There's the spoiler tag. I don't see how the big, bright green letters will forbid anyone to see things they wouldn't want to see. Then again, they shouldn't be in this section in the first place. I would agree with you if it wasn't for the "love triangle" insert. Or the "love" in general. Considering I've been through the same situation Axel has been in when it comes to a group of a trio. Trust me, I don't love anyone. Unless you mean in friendship or sisterly. It will be scarring for me otherwise. The rest is what I pretty much got the vibes from Axel since the trailers, with his relationship with Xion. Just a "friend of a friend", or a classmate: the one who you talk to at school, but never hang out or talk to after school. Of course, he somewhat cares for her, Axel wouldn't dislike or hate anyone that didn't precisely do anything to him. He's not that type of person to hold such a grudge, really. But it was mostly through Roxas, and Roxas's idea, that they formed that group, because he wanted all three to eat ice cream together. Axel, always wanting to ease Roxas and not disappoint him (since come on, who will say no to that little guy, he was adorable in Days), was all, "hmm, whatever". While Roxas acted playful to both of them, Axel only showed it to Roxas, which is a, while not at first glance, big difference. On top of that, he probably was suspicious of her soon, and went to look for information. He found out a bit early. Near the end, but early. And he didn't have such a reaction either. At certain times, he even appears ticked off that Roxas and Xion go off together for so long. Spoiler And then of course, comes the ice cream stick where it says "winner", who pertains to Axel at the end of the game, because anyone who plays it knows he "won" in the end. I wouldn't call it triangle; more competition. When they keep saying "best of friends", I keep saying in my head that they should work on Axel then. Because he's certainly not showing it much. Roxas? Yeah. Xion? :/ I've been in the same spot, and trust me, when some new add-on comes along, it's hard to adjust, especially when it pays more attention to her/him, than to you. It's just normal human instinct of envy, that you want your best friend to pay mind to you after so long of it being just the two of you. Not anyone else. And usually, it's the one whose attention who you are vying for that really is important and matters. In other words, the true friend. Which in this particular case, is Roxas. The third party, while you feel bad if she/he leaves, the affect won't be as strong as when you lose the other. Axel just accepted it, and got used to it. Spoiler And another thing, which could be in another thread topic as an answer, but sort of proves the point: Since Xion is a memory-based replica (a.k.a. Xion = Sora's memories), she's able to reflect certain memories related to Roxas or Sora. Xion's appearance varies on the viewer when they see it. To neutral people, she appears hooded. When it panned to Xigbar's point of view, he was seeing Ven. To Roxas, she appears not hooded, mostly because of the fact that they are friends. Axel saw Xion through Roxas in turn and got the same kind of picture as he did: seeing her face. This also explains why when Xigbar and Xion were fighting, in Axel's perspective alone without Roxas, Xion was hooded. So, figuratively, again, the connection is made through Roxas. If it wasn't for him, I doubt Xion and Axel would be as they are now. Spoiler "She's" not. They refer to her as a female, at least Roxas, I don't know, out of respect, because that's how they knew her as. Saïx calls her a doll. Don't know about the rest. "She's" either male, being a Sora clone, or genderless, since her component is Sora's memories (which is just energy, thus, no gender), and it forms into whatever shape it needs to be depending. The only reason she looked female was because at the time she was created, Kairi was Sora's strongest memory. Hell, if Sora's strongest memory was a hard exam he didn't study for, and the experience was so grueling and horrific that it got etched in his mind forever, then Xion will be that said exam. Yeah, genderless. And contrary to what people think, she didn't spend as many days with Roxas, despite the year. And it wasn't really "love". Someone actually translated Roxas's Diary entries. I don't even need to say it's a spoiler:
Hellkitten asked to post in Organization XIII Revenge for her. Though I think you have. And that she'll post before the 21 of June, as she'll be...
But for 48 days? I mean, I'm sure it isn't that hard to search. And on top of that, both Xemnas and Saïx were aware of what Xion was, why and how, in the first place. So it wasn't like he had to find the ends of the earth. When he was peeking into Vexen's study, he seemed to be doing that for himself and to discover what was hidden from him that Saïx wouldn't spill. Personally, I think Axel needed some alone time after the arseholeness of his actions in Castle Oblivion before he returned. Sort of like a view of what he wants to do, or where all this was going, or what he actually did. Pensive thinking of some regret. Saïx commented that he changed after Castle Oblivion, and even Roxas noted it in his diary. We know that whatever it was changed him to an extent that people he was close to wondered about it.
It's best for you to not click or search for anything regarding an obvious implication that you will get spoiled if you really don't want to. And yes, this means YouTube, and staying out of this section.
I wasn't really directing it at you, though xD. You were sarcastic, which is fine. Playful, sense of humor. I'm talking about the rest who find her creepy as a description. Seriously, they will gauge their eyes out when they play Days. *_*
Noooooooo. I was just kidding! D: I'm still your waifu :'D. And, it's Reno, Axel's ever loving basis of his creation. I need the smexiness....
