Boxman 2.0 - Smosh. ._.
¬_¬ I know that i just didn't want to put it
Disturbed - Liberate
Disturbed - Down With The Sickness.
<< nice to see you care(!)
my chest is burning....i am going to die I think XD
>> I was bored.
<<; considering i haven't been on here in about..2 months maybe? and haven't been online in 2 weeks...yeah pretty sure they thought i was dead. Since I'm always online.
Alot of other people from different places. >>;
[I'm not dead]
<<; Yes i returned XD
...Its saint Patricks day? o.o ...never knew....(actually i was too lazy to look at the calendar)
38,607 ._. I need a life....
Yeah, I'm doing alright I guess.
38,594 ._. God I'm only posting on this when i AM online
38,932 ._. there's like nothing that makes me wanna stay on this site anymore. xD
Yea, I just loved using the bullet drop off of tall buildings on people alot. I also loved the free roam and the absorbing powers 8D although I found it sad I unlocked all the powers on my first playthrough.
The site is a spy... *hugs* ^^;
Its alright really ^^; going out at 6 till like 10:30