called..a HOLIDAY. Those are good,but if your like me, glued to the computer. Holidays are pretty bad.But I do love those Theme parks..Movie world <3
I bet it is,humid also?
Oh I know,been 40 degrees yet? It hasnt gone past 33 in Adelaide ,unlike last Summer >.>
I was maybe going to go to Perth,if I go, watch out in the hallways im going to stalk you. Jokes
In Australiaaaa
Im going to go and totally play my new didgeridoo, just because im cool jks.
Ohshi- you win.
You think i havent felt like dying this morning .________. *pokes with stick*
Before we fell off,yeah. I couldnt tell if Miele was either crying or if it was her trying to breath
Fallen off a jet ski and a boat wing tied up to a speed boat before? Yeah Miele and I went there.
You have my vote man, you'd be one of my favourite admins <3 I dont get pop-ups though, but .. Mike for admin!
Aww, I should buy those for my Panda,Miele <3
Good song, dont usually like that sort of song.
I agree with that,I was always told from the priest at my old school that God always existed. He has always been around and that nothing created him. He was just always there. Obviously no one can ever answer whether or not God exists truly unless we die and come back to life, just like Jesus did. Its not going to happen.