*narrows eyes suspiciously* You might be her clone, with her memories and personality. How would you prove it?
Honestly, if you think Larxene is creepy, don't get your hands on 358/2 Days. You wouldn't be able to stand the climax. OBJECTION.
You forget that Days is where he is supreme. Where he is majestic. Where he is the ruler. Where he is everything. By KH2, he had the false Kingdom Hearts hax. He was all powerful. Who needs floating when you think yourself a God?
Spoiler Not really. He seemed to be fine after a day of grieving in Day 357, and sets out of the Organization to search for his own answers the next day. Ready to kick some ass. When he fights Riku, his attitude really isn't "OMG Xion" specifically. Just the bigger picture in reality of things after that event: who the hell is Sora, and why is he screwing my life? By that point, he moved on, even before losing his memories. I don't believe anyone is "in love" with anyone in KH. Love as in friendship, brotherhood? Of course. Real love? The best I can think of is strong feelings. On top of that, Xion isn't even a girl, only took the appearance of one because it was Sora's strongest memory: which was Kairi. She's really either male or genderless. I guess now Sora/Roxas fans have a reason to pair their couple up. As well as Riku/Sora. Oh dear.
Besh, Xemnas is to cool to disgrace himself with such low and poor things as walking and running. Oh, no. He floats.
Since the Joke Weapon thread came about, I figured I should post the names of all the gears/weapons each member of the Organization obtain in Mission Mode that I found. Not done by me. I'll start with the name of their default weapon first (the one they always use, and their main one in the story) that will get marked with an "✖". Then their joke weapon. And then the others will follow. But other than that, keep in mind these are translated, and might change when the English version comes out. Personally, I love Larxene's, and this is me not being biased. They are all French (I'll put what they mean in English). I also love Luxord's. Tarot decks of the Major Arcana for the win. Marluxia's are a bunch of flowers. Xaldin's difficult, because it connects to a lot of things that you won't comprehend the names of or where they come from (that's actually for a lot of names here. Like Larxene's "Southern Cross" and Lexeaus's "Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountain", which is from Sun Tzu's Art of War). Xaldin suffers from Chinese and Sanskrit, in this case. Most especially with a Final Fantasy theme. I put them in a spoiler tag, since it's too long. Moving on: Spoiler I. Xemnas ✖ Forbidden - Round Fan (joke weapon) - Merciless - Sanction - Overlord - Venerable - Autocracy - Conquest - Termination - Judgment - Punishment - Aristocrat - Invincible - Aggression - Furious - Despair - Triumph - Ruination - Domination - Annihilation - Tyrant - Magnificent - Infinity - Forbidden - Absolute II. Xigbar ✖ Sharpshooter - Dryer (joke weapon) - Stand Alone - Killer Bee - Stingray - Counterweight - Accuracy - Dual Head - Bahamut - Gullwing - Blue Flame - Star Shell - Sunrise - Primer - Armstrong - Hardboiled - Diablo Eye - Double Tap - Stardust - Muzzle Energy - Crime & Penalty - Cupid Arrow - Final Weapon - Trumpet III. Xaldin * Note: Xaldin is the only member whose weapons are in full Kanji. And I think the ones that might change the most in weapons with the English version depending on what they do, is his. Some might be missing, some not. I only stole them =P. ✖ Ryūgasen [Dragon Fang Flash] - Issō [Clean Sweep] (joke weapon) - Getsuei [Moonbeam] - Shingetsuha [Torn New Moon] - Mumyōkai [Avidyā Sea] - Kagerōu [Heat Haze] - Ashura [Asura] - Nanto Ryūshō [Dipper Dragon General] - Mōshō [Valiant General] - Retsuō [King Lìe] - Yūgumo [Evening Cloud] - Shiden [Violet Lightning] - Senpū [Whirlwind] - Zankū [Slashing Sky] - Gekiten [Attacking Heaven] - Gengetsudan [Lacerated Crescent Moon] - Hoshizukiten [Star Moon Heaven] - Hadōtei [Emperor Of Military Rule] - Shiranui [Sea Fire] - Yashaki [Yaksha Demon] - Hokuto Ryūshō [North Star Dragon Commander] - Tenpashin Ryūō [Heaven Supreme Dragon Ruler?] - Hiryū [Flying Dragon] - Shippuu [Hurricane] IV . Vexen ✖ Freeze Pride - Pot Lid (joke weapon) - Tester Zero - Product One - Refrigerator (O.O) - Cryolite Shield - False Theory - Glacier - Absolute Zero - Günz - Mindel - Snowslide - Iceberg - Researcher - Experiment - Closed Tool - Laboratory - Contrivance - Würm - Sub-Zero - Cold Blood - Diamond Shield - Shield of Aegis - Snowman V . Lexeaus ✖ Torn Heaven - Squeaky Hammer (joke weapon) - Steadfast - Herculean Strength - Copper - Daybreak - Ogre - Alkaid - Heaven Earth Man - Of Utsusemi - Of Nubatama - Great Snowfall - Fluttering Firefly - Vanguard - Camellia - Holly - Iron - Veiled Moon - Prismatic Gold - Wood Heron - Clear Mirror, Still Water - A Thousand and One Nights - Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountain - Rockhead VI . Zexion ✖ Tome of Judgement - Research Snack (joke weapon) - Black Encyclopedia - White Dictionary - Sealed Research - Incomprehensible Formula - Eldritch Treasury - Heretic's Memorandum - Abominable Edition - Concealed Diagrams - Cursed Text - Prohibited Notes - Ying Yang Collection - Haunted Picture Book - Sage's Account - Anonymous Lost Chapter - Discarded Theory - Harbinger Anthology - Repulsive Manuscript - Unspoken Argument - Another World's War Records - Unspeakable Process - Ultimate Argument - Secret Notebook VII . Saïx ✖ Lunatic - Dessert Time (joke weapon) - New Moon - Werewolf - Artemis - Luminary - Selene - Moonrise - Astrologia - Crater - Lunar Phase - Crescent - Gibbous - Berserk - Twilight - Queen of the Night - Balsamic - Orbit - Lightyear - King of the Night - Moonset - Horoscope - Crocea Mors - Bunny Moon (WTF? xDDD) VIII . Axel ✖ Eternal Flame - Pizza Cutter (joke weapon) - Ash - Doldrums - Delayed Action - Dive Bomber - Burning - Moulin Rouge (That movie..? o.o) - Heat Up - Prometheus - Ifrit - Magma Ocean - Volcanics - Blaze - Raging Edge - Crowning - Ferris Wheel - Burning Auto - Omega Trinity - Outbreak - Double Edge - Rabid Spinner - Prominence - Wind Demon Shuriken IX . Demyx ✖ Arpeggio - Prince Custom (joke weapon) (Prince of Tennis reference? It's a racket) - Basic Model - Tune Up - Quartet - Quintet - Overture - Old Hand - Da Capo - Power Chord - Crescendo - Interlude - Serenade - Humming Bird - Road to Major - The Rock Star - Eight Fingers - Concerto - Harmonics - Million Dollars - Fortissimo - Extra Gauge - Sanctuary - After School X . Luxord ✖ Fair Game - Ultimate Illusion 13 (joke weapon) - The Fool - The Magician - The Star - The Moon - Justice - The Hierophant - The World - Temperance - The High Priestess - The Tower - The Hanged Man - Death - The Hermit - Strength - The Lovers - The Chariot - The Sun - The Devil - The Empress - The Emperor - The Joker - Gambler's Charm XI . Marluxia ✖ Graceful Dahlia - Disturbing Ladle (joke weapon) - Treacherous Erica - Deserting Anemone - Proud Amaryllis - Enthusiastic Safflower - Helpless Melissa - Grieving Allium - Suffering Cineraria - Deceptive Silene - Insincere Digitalis - Despairing Muscari - Submitting Vallota - Silent Belladonna - Parting Ipheion - Supreme Gerbera - Valiant Achillea - Classy Peony - Dreadful Liquorice - Reprising Thistle - Tempting Helianthus - Solemn Magnolia - Sacred Lotus - Elegant Lily-of-the-Valley XII . Larxene ✖ Éclair [Lightning] - Libellule [Dragonfly] (joke weapon) - Tranchant [Sharp Edge] - Orage [Thunderstorm] - Tourbillon [Whirl] - Tempête [Tempest] - Calment [Calm] - Météore [Meteor] - Étoile [Star] - Irrégulier [Irregular] - Soleil Couchant [Setting Sun] - Dissonance - Éruption - Indigo - Vague [Wave] - Déluge [Deluge] - Rafale [Squall] - Typhon [Typhoon] - Extirper [Eradicate] - Croix du Sud [Southern Cross] - Lumineuse [Luminous] - Claire de Lune [Moonlight] - Vol de Nuit [Night Flight] - Ampoule [Light Bulb] XIII . Roxas ✖ Kingdom Key - Umbrella (joke weapon) - Missing Ache - Ominous Bright - Abaddon Plasma - Solitude Pain - Innocent Sign - Guilty Crown - Tide from Abyss - Leviathan - True Light Soar - Fate Rebellion - Midnight Roar - Darkness Gazer - Total Eclipse - Silent Dirge - Lunar Eclipse - Darker than Darker - Astral Blast - Heretic Flare - Twilight Blaze - Omega Weapon - Aubird Lord - Two Across - Oathkeeper - Oblivion
No. I need to make this clear, since it's garbled again. Xion's an imperfect clone of Sora created from his leaked memories by Xemnas, as a fail-safe in case Sora proved to be useless to Organization XIII's plans. As Sora's memories are the basis and component of her being, Xion only appears as a female because she resembles Kairi, who was Sora's strongest memory at the time of her birth. Thus, why she looks like her, and takes on other forms as Sora's memories pile up and keep leaking into her. In reality she is either male, due to her being a clone of one, or genderless. It is revealed that the whole research and experimentation for Castle Oblivion that we all heard about was to make Keyblade-wielding Sora replicas. Xion, in other words, was a prototype, and was "No. I" of the Replica Project [dun dun dun, her name]. Xemnas had many chances to sample Sora's memories. However, if you all remember KH1:FM, where you first battle Xemnas [who was not known as such at the time], he passed right through Sora, the same way Marluxia did in Chain of Memories. I think it's self-explainable after this.
I don't think there is a third-in-command. Saïx, throughout the game, pretty much fits the bill of being the authority other than Xemnas. He directs the missions, and gives them to everyone. He checks in once in a while, keeps an eye. Loyal. The fact that he's close to the leader himself, will make him more knowledgeable to his doings, than the rest [there isn't a hint that anybody knew what Xion truly was]. But as said, there is a time when Axel and Saïx were the only members before Demyx would be found. However, when it comes to names, I would assume that Xaldin and Xigbar would know some considering they pick them up. If not, they either don't ask for their name, and bring them to Xemnas for a private ceremony that they do not attend. And then Xemnas presents them all dramatically in Where Nothing Gathers with their changed names. And it's more like Nomura has weird taste.
The joke weapons are not a hack, by the way =P. You really get them in the game. Every Organization member, when you play them in Multiplayer, and Mission Mode, get their own set of gears. Hence, different versions of their weapons that we see in the trailer. Roxas: You can stand under my umbrella. You can stand under my umbrella *hits Heartless*-ella*hits Heartless*-ella*hits Heartless*-eh-eh-eh. Saïx: ....hmm. I have a big banana. Impressive.
Think about it, people. Saïx is Number VII, and Axel is VIII. For a time, whether short or long, they were the only two members that were after the original six. And considering that Saïx is second-in-command, and Xemnas's tool, he will know more things. Like Xion's existence. This includes every member's names as well, perhaps. Lea...there is nothing we can do about it. I'm not fond of it sounding so...well, the fact that people use it mostly as a girl's name. Yet, it's there, it is, and, it's permanent. Nomura has a fetish for naming guys after girls. Marluxia will be Lumaria, no doubt. Which I don't want it to be. The guy is the butt of gay jokes already. Oh man, speaking of that, just wait til' Axel's name gets out to everyone.
Has anyone ever guessed that the reason they mentioned Axel's real name was because he might appaer in KH3, rather than BBS? There is no reason, no reason at all, for Axel or Saix to be in that game. At all. Ventus won't even know who the hell he is, and neither will Aqua, and Terra. He has no role there to give except be some type of fanservice for the lulz. And it will be stupid. He will not be there. Axel didn't look at Roxas, and saw Ven. The only ones who might appear are the apprentices, and that's because they are more connected to Xehanort than anyone else.
Aw, I was hoping you could tell me something about Larxene =P. But, that isn't too bad to me, actually, what Xigbar was doing. He just seemed to be all over the place in that dialogue. He switched his standpoint. All talking to himself, and then suddenly serious. Actually, I would've acted the same way as Roxas, "Hur?". It may seemed like a burden, but a burden doesn't necessarily mean he dislikes the kid either. Demyx...ah, what can we say for dear Demyx? Either way, Xigbar is slowly becoming one of my favorite members on top with Larxene, Roxas, Axel, Marluxia, and Demyx. And as I explained before, I never said he disliked "her" [to me, Xion is genderless due to the fact that she's memories, really, which are simply energy. The only reason she looks like a girl is because of Kairi's memory in Sora]. It's just that it isn't strong to be called the "best of friends" or anything. Despite Axel's own turmoil with his existence, this never really stopped him from acting like he did to Roxas. Which Xion doesn't get from him in turn. Though this also proves he was suspicious since the beginning, so he probably didn't get too attached. I mean, did he even react to Xion's death? Roxas, on the other hand, poor thing. And that's another thing that bugs me, now that you mention it. Axel's disappearance. With Roxas fainting, and that means, Sora being in the pod, and the actions in CO done, 20 days gone for what reason? It was never explained. Maybe he was trying to "find himself" in some kind of guilt about what he had done. I don't know. But it's weird. And interesting. Then again, it could also mean that times between worlds are different. Hmm.
No, we won't see Axel's somebody in BBS. He has absolutely nothing to do with that game. Whatsoever.